Mas partituras. Esta vez de la mano de un Fan que usa el nick de Beethoven ;) Publicadas tambien hace ya un tiempo, estas partituras son de lo mejor que se puede encontrar ya que "este" beethoven tiene estudios musicales bastante avanzados y sumando que es muy fanatico de la Musica de saint seiya bueno... el resultado es magnifico.
More sheet music. This time from the hand of a fan who calls himself Beethoven ;) Published A while ago, these scores are the best you can find on the net because "this" Beethoven has advanced musical studies so the result is magnificent.
Pueden encontrar estas mismas partituras en varios foros de Saint seiya en español / You can find this scores in several Saint seiya forums
jueves, 28 de octubre de 2010
domingo, 24 de octubre de 2010
Informe: Canciones Vocales en los Capitulos de Saint Seiya
Cuando que una serie es doblada, uno puede encontrarse con que tiene faltantes (o agregados) respecto a la version original. Muchas veces en el pasado no nos enterabamos de esos cambios porque disponer de las versiones originales era, ciertamente, muy dificil. A partir del boom de internet y las descargas ^_^ conseguir esas originales fue posible (de forma masiva, claro) y nos permitio descubrir que cosas tenia de mas o de menos cierta serie que miraramos. En el caso de Saint Seiya, el 90% de la serie se conservo intacta respecto a su version original japonesa. El restante 10% consistio en cosas "menores" que basicamente no interferian a la hora de disfrutar de la serie: Simplificacion de algunos dialogos para hacerlos mas "entendibles" (al principio de la serie mas que nada), cambios en los nombres de las tecnicas, Frases algo mal redactadas dando como resultado dialogos raros o bizarros de vez en cuando.
when a series is dubbed, one can find missing (or aggregates) things regard to the original version. Many times in the past we didn't know about that changes because it was difficult to have the original versions. Since the internet boom and the downloads ^_^ obtain those originals was possible (in a massive way, of course) and let us discover what was cutted or added in a series. In Saint seiyas' case, the 90% of the series was preserved intact regard to the original japanese version. The remaining 10% consisted in "minor" stuff that didn't interfere to enjoy the series: Simplification of some dialogues to make then more "understandables" (at the beggining of the series mostly), Changes in the techniques names, phrases poorly drafted with the consequence of rare or bizarre dialogues from time to time.
when a series is dubbed, one can find missing (or aggregates) things regard to the original version. Many times in the past we didn't know about that changes because it was difficult to have the original versions. Since the internet boom and the downloads ^_^ obtain those originals was possible (in a massive way, of course) and let us discover what was cutted or added in a series. In Saint seiyas' case, the 90% of the series was preserved intact regard to the original japanese version. The remaining 10% consisted in "minor" stuff that didn't interfere to enjoy the series: Simplification of some dialogues to make then more "understandables" (at the beggining of the series mostly), Changes in the techniques names, phrases poorly drafted with the consequence of rare or bizarre dialogues from time to time.
Video "Dijo que? 1" mostrando errores del doblaje latino de Saint seiya
viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010
Tabs, solfeo y acordes de "Sasha no Inori" (The Lost Canvas) 
Primer Tab en esta pagina :P Pertenece a las ovas de "The Lost Canvas" y sería la melodia dedicada a Sasha aunque la colocaban cuando se les daba la gana. Es una composicion sencilla pero muy hermosa. De las mejores del soundtrack de "The Lost Canvas" (no es que tenga muchos buenos tracks tampoco). Pronto estara lista la partitura y el midi de esta cancion para aquellos que no leen tabs y/o la quieran tocar en piano :)
First Tab in this web :P It belongs to "The Lost Canvas" and it would be the melody dedicated to Sasha althought i was putted whenever they wanted. Is a simple composition but a beautiful one. It's one of the best from "The Lost Canvas" soundtrack (it's not that it has many good tracks neither). It will be ready soon the sheet music and the midi of this song por those who don't read tabs and/or want to play it in the piano :)
First Tab in this web :P It belongs to "The Lost Canvas" and it would be the melody dedicated to Sasha althought i was putted whenever they wanted. Is a simple composition but a beautiful one. It's one of the best from "The Lost Canvas" soundtrack (it's not that it has many good tracks neither). It will be ready soon the sheet music and the midi of this song por those who don't read tabs and/or want to play it in the piano :)
domingo, 10 de octubre de 2010
Una partitura "de Hades" que no conoce nadie (Interlude V :P)
Bueno, esta partitura es mas bien una rareza ya que la composicion no se escucho en la serie y encima es el BGM de un drama track, de modo que solo fans conocedores podran identificarlo. Es uno de los Interludios del CD de hades de los años 90, mas precisamente, el Nº5. Es una musica que va perfecta para el cierre de un capitulo y por alguna razon me cautivo, asi que decidi sacar la partitura :)
El interludio se ubicaria en la batalla final contra hades
Well, this sheet music is more like a rarity because this composition was never heard in the series and is also a BGM from a drama track so only "experts" fans will be able to identify it. It's one of the Interludes from the Hades CD in the 90's, more precisely, the Nº5. It's a music that goes perfect with the closing of an episode and for some reason it captivated me so i decided to make the Sheet music :)
The interlude would be located in the final battle against Hades
El interludio se ubicaria en la batalla final contra hades
Well, this sheet music is more like a rarity because this composition was never heard in the series and is also a BGM from a drama track so only "experts" fans will be able to identify it. It's one of the Interludes from the Hades CD in the 90's, more precisely, the Nº5. It's a music that goes perfect with the closing of an episode and for some reason it captivated me so i decided to make the Sheet music :)
The interlude would be located in the final battle against Hades
Partituras/Sheet Music,
jueves, 7 de octubre de 2010
Este frances sabe tocar el piano...
