Bueno, si revisan youtube encontraran que hay muchos videos de fans que tocan la musica de Saint seiya en sus instrumentos. Algunos muy bien, otros normal, y otros que es mejor no decir nada :P Aca tenemos a esta chica española llamada Rosa Maria Rodriguez que, en mi opinion, realizó la mejor ejecucion "en vivo" del tema de abel. No se que les parece a uds....
Well, if you check youtube you will find that there are many videos from fans who play the music from Saint seiya in their instruments. Some do it very well, others do it normal, and others that is better to say nothing :P Here we have this spanish girl called Rosa Maria Rodriguez who, in my opinion, made the best "live"performance of abel's theme. I don't know what do you think......
Blog: http://www.whiteveilharp.com/
Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/WhiteveilHarp
lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010
Acordes de "El reino de Athena" ("Single ~The Lost Canvas")
Bueno, algunos diran que "The Lost Canvas (El Lienzo Perdido)" no es Saint Seiya. Yo particularmente no soy fanatico pero las ovas me gustaron y el manga esta mas o menos bueno. De todas maneras, la musica es otro tema (o no?).
Aca les dejo los acordes del (primer) opening de las ovas de Saint Seiya "The Lost Canvas" llamado "The Realm of Athena (El reino de Athena)". La guitarra en afinacion estandar.
Well, some pleople will say that "The lost canvas" is not Saint Seiya. Particularly, I'm not fanatic of it but i liked the ovas and the manga is more less good. Anyway, the music is another subject (or not?).
here you have the chords from the (first) opening of the the Saint seiya "The Lost Canvas" Ovas, called "The realm of Athena" . The guitar in Standard tune
Aca les dejo los acordes del (primer) opening de las ovas de Saint Seiya "The Lost Canvas" llamado "The Realm of Athena (El reino de Athena)". La guitarra en afinacion estandar.
Well, some pleople will say that "The lost canvas" is not Saint Seiya. Particularly, I'm not fanatic of it but i liked the ovas and the manga is more less good. Anyway, the music is another subject (or not?).
here you have the chords from the (first) opening of the the Saint seiya "The Lost Canvas" Ovas, called "The realm of Athena" . The guitar in Standard tune
viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010
Partituras (solfeos) para Flauta del tema de Abel y Pegasus Fantasy
Estas "Partituras" las encontre en unos foros de Saint seiya hace un tiempo ya. No se si haya mas de estos. En fin, traen no solo el solfeo de la nota, sino tambien su equivalente en un pentagrama y la posicion en la flauta de la nota :D La notacion es la latina (do, re, mi, etc)
I founded This "Scores" in a saint seiya forums long time ago. I don't know if there are more of this. Anyway, it brings not only the solfa of the note but its counterpart in a staff and the position of the note in the flute :D the notation is latin so this is the reference
do = c re = d mi = e fa = f sol = g la = a si = b
Tema de Abel / Abel's Theme

I founded This "Scores" in a saint seiya forums long time ago. I don't know if there are more of this. Anyway, it brings not only the solfa of the note but its counterpart in a staff and the position of the note in the flute :D the notation is latin so this is the reference
do = c re = d mi = e fa = f sol = g la = a si = b
Tema de Abel / Abel's Theme
Solfeos de Mime y Orfeo
Que es un solfeo? Basicamente es identificar a las notas con su nombre, es decir, identificarlas como do, re, mi, fa, sol, la o si. Es la forma mas sencilla de "partitura" que hay . Es ideal para aquellas personas que no saben leer pentagramas pero que tienen conocimiento de donde van las notas en el instrumento. Es bastante usada por gente que toca la flauta. Yo he usado la notacion Americana (tambien llamada anglosajona) porque es mas practica pero no se asusten, el cambio es bien simple. Los numeros dicen cual nota es mas alta en caso de haber 2 notas con el mismo nombre(d5 seria un "re" mas alto que el d4).
