Este tab termino siendo muy dificil de hacer porque, en la cancion, Yumi Matsuzawa hace muchos efectos con su voz que es muy dificil de copiar en la guitarra (al menos, si se quiere un tab fiel). He dejado de lado varios de esos efectos para que el tab no sea exageradamente dificil (si, es mucho mas dificil XD). Incluso las notas de la melodia sin efectos me fueron dificiles de identificar por esa manipulacion sonora que logra Yumi Matsuzawa. Esta es la version que suena en el opening de las Ovas de Hades. Recordar que en el single en donde viene editada esta cancion y "kimi to onaji aozora", no hay ningun Tv Size de Chikyuugi asi que si consiguen un MP3, solo sera un extracto de las Ovas. Y en caso de que lo hayan pensado: No, este tab no es el de la version hecha por Shu Xin (pero algo me dice que tendremos noticias de dicho tab ;).
This tab became a very difficult work because, in the song, Yumi Matsuzawa do a lot of vocal effects which are very hard to transfer in the guitar (At least, if you want a faithful tab). I didn't include some of that effects so the tab won't be too difficult (yes, it's harder XD). Even the notes from the melody itself were difficult to identify because of the sound manipulation that Yumi Matsuzawa do. This version is from the Hades ovas opening. Remember that the single where this song and "kimi to onaji aozora" are edited didn't have a Chikyuugi Tv Size Track so, if you get a mp3, it'll be just an Ova extract. In case you've thought: No, this tab is not from the version made by Shu Xin (But something tells me that we'll have news of such tab ;).
miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011
viernes, 20 de mayo de 2011
KIZUNA, otra partitura mas de The Lost Canvas
Finalmente, y a pedido del publico, llega otra partitura de Saint Seiya: el lienzo perdido (o "Los Guerreros del Zodiaco", nombre dado en latinoamerica). En realidad la partitura que mas piden de El lienzo perdido/The lost canvas es "hana no kusari" (cadena de flores) pero bueno, confio en que en algun momento se me va a pasar la pereza y la voy a terminar :$ Respecto a este BGM, Seguramente el nombre (KIZUNA) no les dice nada. A mi tampoco me diria nada si no fuera porque me lo se de memoria :P La escena mas memorable en donde se usa este track es en la escena de la muerte de Asmita, el caballero de Virgo. Al principio me parecio un error usar este track ya que me imaginaba una escena triste, pero luego de ver el capitulo 1 par de veces mas se me hizo un BGM acertado porque resalta la valentia y el sentido del deber de dicho caballero :)
No es una partitura muy complicada ya que el acompañamiento es basicamente tocar los acordes. Tener en cuenta que en el compas 16 el ultimo acorde adiciona una nota mas asi que atentos ;)
Finally, , Another Sheet music from Saint seiya: The Lost Canvas is out (or "The Warriors of Zodiac" as it is called in latinamerica). In fact, the most asked sheet music from The Lost canvas is "Hana no Kusari"(Chain of flowers). Well, i hope that my laziness will vanish soon so i can finish it once and for all :$ About this BGM, probably its name (KIZUNA) doesn't mean anything to you. IT wouldn't mean anything to me neither if it wasn't because i know it by heart :P The most memorable scene where this track is played, is in the Asmita's death scene. At the beggining i thought it was a mistake to use this track because i imagined a sad scene, but after seeing the chapter a couple of times it becomes a right track as it highlight the bravery and the sense of duty from this saint :)
Isn't a complex sheet music because the right hand notes are just chords basically. Remember that in the stave 16 the last chord adds 1 more note so keep it in mind ;)
No es una partitura muy complicada ya que el acompañamiento es basicamente tocar los acordes. Tener en cuenta que en el compas 16 el ultimo acorde adiciona una nota mas asi que atentos ;)
Finally, , Another Sheet music from Saint seiya: The Lost Canvas is out (or "The Warriors of Zodiac" as it is called in latinamerica). In fact, the most asked sheet music from The Lost canvas is "Hana no Kusari"(Chain of flowers). Well, i hope that my laziness will vanish soon so i can finish it once and for all :$ About this BGM, probably its name (KIZUNA) doesn't mean anything to you. IT wouldn't mean anything to me neither if it wasn't because i know it by heart :P The most memorable scene where this track is played, is in the Asmita's death scene. At the beggining i thought it was a mistake to use this track because i imagined a sad scene, but after seeing the chapter a couple of times it becomes a right track as it highlight the bravery and the sense of duty from this saint :)
Isn't a complex sheet music because the right hand notes are just chords basically. Remember that in the stave 16 the last chord adds 1 more note so keep it in mind ;)
Partituras/Sheet Music,
martes, 17 de mayo de 2011
Nuevo CD de Saint Seiya: El lienzo perdido
Gracias al foro Athena no Seinto nos enteramos de que va a salir un nuevo CD de El lienzo perdido/Lost Canvas!! Se estaba haciendo esperar un poco no? :P La noticia salio junto con el Gaiden de Albafica de Piscis. El Cd se llamaria "Character song" (canciones de personajes) y saldria a principios de Agosto del 2011. Se espera que sea un disco vocal con canciones de rock/pop dedicadas a ciertos personajes.
