En internet hay muchos videos de fans tocando las canciones de sus animes favoritos. De entre todos esos videos, solo unos cuantos pueden recomendarse y esperar no recibir un insulto a cambio :P Este es el caso de este fan Argentino que toca bastante bien. Le saca provecho a su teclado agregando efectos y cambiando instrumentos. Por desgracia no hay partituras de las piezas menos conocidas asi que lo unico que queda es disfrutar de los videos ;)
There're plenty of videos from fans playing their favorites anime songs. Among all those videos, there are a few that one can recomend and be sure that no one will insult you :P This is the case of this Argentinian fan who plays pretty well. He takes advantage of the keyboard adding sound efectts and changing instruments. Unfortunately there're no sheet music of the less known pieces so the only thing that we can do is enjoy the videos ;)
En su canal encontraran mas videos de el tocando temas de otros animes, videojuegos, etc. / In his channel you'll find more videos from this fan playing songs/themes from other animes, videogames, etc.
lunes, 25 de abril de 2011
viernes, 22 de abril de 2011
Orfeo en la "play" 2
Mi primer acercamiento con el videojuego para playstation 2 de los caballeros del zodiaco llamado "Saint Seiya: The Hades" se dio primero con el soundtrack. Escuchar un soundtrack sin haber jugado el videojuego da una cierta objetividad sobre si gusta o no cierta musica "a la primera". En si la musica no me desagrado, pero hubo 2 temas que me gustaron desde la primera vez que los escuche: El opening y la pieza dedicada a Orfeo. Esta ultima es una bella, aunque triste, melodia que va muy acorde con el Orfeo de la saga de Hades y me inspiro a sacar la partitura :D
Tengo que aclarar que el nombre que aparece en la partitura (Adagio de Orfeo) me lo invente yo como para identificar mejor a la melodia en vez de llamarla "Orfeo's Theme" que suena bastante repetitivo ya :P (Lei por ahi que tambien le dicen "El Arpa Melancólica de Orfeo" o incluso "El requiem de Orfeo"). Asi que nada de andar diciendo que soy un mentiroso, que ese no es el verdadero nombre y demas. Advertidos quedaron.
Respecto a la partitura, esta pieza es sencilla aunque algo corta. Le baje 1 semitono a la partitura para una mas facil lectura (sino habria estado llena de sostenidos). El tab y el solfeo se hicieron en base a la partitura.
My first approach with the videogame for playstation 2 from the "knights of zodiac" called "Saint Seiya: The Hades" was first with the soundtrack. To hear a soundtrack without playing the videogame gives a certain objetivity about if it likes or not at the first try. The music itself was allright but there's 2 themes that i liked from the first time i heard: The opening and the piece dedicated to Orpheus (Orphee). That piece is a beautiful and sad melody which goes well with the Orpheus' background from the Hades Chapter and inspired me to make the Sheet music :D
I must clarify that the name in the sheet (Adagio de Orfeo = Orpheus' Adagio) was invented by me to identify much better this piece instead of calling it "Orpheus' theme", which sounds very repetitive at this point :P (some fans call it "Orpheus' Melancholy Harp" or "Orpheus' requiem"). So don't go saying that "i'm a liar" or "that's not the real name" or else. You were warned.
About the Score, this piece is simple but a little short. I made it with a half step down of tuning for an easier reading (if not, it'll be full of sharps). The tab and the solfa (notation) were based on the sheet music.
Tengo que aclarar que el nombre que aparece en la partitura (Adagio de Orfeo) me lo invente yo como para identificar mejor a la melodia en vez de llamarla "Orfeo's Theme" que suena bastante repetitivo ya :P (Lei por ahi que tambien le dicen "El Arpa Melancólica de Orfeo" o incluso "El requiem de Orfeo"). Asi que nada de andar diciendo que soy un mentiroso, que ese no es el verdadero nombre y demas. Advertidos quedaron.
Respecto a la partitura, esta pieza es sencilla aunque algo corta. Le baje 1 semitono a la partitura para una mas facil lectura (sino habria estado llena de sostenidos). El tab y el solfeo se hicieron en base a la partitura.