Las equivalencias son estas: do = c re = d mi = e fa = f sol = g la=a si=b
What is a solfeo (solfa)? Basically it's identify the notes by their name, ergo, identify them like c, d, e, f, g, a, or b. Is the easiest form of score. Ideal for those people who don't know how to read sheet music (staff) but have some knowledge of where the notes goes in the instrument. The solfa is quite used by people who plays the flute. The numbers tell us which note is higher in the case of 2 notes with the same name (d5 is a "d" higher than d4)
Las equivalencias son estas: do = c re = d mi = e fa = f sol = g la=a si=b
What is a solfeo (solfa)? Basically it's identify the notes by their name, ergo, identify them like c, d, e, f, g, a, or b. Is the easiest form of score. Ideal for those people who don't know how to read sheet music (staff) but have some knowledge of where the notes goes in the instrument. The solfa is quite used by people who plays the flute. The numbers tell us which note is higher in the case of 2 notes with the same name (d5 is a "d" higher than d4)
martes, 24 de agosto de 2010
Disco "Saint Seiya - Hits" (El primero de la trilogía)
Como con prácticamente todas las series de anime, las canciones de apertura y cierre (conocidas como openings y endings respectivamente) son potenciales fuentes de dinero gracias a las posibles ventas de discos que puedan generar en el futuro. En occidente este fenómeno podría equipararse a los Soundtracks de las películas, conocidas como BSO (Banda sonora original).
As with almost all anime series, the opening and ending songs are potential sources of money due to possible records sales in the future. In Occident this phenomenon could be compared with the movie soundtracks, Known as OST (original soundtracks).
As with almost all anime series, the opening and ending songs are potential sources of money due to possible records sales in the future. In Occident this phenomenon could be compared with the movie soundtracks, Known as OST (original soundtracks).
single "Pegasus Fantasy/Blue Forever"
Covers completos de los OST y Vocales De Saint seiya
Todo fan de la musica de saint seiya seguramente sabra reconocer las tapas de los CDs musicales. Algunos las quieren por el mero hecho de tenerlas, otros para identificar a que disco pertenecen los mp3s que tienen en esa carpeta y Otros ademas las quieren para imprimirlas y ponerlas en los estuches; Los mas fanaticos probablemente las querran mas que nada para coleccionarlas y porque es casi una obligacion tenerlas XD
Every fan of the saint seiya's music surely will recognize the covers of the musical CDs. Some fans want them just for "have it", others to identify from which Cd are the Mp3s in the current folder and anothers want them to print it and put it into the boxes; the sickest fans surely want them for collecting and because is an obligation to have them XD
Every fan of the saint seiya's music surely will recognize the covers of the musical CDs. Some fans want them just for "have it", others to identify from which Cd are the Mp3s in the current folder and anothers want them to print it and put it into the boxes; the sickest fans surely want them for collecting and because is an obligation to have them XD
lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010
Partituras de los OST de Saint seiya "Made in luxemburgo"
En esta ocasion les traigo partituras hechas por Dias de Carvalho Romaniga, Un fan luxemburgues que hizo un tremendo trabajo al hacer arreglos de cada uno de los discos OST ( musica de fondo) de Saint seiya. En realidad no estan todos los temas de cada OST ya que es una seleccion de entre 4 o 5 temas por OST. Como bonus tambien estan las partituras de los primeros 2 openings y endings de la serie. Las partituras son del tipo orquestal (para varios instrumentos) pero facilmente pueden tocarse en instrumentos individuales, incluso en el piano ya que en las partituras estan los acordes.
Un gran trabajo, ideal para tocar saint seiya con los amigos :D
In this occasion i bring to you Sheet music made by Dias de Carvalho Romaniga, a fan from luxemburg who made a tremendous job making arrangements of each OST disc (background music) from Saint Seiya. In fact not all the songs from the OST are there because it is a selection between 4 or 5 songs per OST. As a bonus there are also the sheet music of the 2 first openings and endings of the series. The sheets are "orchestral type" (for various instruments) but easily can be played in individual instruments, even in the piano because the chords are into the sheets.
A great job, ideal for playing Saint Seiya with friends :D
Sitio oficial/Official site
Un gran trabajo, ideal para tocar saint seiya con los amigos :D
In this occasion i bring to you Sheet music made by Dias de Carvalho Romaniga, a fan from luxemburg who made a tremendous job making arrangements of each OST disc (background music) from Saint Seiya. In fact not all the songs from the OST are there because it is a selection between 4 or 5 songs per OST. As a bonus there are also the sheet music of the 2 first openings and endings of the series. The sheets are "orchestral type" (for various instruments) but easily can be played in individual instruments, even in the piano because the chords are into the sheets.
A great job, ideal for playing Saint Seiya with friends :D
Sitio oficial/Official site
Ya hay canal de "sigue brillando cosmos" en Youtube!
