Por fin pudimos escaparnos del ataud de hielo en el que camus nos encerro hace varios meses y volvimos con otro post! :P Por esas casualidades despertamos justo en medio de la fiebre latinoamericana por la pelicula en CGI "Saint seiya legend of sanctuary" y como somos unos unos oportunistas descarados, decidimos publicar material del soundtrack. En este caso los acordes del "ending" llamado Hero, el cual es verdaderamente bello y no tengo duda de que se va a convertir en un clasico del universo musical de Saint seiya.
Finally we were able to escape from the ice coffin where Camus locked us up a few months ago and we came back with another post! :P By one of those life's coincidences, we woke up just in the middle of the latinamerican fever for the CGI movie "Saint Seiya Legend of sanctuary" and as shameless opportunists that we are, we decided to publish this material from the soundtrack. In this case, it's the chords of the "ending" called hero which is truly beautiful and i have no doubt that it'll become a classic in the Saint Seiya's musical universe.