Yes, yes, another tab :D "Child of dawn" (2nd movement )from the Lucifer's movie. Another brilliant composition from the Yokoyama Senseiwhich deserved the effort of making the guitar transcripcion (delectable effort of course ;)
domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012
El tab infernal !!!
Si, si, otro tab :D "Child of dawn" (2do movimiento) de la pelicula de Lucifer. Otra genialidad del sensei Yokoyama que merecio el esfuerzo de 1 transcripcion para guitarra (esfuerzo placentero, claro ;)
Yes, yes, another tab :D "Child of dawn" (2nd movement )from the Lucifer's movie. Another brilliant composition from the Yokoyama Senseiwhich deserved the effort of making the guitar transcripcion (delectable effort of course ;)

Yes, yes, another tab :D "Child of dawn" (2nd movement )from the Lucifer's movie. Another brilliant composition from the Yokoyama Senseiwhich deserved the effort of making the guitar transcripcion (delectable effort of course ;)
domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012
Apertura de la "Asgard movie" en tab
Hoy le toco el turno al track "Opening northern legend", perteneciente al soundtrack de la 2da. pelicula de Saint seiya: La ardiente batalla de los dioses (la de Asgard con Dolbar :P). Es el primer track del disco y tambien es la primer pieza que suena en la pelicula, haciendo honor a su nombre. Melodia sencilla, acompañamiento sencillo, magistral pieza (como la mayoria de las creaciones del sensei Yokoyama ;)
Today is the turn of the track "Opening northern legend". Such track belongs to the 2nd. Saint seiya movie soundtrack: The Heated War of the Gods (The Asgard one with Dolbar :P). Is the first track of the album and also is the first piece played in the movie, living up to its name. Simple melody, simple accompaniment, masterful piece (like most of the Sensei Yokoyama's creations ;)

Today is the turn of the track "Opening northern legend". Such track belongs to the 2nd. Saint seiya movie soundtrack: The Heated War of the Gods (The Asgard one with Dolbar :P). Is the first track of the album and also is the first piece played in the movie, living up to its name. Simple melody, simple accompaniment, masterful piece (like most of the Sensei Yokoyama's creations ;)
Partituras/Sheet Music,
lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012
TIME for piano
Para aquellos que estan en constante busqueda de partituras (anime, musica clasica, rock, pop, lo que sea...) siempre habra piezas musicales consideradas "imposibles" de encontrar ya sea por su dificultad, rareza o no-popularidad. Las versiones piano-jazzistas del disco PIANO FANTASIA, piezas complejas y de muy dificil ejecucion, entran en esta categoria. Al no haber partituras oficiales de dichas versiones lo unico que podriamos esperar que algun fan las hiciera (pagar por hacerlas no es una opcion valida :P ). El inconveniente que tenemos es que hacerlas requeriria una gran destreza en el piano, un muy buen oido y mucha dedicacion/paciencia. Habra algun fan asi? Al parecer si...
For those who are in constant search for sheet music (anime, classical music, rock, pop, whatever...) there'll always be musical pieces considered "impossible" to find either because its difficulty, rareness or non-popularity. The piano-jazz versions from the PIANO FANTASIA album, complex and difficult to play, are in this category. Because there aren't official sheet music of such versions the only thing left is to wait that some fan make them (paying for them is not a valid option :P ). The problem is that a great skill in the piano, a very good ear and a lot of dedication/patience is needed. There is a fan like thit? looks like yes...
sitio oficial / official site
For those who are in constant search for sheet music (anime, classical music, rock, pop, whatever...) there'll always be musical pieces considered "impossible" to find either because its difficulty, rareness or non-popularity. The piano-jazz versions from the PIANO FANTASIA album, complex and difficult to play, are in this category. Because there aren't official sheet music of such versions the only thing left is to wait that some fan make them (paying for them is not a valid option :P ). The problem is that a great skill in the piano, a very good ear and a lot of dedication/patience is needed. There is a fan like thit? looks like yes...
sitio oficial / official site
Partituras/Sheet Music,
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