En este canal voy a ir subiendo toda la discografia oficial y no oficial de Saint seiya asi como tambien videos y musica relacionada con la tematica del blog (y no son pocas cosas eh...). Tambien recuerden que practicamente todo lo que suba al canal de youtube se podra descargar desde este blog :D
In this channel i will upload the official and unofficial discography of Saint seiya. Also videos and music related to the subject of this blog (plenty of things in fact). Remember that everything uploaded in the youtube's channel will be avaiable for downloading in this blog :D
In this channel i will upload the official and unofficial discography of Saint seiya. Also videos and music related to the subject of this blog (plenty of things in fact). Remember that everything uploaded in the youtube's channel will be avaiable for downloading in this blog :D
domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010
Midis y Partituras de Saint Seiya de Sigue brillando Cosmos 
Aca les dejo Las mismas partituras anteriores pero en formato PDF :D Tambien les dejo los midis de dichas partituras. Los midis no solo les serviran para tener idea de como tienen que tocar la partitura (en caso de no tener mucha tecnica con eso de los tiempos), sino que tambien les servira a aquellos que no sepan leer pero de todas maneras las quieran tocar en el piano. Mas adelante les explicare bien ;)
Here i give you the same previous sheet music but in PDF format :D i give you also the midis from these sheet music. The midis will be useful not only for knowing how to play the sheet music (if you don't have much technique in the tempo issue), but will also be useful for those who don't know how to read sheet music but still want to play it in the piano. I will explain better later ;)
Here i give you the same previous sheet music but in PDF format :D i give you also the midis from these sheet music. The midis will be useful not only for knowing how to play the sheet music (if you don't have much technique in the tempo issue), but will also be useful for those who don't know how to read sheet music but still want to play it in the piano. I will explain better later ;)
viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010
Inauguramos este blog de saint seiya con partituras de Cogedor Barato (o sea yo :P)
Aca les dejo las partituras para piano que hice de Saint seiya hace ya unos años. Son Basicamente para principiantes dada su simplicidad. Las personas mas o menos entendidas notaran que tienen varios errores/omisiones en ellas. Algunos son a proposito (como no usar alteraciones naturales) y otras son de puro boludo (vean la partitura de elysian y comprenderan). Hace poco decidi hacer unas correcciones en algunas de ellas pero todavia no estan listas. En unas semanas mas cuelgo las partituras "corregidas" (version 1.1 :P).
En su momento fueron hechas por encargo pero hoy dia no tengo tiempo para hacer partituras por encargo (no tengo tiempo = no me da la gana), pero quien sabe en el futuro... (quien sabe = nunca :P)
Quizas Algunos de ustedes ya tengan estas partituras pero no se desanimen, se viene la segunda con otras canciones de saint seiya (incluyendo The lost Canvas :O )
Here you have the sheet music/score for piano that i made ,years ago, from Saint seiya. Basically, It's for
begginers because of its simplicity. The people more skillful will notice that there are a few mistakes/omissions in the sheets. Some of them are purposely (like the non use of the natural alterations) and others are just pure dumb (see the elysian sheet and you'll understand). Recently i decided to make some corrections in some of the sheets but they're not ready yet. In a few weeks i will publish the corrected sheets (version 1.1 :P).
In their time, they were made by request but today i don't have time to do sheet music/scores by request (i don't have time = i don't want to ), but who knows in the future... (who knows in the future = never :P).
Maybe Some of you already have those sheet music but don't be disappointed, the second wave is coming with other saint seiya' songs (including The lost Canvas :O)
Las Partituras estan en formato jpg /Sheet music is in jpg format
Abel's Theme (Decision of destiny)

En su momento fueron hechas por encargo pero hoy dia no tengo tiempo para hacer partituras por encargo (no tengo tiempo = no me da la gana), pero quien sabe en el futuro... (quien sabe = nunca :P)
Quizas Algunos de ustedes ya tengan estas partituras pero no se desanimen, se viene la segunda con otras canciones de saint seiya (incluyendo The lost Canvas :O )
Here you have the sheet music/score for piano that i made ,years ago, from Saint seiya. Basically, It's for
begginers because of its simplicity. The people more skillful will notice that there are a few mistakes/omissions in the sheets. Some of them are purposely (like the non use of the natural alterations) and others are just pure dumb (see the elysian sheet and you'll understand). Recently i decided to make some corrections in some of the sheets but they're not ready yet. In a few weeks i will publish the corrected sheets (version 1.1 :P).
In their time, they were made by request but today i don't have time to do sheet music/scores by request (i don't have time = i don't want to ), but who knows in the future... (who knows in the future = never :P).
