This piece is one of the bests from the OST 6 album and corresponds to the third movement of the track. I made the sheet music as simple as I could because if i wanted to be faithful to the original piece i would have to include some additional melodies and a more elaborated accompaniment. Despite everything I think is pretty good :D
·Nombre Ingles internacional : Find Balmung Sword
·Nombre original japones : バルムングの剣を求めて
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Barumungu no ken wo motomete
·Traduccion japonesa: Find the Balmung Sword / Encuentra la espada Balmung
·Disco/Album: Original Soundtrack VI (OST 6)
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Nº de Track: 10
·Duracion : 4:07
Tutorial en piano de Find Balmung Sword (Synthesia)
Aqui la escena mas recordada con esa musica de fondo (El video empieza desde en 05:58 :D) / Here the most remembered scene with that background music (the video starts from 05:58 :D)
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1 comentario:
Eso es una gran "AMISTAD" son unos grandes!!! BESO Maii!!
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