Thanks to the Athena no Seinto forum, we find out that a new CD from The Lost Canvas will be released!! It was taking its time, isn't it? :P the news come out with the Pisces Albafica's gaiden. The album would be called "Character Song" and will be released early August 2011. It's been expected that it will be a vocal album with Rock/pop songs dedicated to certain characters.
Thanks to the Athena no Seinto forum, we find out that a new CD from The Lost Canvas will be released!! It was taking its time, isn't it? :P the news come out with the Pisces Albafica's gaiden. The album would be called "Character Song" and will be released early August 2011. It's been expected that it will be a vocal album with Rock/pop songs dedicated to certain characters.
domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011
Acordes de Kimi to onaji aozora
Esta cancion fue usada como ending de Saint Seiya en la saga de Hades Santuario. No gozo de mucha aceptacion en comparacion con Chikyuugi. Me atreveria a decir que, de entre todos los endings de Saint Seiya, este es el mas olvidado. No es que sea mala cancion, es solo que suena como la tipica cancion pop con una melodia mas o menos alegre sin nada que la destaque del resto. A mi no me llamaba mucho la atencion este tema hasta que me dedique a encontrarle los acordes y notas. Desde entonces le tome un cariño especial y espero que a ustedes les pase lo mismo XD como sea, es una de las canciones siempre presente en las presentaciones de Yumi Matsuzawa.
This song was used as a Saint Seiya ending in the Hades ovas, Sanctuary chapter . It didn't enjoy of a lot of acceptance compared with Chikyuugi. I'll dare to say that, among all the Saint Seiya endings, this is the most forgotten one. It's not a bad song, it's just that it sounds like the typical pop song with an "ok" melody and nothing that distinguish it from the rest. This theme didn't caught my attention until i dedicated to find the notes and chords. Since then, i've become quite attached to it and i hope you people do it too XD Anyway, it's an "always present" song in the Yumi Matsuzawa's presentations.
This song was used as a Saint Seiya ending in the Hades ovas, Sanctuary chapter . It didn't enjoy of a lot of acceptance compared with Chikyuugi. I'll dare to say that, among all the Saint Seiya endings, this is the most forgotten one. It's not a bad song, it's just that it sounds like the typical pop song with an "ok" melody and nothing that distinguish it from the rest. This theme didn't caught my attention until i dedicated to find the notes and chords. Since then, i've become quite attached to it and i hope you people do it too XD Anyway, it's an "always present" song in the Yumi Matsuzawa's presentations.
lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011
Acordes de Chikyuugi (por el mundo estara....)
Siguen llegando los acordes ;) Este es el turno de Chikyuugi, cancion que fuera el opening de Saint Seiya en las Ovas de la saga de Hades santuario. Esta cancion genero controversia en su momento ya que, como opening, los fans esperaban una cancion energica y rockera. Al ser Chikyuugi una cancion "tranquila" (soft), se produjo la clasica division entre los que le gustan la cancion y los que no. "Los que no" mencionaron razones como que no era rockera, que era muy marica, querian que fuera Make Up quien hiciera la cancion (y Nobuo Yamada quien la cantara), no les parecia bien que una mujer cantara un opening de Saint Seiya (???), etc. En fin, razones subjetivas (algunas mas coherentes que otras) con las que uno puede estar de acuerdo o no. Lo cierto es que esta cancion logro que Yumi Matsuzawa se hiciera muy conocida dentro del fandom otaku occidental. Con el tiempo (casi 10 años ya), Chikyuugi se ha posicionado como una de las mejores y mas conocidas canciones de Saint seiya / Los caballeros del zodiaco.