My first approach with the videogame for playstation 2 from the "knights of zodiac" called "Saint Seiya: The Hades" was first with the soundtrack. To hear a soundtrack without playing the videogame gives a certain objetivity about if it likes or not at the first try. The music itself was allright but there's 2 themes that i liked from the first time i heard: The opening and the piece dedicated to Orpheus (Orphee). That piece is a beautiful and sad melody which goes well with the Orpheus' background from the Hades Chapter and inspired me to make the Sheet music :D
I must clarify that the name in the sheet (Adagio de Orfeo = Orpheus' Adagio) was invented by me to identify much better this piece instead of calling it "Orpheus' theme", which sounds very repetitive at this point :P (some fans call it "Orpheus' Melancholy Harp" or "Orpheus' requiem"). So don't go saying that "i'm a liar" or "that's not the real name" or else. You were warned.
About the Score, this piece is simple but a little short. I made it with a half step down of tuning for an easier reading (if not, it'll be full of sharps). The tab and the solfa (notation) were based on the sheet music.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
sábado, 16 de abril de 2011
Tabs de "Blu Drim" (Ok, "Blue Dream"
Nuevamente un tab version "TV Size". De hecho creo que todos los tabs seran version "TV Size" ya que las segundas partes de las canciones resultan identicas a las primeras (salvo contadas excepciones). Blue Dream esta en un "tono facil" asi que no hubo necesidad de transponer ningun tab. Ademas, no lo quise hacer tan complicado, de modo que prescindi de unos cuantos efectos en varias notas pero igual quedo bien. Lo que deben tener en cuenta es que esta cancion es "soft" asi que los vibratos le quedan muy bien. No teman usarlos ;)
Again here with a "TV Size" version. In fact, i think that all the tabs will be "TV Size" because the 2nd parts of the songs are indentical to the first parts (with a few exceptions). Blue Dream is in an easy pitch so there was no need to transpose any tab. Also, i didn't want to do it too complicated so some efects in a few notes were removed but it looks good anyway. keep in mind that this song is "soft" so the vibratos fit very well. Don't be afraid to use them ;)
Again here with a "TV Size" version. In fact, i think that all the tabs will be "TV Size" because the 2nd parts of the songs are indentical to the first parts (with a few exceptions). Blue Dream is in an easy pitch so there was no need to transpose any tab. Also, i didn't want to do it too complicated so some efects in a few notes were removed but it looks good anyway. keep in mind that this song is "soft" so the vibratos fit very well. Don't be afraid to use them ;)
martes, 12 de abril de 2011
Disco OST 2 (El CD de Eris que no fue...)
Habian pasado ya 9 meses desde el estreno de la serie y la popularidad de Saint Seiya se mantenia alta, asi como el rating y las ventas de juguetes ($ponsor$). A los discos anteriores les habia ido bien y cabe aclarar que el primer disco con musica de fondo, es decir el OST 1, ya se habia amortizado mas que suficiente XD Todas estas eran buenas señales para la salida de un nuevo disco con musica de fondo de la serie, asi que podriamos decir que la salida del OST 2 era algo inminente. Ademas hubo otro hecho que precipito la salida de este disco (y que lo afectaria en varios aspectos): El estreno de la pelicula de Eris.
9 months had passed since the series premiere and the Saint Seiya's popularity kept high, as well as the rating and the toy sales ($ponsor$). The previous albums made good sales and it's worth mentioning that the first album, i.e. the OST 1, had amortized more than enough XD All these were good signals for the release of a new album with backgrond music from the series so we could say that the release of the OST 2 was inminent. There was also another fact that precipitated the release of this album ( and it would affect the album in a few aspects): The premiere of the Eris' movie.
9 months had passed since the series premiere and the Saint Seiya's popularity kept high, as well as the rating and the toy sales ($ponsor$). The previous albums made good sales and it's worth mentioning that the first album, i.e. the OST 1, had amortized more than enough XD All these were good signals for the release of a new album with backgrond music from the series so we could say that the release of the OST 2 was inminent. There was also another fact that precipitated the release of this album ( and it would affect the album in a few aspects): The premiere of the Eris' movie.
Portada latina del DVD Orfeo con armadura y con Vestido :P
de la Ova de Eris
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