Saint Seiya Omega brought a lot of controversy because of the radical change of the main characters, the "rules" and its focus on a more infantile audience. Unfortunately a breach was made in the saint seiya fandom between those who like omega and those who hate it. Personally, omega doesn't thrill me but most of the fans agree that the music "approves". Leaving aside the OST, the 2 openings of Saint Seiya Omega had good reception. Such is the case of "Next Generation", the second opening which was more or less a hit between the fans (at least the youngers) despite the fact that it is more pop than rock. It sounds catchy to me ^_^ well, On the occasion of the renewal for a second season of the series(and because everyone asked for it :P) here we have the chords :DD
miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013
La siguiente generacion...
Saint seiya omega trajo mucha controversia por el cambio radical de protagonistas, de las "reglas" y de su enfoque para un publico mas infantil. Por desgracia ha surgido una separacion dentro del fandom entre aquellos que les gusta y los que lo detestan. A mi personalmente no me emociona la serie pero algo en lo que parece haber consenso es en que la musica "cumple". Dejando de lado el OST del que hablaremos en el futuro, los openings de Saint Seiya Omega han tenido buena recepcion. Tal es el caso de "Next generation", el segundo opening de la serie el cual ha pegado mas o menos bien entre los fanaticos (los mas jovenes al menos) pese a ser mas pop que rock. A mi me parece pegadiza ^_^ y bueno, con motivo de la renovacion de la serie para una segunda temporada (Y ya que todos la pedian :P) aca tenemos los acordes :DD
Saint Seiya Omega brought a lot of controversy because of the radical change of the main characters, the "rules" and its focus on a more infantile audience. Unfortunately a breach was made in the saint seiya fandom between those who like omega and those who hate it. Personally, omega doesn't thrill me but most of the fans agree that the music "approves". Leaving aside the OST, the 2 openings of Saint Seiya Omega had good reception. Such is the case of "Next Generation", the second opening which was more or less a hit between the fans (at least the youngers) despite the fact that it is more pop than rock. It sounds catchy to me ^_^ well, On the occasion of the renewal for a second season of the series(and because everyone asked for it :P) here we have the chords :DD

Saint Seiya Omega brought a lot of controversy because of the radical change of the main characters, the "rules" and its focus on a more infantile audience. Unfortunately a breach was made in the saint seiya fandom between those who like omega and those who hate it. Personally, omega doesn't thrill me but most of the fans agree that the music "approves". Leaving aside the OST, the 2 openings of Saint Seiya Omega had good reception. Such is the case of "Next Generation", the second opening which was more or less a hit between the fans (at least the youngers) despite the fact that it is more pop than rock. It sounds catchy to me ^_^ well, On the occasion of the renewal for a second season of the series(and because everyone asked for it :P) here we have the chords :DD
lunes, 11 de febrero de 2013
El final de Poseidon para guitarra
Esta pieza musical tiene el honor de ser la ultima que se escucha en la serie (Ok, la "serie clasica". Las ovas de hades son un tema aparte). Tambien tiene el honor de haber sido usada 1 sola vez en TODO Saint Seiya ("TODO" incluye Serie clasica, Ovas de Hades, peliculas, Lost Canvas y Omega :P). Esto ultimo no es raro ya que la saga de Poseidon duro solo 14 episodios y el motivo de la pieza inspira escenas de "esperanza" o da idea de "final feliz". Dado el tono angustiante de la saga, no habia muchas escenas posibles para usar esta pieza ^_^ Aun asi, esto hizo que el final fuera mas especial para los fans :D
This musical piece has the honour of being the last one played in the series (OK, the "classic series". The Hades' ovas are another subject). It also has the honour of being played only 1 time in the WHOLE series ("WHOLE" includes Classic series, Hades' ovas, movies, Lost Canvas and Omega :P). That's not rare because the Poseidon saga lasted only 14 episodes and the motif of the piece inspires "hope" scenes / give us an idea of "happy ending". Given the distressing tone of the saga, there weren't many posible scenes where they can use this piece ^_^ Even so, all this made the end more special for the fans :D

This musical piece has the honour of being the last one played in the series (OK, the "classic series". The Hades' ovas are another subject). It also has the honour of being played only 1 time in the WHOLE series ("WHOLE" includes Classic series, Hades' ovas, movies, Lost Canvas and Omega :P). That's not rare because the Poseidon saga lasted only 14 episodes and the motif of the piece inspires "hope" scenes / give us an idea of "happy ending". Given the distressing tone of the saga, there weren't many posible scenes where they can use this piece ^_^ Even so, all this made the end more special for the fans :D
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