Hace poco ( :P ) fue posteada la partitura para piano de TOWARD VALHALLA TEMPLE (contribucion de Jorge Cantoriano). Al ver esa partitura tan sencilla me atrevi a intentar tocarla en la guitarra. Grande fue mi sorpresa al ver que pude tocarla completa sin ningun problema y con practicamente nada de arreglos. Inmediatamente lo transcribi y bueno, aqui tenemos el tab para guitarra de dicho track. No es un tab para nada dificil, solo requiere algo de coordinacion :P el nivel del tab esta entre principiante y medio.
Recently ( :P ) the sheet music of TOWARD VALHALLA TEMPLE (Jorge Cantoriano's contribution) was posted. When i looked that this sheet music was so simple, i dared to play it in the guitar. The surprise was big when i played it and i was able to do it completely without any trouble and, almost, any arrangement. I transcribed at once and well, here we have the guitar tab of such track. It's not a difficul tab at all, it only requires a little of coordination :P the tab level is between begginer and medium.
martes, 18 de octubre de 2011
viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011
Tabs de Abel's theme (+ guitar pro :OOO ) 
OH YEA BABY! Despues de tantos pedidos, el famoso tema de abel (emblema de la pelicula de Abel "Shinku no shonen densetsu") hace su aparicion en forma de tab para guitarra :DD El "porque" de la fama y la atraccion que genera este tema es una gran incognita para mi. Yo la primera vez que lo escuche no me gusto y sinceramente al dia de hoy no se si me gusta o no :P aunque tiene la gran virtud de ser una pieza musical "sencilla" que puede transcribirse facilmente a todos los instrumentos musicales.
Asi como los 3 jueces del infierno son considerados los espectros mas poderosos de entre los 108 , El tema de abel junto con "el requiem de mime" y "remember sadness" forman el trio de BGMs mas recordados y aclamados por los fans.
OH YEA BABY! After many requests, the famous abel's theme (emblem of the abel movie "shinku no shounen densetsu") make its appearance in a guitar tab :DD The "why" of its fame and attraction is a big question for me. The first time i heard it, i didn't like it and sincerely as of today i don't know if it likes me or not :P althought it has the enormous virtue of being a "simple" piece which can be easily transcribed to the other musical instruments.
As well as the 3 infernal judges are considered the most powerfull specters among the 108, the "Abel's theme" along with "Mime's Requiem" and "Remember Sadness" are the most memorable and claimed BGMs by the fans.

Asi como los 3 jueces del infierno son considerados los espectros mas poderosos de entre los 108 , El tema de abel junto con "el requiem de mime" y "remember sadness" forman el trio de BGMs mas recordados y aclamados por los fans.
OH YEA BABY! After many requests, the famous abel's theme (emblem of the abel movie "shinku no shounen densetsu") make its appearance in a guitar tab :DD The "why" of its fame and attraction is a big question for me. The first time i heard it, i didn't like it and sincerely as of today i don't know if it likes me or not :P althought it has the enormous virtue of being a "simple" piece which can be easily transcribed to the other musical instruments.
As well as the 3 infernal judges are considered the most powerfull specters among the 108, the "Abel's theme" along with "Mime's Requiem" and "Remember Sadness" are the most memorable and claimed BGMs by the fans.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
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