The chords are still coming ;) This is the turn of Chikyuugi, the opening song of the Hades ovas - Chapter Sanctuary from Saint Seiya. This song was a bit controversial because, as an opening, the fans expected a vigorous rock song. Being Chikyuugi a Soft one, it generated the classical division between those who liked it and those who doesn't . Some of the reasons mentioned by "Those who doesn't" were that it wasn't a rock song, it was very sissy, they wanted Make UP doing the song (and Nobuo Yamada for the singing), they didn't think it was ok that a woman sing a Saint Seiya opening (???). Anyway, subjective reasons (Some are more coherent than others) with which one can be in agreement or not. The truth is that this song made Yumi Matsuzawa famous in the occidental otaku fandom. Over time (Almost 10 years now), Chikyuugi has positioned as one of the best and most known Saint Seiya songs.
(ok, el video no es mio :P)
The chords are still coming ;) This is the turn of Chikyuugi, the opening song of the Hades ovas - Chapter Sanctuary from Saint Seiya. This song was a bit controversial because, as an opening, the fans expected a vigorous rock song. Being Chikyuugi a Soft one, it generated the classical division between those who liked it and those who doesn't . Some of the reasons mentioned by "Those who doesn't" were that it wasn't a rock song, it was very sissy, they wanted Make UP doing the song (and Nobuo Yamada for the singing), they didn't think it was ok that a woman sing a Saint Seiya opening (???). Anyway, subjective reasons (Some are more coherent than others) with which one can be in agreement or not. The truth is that this song made Yumi Matsuzawa famous in the occidental otaku fandom. Over time (Almost 10 years now), Chikyuugi has positioned as one of the best and most known Saint Seiya songs.
(ok, el video no es mio :P)
viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011
La marcha de la paliza by atlas 

Asi es, esta es la famosa musica de fondo que suena en la pelicula de Abel (Shinku no Shounen Densetsu) cuando Atlas se fornica a los 5 caballeros de bronce frente al templo de la corona. La "gran" fama de este BGM (Musica de fondo) se debe, en primer lugar, a que suena en una escena destacada en la "mejor" (la menos peor en realidad :P ) peli de Saint Seiya. En 2do, esta el hecho de que tal BGM no se encuentra editado en ningun CD hasta el momento. Esto genero que en muchos foros se preguntara una y otra vez "¿donde puedo encontrar esta cancion?" ya que al buscar en el soundtrack de la pelicula de Abel (OST 5 ), este BGM no aparecia. Gracias a eso empezo a cobrar cierta fama entre los fans de los caballeros del zodiaco como si fuera una especie de track perdido (con el tiempo esto se volvio cierto ya que los audios originales se "perdieron" asi que no creo que vaya a ser incluido en algun disco en el futuro...). Este track solo fue usado 1 vez mas: En la Escena de la Ova 12 de Hades santuario cuando Saga, Shura y Camus se presentan ante Pandora con el supuesto cadaver de Athena.
That's right, this is the famous BGM (Background music) in the Abel's movie (Shinku no Shounen Densetsu) when Atlas fornicate the 5 bronze saints in front of the Corona temple. The fame of this BGM is, in first place, because it's played in an importan scene in the "best" (the less worst in fact :P ) Saint Seiya movie. In 2nd, there's the fact that such BGM isn't edited in any CD so far. This caused that many people ask in forums over and over "¿where can i get this song?" because they searched it in the Abel movie soundtrack (OST 5) and they didn't find it. Thanks to this, the BGM began to gain fame as if it would be some kind of missing track ( In fact, it's true because the master tapes are "missing" so it won't be in the near future i think...). This track was used just one more time: In the scene From the Ova 12 Hades Sanctuary, where Saga, Shura and Camus show up in front of Pandora with the Supposed Athena's corpse.

