La cancion son en su mayoria acordes faciles salvo por el Bdim y el Gm6 que aparecen esporadicamente. En mi eterna busqueda por la red, note que todas las transcripciones que encontre fallaban en esos acordes. Es comprensible ya que tales acordes son de los "raros", en terminos relativos.
Proximamente les dejo el intro en piano de la version 1996 :D
This chords belong to the 1st. ending of the classic series: Blue Forever. Despite being one of the oldest and most memorable songs in the Saint Seiya universe, the fans doesn't preffered it when they make their videos or play saint seiya songs.
The song has easy chords ( mostly) except for the Bdim and Gm6 which appear sporadically in it. In my endless internet search i noticed that all the transcriptions that i found for this song, are wrong in those chords. It's comprehensible because such chords are a little "rare", in relative terms.
coming soon: the intro for piano from the 1996 version :D