Nuevamente vuelvo con partituras para piano de saint seiya externas :P En este caso son unas pertenecientes a un Fan Frances llamado Bertrand Desban, aunque el se hace llamar "toccata538". Son de hace varios años ya que toccata538 tiene unos videos en youtube donde toca esas partituras y datan de hace mucho tiempo. El tenia una pagina web donde alojaba sus partituras y videos para descargar pero por desgracia esta offline y no creo que vuelva. Sus transcripciones no se apegan exactamente a los originales pero son muy buenas dentro de todo. Prestar atencion a su transcripcion de "Under the Wood of the World Tree", que es la mejor hasta el momento :) Esperemos que algun dia vuelva a hacer partituras de saint seiya.
I'm back again with external Saint seiya piano sheet music :P In this case there are scores from a french fan named Bertrand Desban but he calls himself "toccata538". This transcriptions had a couple of years because toccata538 has some videos in youtube where he plays that scores and they are from a long time ago. He had a web page where he hosted his sheet music and videos for downloading but unfortunately it's offline now and i don't think it will come back. His transcriptions are not exactly like the originals but are very good. Pay attention to his transcription of "Under the Wood of the World Tree", which is the best in the net :) hopefully someday he'll do saint seiya sheet music again.
Canal en youtube de toccata538 / tocatta530's youtube channel
Partituras en formato jpg / Sheet music in jpg format
Aria of the tree --> 2do movimiento
Disco: OST 2

I'm back again with external Saint seiya piano sheet music :P In this case there are scores from a french fan named Bertrand Desban but he calls himself "toccata538". This transcriptions had a couple of years because toccata538 has some videos in youtube where he plays that scores and they are from a long time ago. He had a web page where he hosted his sheet music and videos for downloading but unfortunately it's offline now and i don't think it will come back. His transcriptions are not exactly like the originals but are very good. Pay attention to his transcription of "Under the Wood of the World Tree", which is the best in the net :) hopefully someday he'll do saint seiya sheet music again.
Canal en youtube de toccata538 / tocatta530's youtube channel
Aria of the tree --> 2do movimiento
Disco: OST 2
Partituras/Sheet Music,
sábado, 2 de octubre de 2010
Acordes de pegasus Fantasy (Ya era hora :)
Esta vez le toco el turno a Pegasus Fantasy, el primer opening de Saint Seiya. Durante Años he recorrido la red buscando acordes de las canciones de saint seiya y los que he encontrado nunca terminan de ser correctos del todo. Pegasus Fantasy fue la primera cancion a la que le saque los acordes y tambien una de las que mas me costo pese a ser muy sencilla.
No hay mucho mas que pueda agregarse respecto a esta cancion: Es la mas famosa y versionada de Saint seiya. La mas elegida por los fans a la hora de hacer sus videos musicales amateurs y porque no, la mejor cancion de todos los animes :P
This time is the turn of Pegasus Fantasy, the first Saint Seiya opening. For years i have surfed the net searching for saint seiya chords and those that i found are not entirely correct. Pegasus Fantasy was the first song which i managed to get the chords and also one of the most dificult to get the chords despite it's very easy.
There is no much no add about this song: It's the most famous and versioned Saint seiya song. The most chosen by the fans when they make their amateurs musical videos and, why not, the best song among all the anime :P
No hay mucho mas que pueda agregarse respecto a esta cancion: Es la mas famosa y versionada de Saint seiya. La mas elegida por los fans a la hora de hacer sus videos musicales amateurs y porque no, la mejor cancion de todos los animes :P
This time is the turn of Pegasus Fantasy, the first Saint Seiya opening. For years i have surfed the net searching for saint seiya chords and those that i found are not entirely correct. Pegasus Fantasy was the first song which i managed to get the chords and also one of the most dificult to get the chords despite it's very easy.
There is no much no add about this song: It's the most famous and versioned Saint seiya song. The most chosen by the fans when they make their amateurs musical videos and, why not, the best song among all the anime :P
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