For those who are in constant search for sheet music (anime, classical music, rock, pop, whatever...) there'll always be musical pieces considered "impossible" to find either because its difficulty, rareness or non-popularity. The piano-jazz versions from the PIANO FANTASIA album, complex and difficult to play, are in this category. Because there aren't official sheet music of such versions the only thing left is to wait that some fan make them (paying for them is not a valid option :P ). The problem is that a great skill in the piano, a very good ear and a lot of dedication/patience is needed. There is a fan like thit? looks like yes...
sitio oficial / official site
La cancion original en la que se basa esta version en piano se llama TIME (naa, en serio?) y salio a la luz en el disco HITS III. Esta cancion no se escucho en ningun capitulo de la serie asi que ni se molesten en buscarla. De hecho fue la unica cancion/pieza incluida en el disco PIANO FANTASIA que "no se escucha" dentro de la serie (pero eso ya es otro tema...). Comparativamente hablando, esta es una de las piezas mas sencillas que se encuentran en el disco y podria, mediante mucha practica, ser tocada incluso por principiantes (hasta la mitad probablemente :P). Muy pocos habran notado que esta pieza ya hizo su aparicion en el blog en el post Beethoven meets Saint seiya donde hay una version demo en el archivo "bocetos". Aun no tuve la oportunidad de compararlas pero ambas fueron hechas por fans pianistas muy buenos asi que deben ser casi iguales ;)
The original song in which is based on this piano version is called TIME (oh really?) and saw the light of day in the HITS III album. This song was never played in the series so don't bother trying to find it. In fact this was the only song/piece included in the PIANO FANTASIA that "wasn't played" in the series (but that is another topic...). Comparatively this is one of the easiest pieces that we can find in the album and could be played, with a lot of practice, even by beginners (halfway at least :P). Very few people have certainly noticed that this piece already appeared in the blog in the post Beethoven meets Saint seiya where there's a demo version in the file "bocetos". I still didn't had the time to compared them but both where made by skilled pianists fans so the sheets must be almost identical ;)
·Nombre original japones : TIME~2036の選択~
·Nombre japones en Romaji: TIME ~ 2036 no sentaku ~
·Traduccion japonesa: Time ~ the choice of 2036 / Tiempo ~ La eleccion del 2036
·Disco/Album: Piano Fantasia
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Nº de Track: 2
·Duracion : 4:41
Mirror Siguebrillando
Tutorial en piano de Time (Piano Fantasia) (Synthesia)
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