That's right, this is the famous BGM (Background music) in the Abel's movie (Shinku no Shounen Densetsu) when Atlas fornicate the 5 bronze saints in front of the Corona temple. The fame of this BGM is, in first place, because it's played in an importan scene in the "best" (the less worst in fact :P ) Saint Seiya movie. In 2nd, there's the fact that such BGM isn't edited in any CD so far. This caused that many people ask in forums over and over "¿where can i get this song?" because they searched it in the Abel movie soundtrack (OST 5) and they didn't find it. Thanks to this, the BGM began to gain fame as if it would be some kind of missing track ( In fact, it's true because the master tapes are "missing" so it won't be in the near future i think...). This track was used just one more time: In the scene From the Ova 12 Hades Sanctuary, where Saga, Shura and Camus show up in front of Pandora with the Supposed Athena's corpse.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
martes, 3 de mayo de 2011
Sigue Brillando Cosmos ha "Evolucionado" (y no solo visualmente
Que tal gente. Seguramente habrán notado (a no ser que sean muuy distraídos) que el blog esta 1 poquito diferente. Así como 1 niño que crece y se hace hombre, al blog le llego la hora de madurar. 8 meses y mas de 7500 visitas lo ameritan, ciertamente (a mi por lo menos me parece un buen numero jeje). Las entradas ya no van a dañar tanto la vista como antes aunque no se ilusionen tanto con el cambio, la redacción de las mismas seguirá corriendo por parte de su servidor (Mr. Cogedor Barato) así que continuaran los chistes boludos y las deficientes traducciones al ingles.
La otra gran novedad es que el blog ha tenido familia!!! Si señor, ahora esta disponible una
"MICRO-WEB" de Sigue Brillando Cosmos con varias cosas interesantes y puede ser accedida en el siguiente link arriba a la derecha:
Hello people. You've noticed for sure (unless you are veery distracted ) that the blog is a little different. Like a child who grows and become a man, it's time for the blog to madurate. 9 months and more than 7500 visits deserve it, certainly (looks like a good number to me hehe). Now the entrys/posts won't harm the eyes as before but don't get so excited with the change, the writting will still be done by your humble servant (Mr. Cogedor Barato) so the stupid jokes and the deficient english translations will continue too.
The other great new is that the blog had a child!!! yes sir, now is available a "MICRO-WEB" of Sigue Brillando Cosmos with some interesting things. You can find the link above, in the right column: Hello people. You've noticed for sure (unless you are veery distracted ) that the blog is a little different. Like a child who grows and become a man, it's time for the blog to madurate. 9 months and more than 7500 visits deserve it, certainly (looks like a good number to me hehe). Now the entrys/posts won't harm the eyes as before but don't get so excited with the change, the writting will still be done by your humble servant (Mr. Cogedor Barato) so the stupid jokes and the deficient english translations will continue too.
lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011
Al fin los tabs de Blue Forever!! (???)
Estaban desesperados porque publique estos tabs no? :P A pesar de que es una cancion "no dificil", se me complico un poco porque es medio engañosa en algunas notas. El punto a favor es que la cancion esta en un tono "facil" (por eso de los acordes y transportar las notas). En fin, excusas aparte, les comento que los tabs y acordes de los opening y endings de la serie van a seguir desfilando por el blog hasta que esten todos. Faltan pocos :D
AHHHH!!! en unos dias el blog va a sufrir un "cambio" y habran unas cuantas novedades. Esten atentos ;)
You were desperated waiting for this tabs, isn't it? :P Even when this song is a "non difficult" one, it got complicated a little because is tricky in some notes. A point in its favour is that the song is in an "easy" tone (because of the chords and to tranpose the notes). Anyway, excuses aside, I comment you that the tabs and chords of the openings and endings from the series will continue marching in the blog until we got it all. There are justo a few left :D
OHHH!! in a couple of day the blog will suffer a "change" and there will be some news . Keep in touch ;)
AHHHH!!! en unos dias el blog va a sufrir un "cambio" y habran unas cuantas novedades. Esten atentos ;)
You were desperated waiting for this tabs, isn't it? :P Even when this song is a "non difficult" one, it got complicated a little because is tricky in some notes. A point in its favour is that the song is in an "easy" tone (because of the chords and to tranpose the notes). Anyway, excuses aside, I comment you that the tabs and chords of the openings and endings from the series will continue marching in the blog until we got it all. There are justo a few left :D
OHHH!! in a couple of day the blog will suffer a "change" and there will be some news . Keep in touch ;)
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