Hace un tiempo en el post partituras oficiales de Saint seiya, yo planteaba la interrogante de ¿porque el unico material oficial de saint seiya en cuanto a partituras son solamente unas cuantas hojas sueltas? Teniendo Saint seiya/los caballeros del zodiaco un soundtrack tan magistral, nadie se digno a sacar un book o al menos pensar en lucrar con eso? :P por mucho tiempo pense que esas partituras sueltas eran lo unico oficial que podriamos encontrar, pero felizmente parece estaba en un error :D
Some time ago, in the Official Saint Seiya sheet music entry , i brought up the question of ¿why the only official material of Saint seiya (sheet music) are just a few sheets? since Saint seiya has an awesome soundtrack, nobody thought about doing a sheet music book or at least contemplated the idea of getting a profit with it? :P For a long time i thought those few sheets were the only official material that we could find but it happily it looks like i was in a mistake :D