A doujinshi is what we call a "fanzine" althought in japan are made by professional mangakas :P This doujinshi was made by Haruna Shimamura and is a parody of the story that we saw in the ovas 14, 15 and 16 from Hades. There are only 8 pages but is really funny to read. Of course, it will be enjoyed mostly if you are Saint Seiya fans and can identify all the references and winks ;)
* Ingles / English
Este doujinshi lo vi por primera vez hace varios años en la pagina de Mu's corner. Esta pagina es conocida por tener excelente info y, sobretodo, fieles traducciones del japones a ingles :D Hay muchos mas doujinshis de saint seiya en esa pagina asi que no duden en visitarla.
I saw this doujinshi for the first time many years ago in the Mu's corner web. This web is known for having excelent info and, above all, accurate translations from japanese to english :D there are more Saint Seiya doujinshis in that page so don't hesitate to visit it.
*Español / Spanish
Version 1: Esta es una fiel traduccion al castellano de la anterior en ingles (Mu's corner). Pueden encontrar mas doujinshis de saint seiya en castellano en la pagina de Darknight :DD
Version 1: This is an accurate translation from the english version (Mu's corner) to spanish. You can find more Saint Seiya doujinshis translated into spanish in the Darknight page :DD
Version 2: Esta es una version bastante libre. La traduccion no es muy fiel que digamos pero tiene a favor que resulta un tanto mas graciosa por meter ingeniosamente chistes y guiños adicionales ;)
Version 2: This one is a free translation mostly. It's not very accurate with the original but it has the advantage of being funnier because it puts more jokes and winks ;)
► Descarga las 3 versiones Aqui / Download the 3 versions here ◄
Pack MHK
Pack MHK
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Nota: En ningun lado dice lo que significa "MHK". Yo creo que significa Meiou Hades Kingdom (Reino del emperador Hades). Quien sabe...
Note: It doesn't say what "MHK" means. I think i would be Meiou Hades Kingdom (Kingdom of the emperor Hades). Who knows...
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