I couldn't help it! Mime catched me with his strings and forced me to make another sheet music so here we go with 1 more transcription of the
Y en que escenas escuchamos esta bella tonada? / And in what scenes do we hear this beautiful tune
*Mime atrapa a Shun y toca la ultima nota para matarlo pero ya saben que pasa despues ^_^ (Episodio 84)/ Mime catches Shun and plays the last note to kill him but you know what happens next ^_^ (episode 84)
Orfeo trata de atrapar a Ikki con las cuerdas de su Lyra pero Ikki vuela y ya saben que pasa XDD (pelicula de Eris)/ Orpheus tries to catch Ikki with the strings of his lyra but Ikki flies and you know what happens next XDD (Eris' movie)
Orfeo se detiene frente a Euridice y toca su lyra para confortarla, y ya saben lo que pasa ... Nada :P (Ova de Hades 16). / Orphee sits in front of Eurydice and plays his lyra to comfort her, and you know what happens next ... nothing :P (Hades ova 16).
Esta pieza musical permanecio inedita hasta que se la incluyo en la coleccion Memorial CD Box, en el track "unrecorded BGM" (CD 5). En dicho track se incluyeron muchisimas piezas musicales cortas, versiones alternativas y tracks perdidos que no fueron incluidos jamas en otros discos. Algo asi como un track "basurero" donde van las "sobras" :S Luego fue editada dentro de la coleccion Eternal Edition/Eternal CD BOX en el famoso track "catching melody".
Esta pieza musical es bien cortita pero requiere un amplio rango de notas y por desgracia la guitarra no posee todas las notas asi que una transcripcion para dicho instrumento es cuasi imposible (al menos, con todas las notas). Ademas deberia tocarse notas muy alejadas entre si y muy rapido. Pero bueno, la transcripcion para piano quedo muy bien (o al menos eso me dijo Mime :P )
This musical piece wasn't present on any album until the release of the Memorial CD Box collection. It was included in the "unrecorded BGM" track (CD 5). In such track we have a lot of short musical pieces, alternate versions and lost tracks that weren't included on any album before. Something like a track where all the leftovers are collected :S Later it was included inside the Eternal Edition/Eternal CD BOX collection, in the track "catching melody".
This musical piece is really short but it needs a wide range of notes and unfortunately the guitar doesn't have all the notes, so a trancription for such instrument is near to impossible (with all the notes). Also the notes are far apart and should be played very fast. But, well, the piano transcription looks very good (At least that was what Mime said :P )
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