More Mime's music (well, technically it's Orpheus' music but what the hell... :P) This is one of the 2 musical pieces played by the 3 clone characters: Mime, Orpheus (Eris) and Orphee (Hades). This music is usually played when the lyra (Harp) is "catching" the enemy. It won't be unknown for you because is another version of the famous "Mime's Requiem". And yes, it's a little short ^^
Con Mime se escucha 4 veces. Casualmente una de ellas es cuando Mime atrapa a ikki con el Requiem de cuerdas. / With Mime we can hear it 4 times. casually, one of them is when Mime catches Ikki with the String Requiem.
Con el Orfeo de la pelicula de Eris solo se escucha 1 vez cuando Orfeo Atrapa a Andromeda con su tecnica "Requiem de cuerdas". / With Orpheuss from the Eris' movie we can hear it only once when he catches Andromeda with his technique "String Requiem".
Con el Orfeo de Hades esta pieza suena especificamente cuando él realiza el ataque "Acorde final" (String Fine). Se escucha solo 2 veces (en el mismo capitulo): Cuando intenta matar a hades... / With Orphee from Hades this piece is played specifically when he do the "String Fine" technique. We can hear it only twice (in the same episode): when he tries to kill Hades...
...y cuando atrapa a Radamanthys. / ...and when he catches Radamanthys
y como curiosidad podemos agregar que tambien se escucho en las 12 casas!!! y no 1 sino 2 veces!!(Mime habra ido antes que Syd al santuario para vigilar a Hyoga? :P ). En el capitulo 62 se escucha cuando milo se da cuenta de que Hyoga alcanzo el 7mo sentido al congelar su armadura dorada. / It's interesting to note that it was played in the 12 temples too!! and not only 1 but twice!! (Did Mime go to the sanctuary before Syd to keep an eye on hyoga? :P ). It can be heard in the episode 92 when milo realizes that Hyoga reached the 7th sense due to the freezing of his Cloth.
y en el capitulo 67 cuando Camus realiza la ejecucion Aurora sobre Hyoga sin que este pueda defenderse. / And in the episode 67 when camus does the Aurora execution on a defenseless hyoga.
Hay que recordar que la pelicula de Eris ya se habia estrenado (unos 6 meses antes) y por lo tanto no habia problema en usar el soundtrack de dicha pelicula en la serie. Probablemente cuando se musicalizo este episodio todavia no habia surgido la idea de crear a Mime ya que de haber sido asi, dicha musica habria sido reservada para Asgard y solo para Asgard. O bueno, la otra opcion es que el musicalizador simplemente metio la pata :P
We have to remember that the Eris' movie was already out (about 6 months before) so there was no problem in using the soundtrack of such movie in the series. Probably, when the music was added to the series, the idea of Mime as a character wasn't there yet because they would have reserved all the Mime's music for the Asgard Saga and only for the Asgard Saga. Well, the other option is that the man in charge of the music just screwed it up :P
A esta partitura decidí colocarle el nombre de "Mime's catching melody" porque, por un lado, el track Catching Melody de la coleccion Eternal Edition/Eternal CD Box es reconocido por los fans como el track donde estan "todas las canciones de mime" o directamente como el "track de mime" asi que es un nombre reconocible; por otro lado porque en realidad deberia llamarla "Requiem de cuerdas" pero se presta a confusion con la otra partitura que se conoce como "Requiem de Mime". Ademas en ingles suena bien XD Es una pieza bastante corta y no se ve muy complicada. La transcripcion para guitarra necesitara un poco de la elasticidad de los dedos porque requiere estirarlos un poco. Si les parece muy dificil pueden simplificar el acompañamiento a la nota tonica del acorde.
I decided to put the name "Mime's catching melody" to this sheet music because, on one hand, the track Catching melody from the Eternal Edition/Eternal CD Box collection is well known by the fans as the track where you can find "all the Mime's songs" or it's also called the "Mime's track" so it's a recognizable name; on the other hand we had to call it "String Requiem" but it can be mistaken with the other sheet music called "Mime's Requiem".
This piece is really short and doesn't look too complicated. The guitar transcription will need a little of flexibility from the fingers because you'll have to stretch them a bit. If it's too difficult you can simplify the accompaniment to the tonic note of the chord.
·Nombre Ingles internacional : Catching melody
·Nombre original japones :捕囚
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Hoshuu
·Traduccion japonesa: captivity / Aprisionamiento
·Disco/Album: Gekijôban Hen (03) [Eternal Edition/Eternal CD BOX]
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Nº de Track: 09
·Duracion : 3:33
E |--------------0-------3---2-------2---------------------------5---3---2----|
B |--0-------0---------------------------0-----------0-----0------------------|
G |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
D |--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0--|
A |--2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2--|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |--0-----------0---2---3----5---|
B |---------------------------5---|
G |---------------------------5---|
D |---------------------------7---|
A |--4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4------|
E |--5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5------|
Descargas / Downloads
El mismo tab pero descargable y con mis creditos XD / the same tab but downloable and with my credits XD


Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file
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