Maybe Some of you already have those sheet music but don't be disappointed, the second wave is coming with other saint seiya' songs (including The lost Canvas :O)
Abel's Theme (Decision of destiny)
Nace el primer y unico blog musical de saint seiya...
Bienvenidos a "Sigue brillando cosmos"!! Un blog dedicado íntegramente a la música y, principalmente, a las partituras de Saint seiya. Nació fruto de mi pasión por dicha música y mis ganas por compartirla con los demás. Bastante seguido recibo emails pidiéndome determinada partitura de saint seiya o preguntándome donde la pueden conseguir. Siempre trato de ayudar a los que me consultan pero a veces puede llegar a ser frustrante responder siempre la misma pregunta. De modo que cree este blog para tener menos trabajo y solo tener que pegar un link en los emails :P El blog puede llegar a tener épocas de sequia pero espero que les sea útil a todos y cada uno de los que entren aquí. He tratado de hacer un blog bilingüe (con una pequeña ayuda del traductor de Google) aunque mi ingles es bastante penoso. Sepan disculpar :D
Welcome to "Sigue brillando cosmos"!! (shine on cosmos) A blog devoted entirely to the music and, mainly, to the scores of saint seiya. It was born from mi passion for that music and my desire for sharing it with everyone else. i often receive emails asking me for a particular score from saint seiya and where can they get it. I always try to help those who consult me but sometimes it can be very frustrating to respond always the same question. So I created this blog to have less work and just having to paste a link in the emails :P The blog can have periods without posts and news but i hope it will be helpfull for everyone who enters here. I've tried to make a bilingual blog (with a little help from google translator) although my english is very pitiful. Forgive me :D
Hablando un poco del material del blog, Cuando digo "partituras" me Refiero a toda forma de representar la música para poder ser tocada en un instrumento musical. Las mas populares son los Pentagramas (partituras de hecho :D , sheet music, scores, partitias ), Acordes (cifrados, pisadas, chords), tabs (tablaturas, tabulados, punteos, tablatures) y solfeo (notas, notes, solfa). En un futuro posiblemente agregue videos-tutoriales pero estas serán básicamente las partituras que encontraran en este blog. No solo publicare trabajos hechos por mí sino que tratare de recopilar todo lo que haya de saint seiya en la red. Sera un trabajo arduo pero parece que si no lo hago yo, nadie lo va a hacer :D
Speaking about the blog's material, when i say "scores", i mean every form of representing the music for being played in a musical instrument. The most populars are Scores (sheet music indeed :D, staff, partituras, partitias), Chords (Acordes, cifrados, pisadas), Tabs (tablatures, tablaturas, tabulados, punteos) and solfa(solfeo, notes, notas). maybe In the future i will some add video tutorials but those 4 are the "Scores" you will find in this blog. i will publish my works and, also, other fan works around the net. It will be hard work but looks like nobody wants do it, except me :D
Some types of score will be more usefull for some instruments. In theory, any kind of score will work if you want to play Saint seiya in your favorite musical instrument. For that you must have the knowledge of how to read each type of score. If it's complicated to you, soon i will upload equivalences between each score so, if you just know to read 1 type of score, you will be able to read all the others just based in that one.
En cuanto a la música, también tratare de poner a disposición de los lectores toda la música para que puedan disfrutarla tanto como yo. Veremos que tal nos va y cuantas páginas me roban los links XD
En fin, si todo va bien no solo habrá descargas sino también informes, noticias, y guías relacionadas con la parte musical de esta gran serie anime llamada Saint seiya y conocida en occidente como Los caballeros del zodiaco (chevaliers du zodiaque, cavalieri dello zodiaco, cavaleiros do zodiaco, 聖闘士星矢, Knights of Zodiac, etc.)
Cogedor Barato
About the music, i will try to make available all saint seiya's music to you so you can enjoy it as much as i. We'll see how it goes and how many pages steals the links XD
Well, if everything goes fine there will be also downloads, news, reports and related guides with the musical part of this great anime series called saint seiya and known in the occident under "knights of zodiac" (chevaliers du zodiaque, cavalieri dello zodiaco, cavaleiros do zodiaco, 聖闘士星矢, caballeros del zodiaco, etc.)
Cogedor Barato (cheap fucker )
Si, el video no tiene nada que ver con el blog. Pasa que me gusta esa pelicula ^_^
Yes, the video has nothing to do with the blog. IT's just that I like that movie ^_^
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