Every time that i write about a videogame, i feel like i'm doing a "free" publicity because the musical material that i present is almost negligible and i end up talking only about the game, but well....it is what it is ;_; The saint seiya online web was updated with a little, and pretty good, presentation/intro of the 12 gold saints + a delightfull motion poster.
Lo musicalmente interesante es la pieza de fondo, que suena verdaderamente epica. Es la segunda pieza musical que conocemos de este proyecto y suena tan bien como la primera (mas alla de las claras diferencias). Este proyecto lleva años gestandose y se ve muy prometedor. Por ahora parece que la musica tambien va por buen camino. Seguramente se dara a conocer algo mas de la musica de aca a mediados del 2013 donde, estimativamente, el juego estara funcional. Si bien este juego se restringira al mercado chino, tenemos esperanzas de que luego el acceso sea mundial :D Recuerden que la pagina cambia de tanto en tanto asi que si quieren ver el intro + el poster animado, deben verlo ahora. Quien sabe que nuevas maravillas pondran despues...
The mussically interesting thing is the background music, which sound trully epic. It's the second musical piece released from this project and sounds as well as the first one (beyond the obvious differences). This project took several years of development and looks very promising. for the time being, the music is going for the right path. probably we'll know more of the music from here to middle of 2013 when, they say, the game will be functional. Even thought this game will be only for the chinese market, we have the hope of a subsequent world wide access :D remember that the website change for time to time so if you want to see the intro + motion poster, you must see it now. who knows what new marvels will be uploaded...
Web oficial
Editado: PEDRITOZZO me comento que le encanto esta nueva pieza de Saint seiya online y me rogo tanto que finalmente me decidi a sacar el tab de ambas versiones. Al ser tan corta y ambas versiones practicamente identicas no tarde nada en hacerlas :D tambien adjunto el solfeo para los flautistas y demas ;) Que las disfrutes PEDRITOZZO / Edited: PEDRITOZZO commented me that he loved this new piece from saint seiya online and he begged me so much that i decided to do the tab for both versions. I did it very quicly because they are very short and identical :D here you have the solfa too ;) enjoy it PEDRITOZZO
E |-----------1---------------------------------------|
B |--4-6----1----4----4-4-----------------------------|
G |-----------------0-------0-1----1-1-----0----------|
D |-----------------------------3-------3-----1--6/3--|
A |---------------------------------------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------|
Fm C# D# Cm C# Fm D# Fm
TAB BGM poster animado
E |------1---------------------------------------|
B |----1----4----4-4-----------------------------|
G |------------3-------0-1------------1--3-------|
D |------------------------3---1---3----------3--|
A |----------------------------------------------|
E |----------------------------------------------|
Fm C# D# Cm C# Fm D# Fm
E |------1--3------------------------------------|
B |----1---------4-4-----------------------------|
G |------------3-------0-1------------1--3-------|
D |------------------------3---1---3----------3--|
A |----------------------------------------------|
E |----------------------------------------------|
Fm C# D# Cm C# Fm D# Fm
Solfeo BGM Intro
d#6 f6 c6 f5 d6 g5 d#6 d#6 g5 g#5 f5 g#5 g#5 f5 g5 d#5 g#5/g5/f5
Solfeo BGM poster animado
c6 f6 d#6 a#5 d#6 d#6 g5 g#5 f5 d#5 f5 g#5 a#5 f5
c6 f6 g6 a#5 d#6 d#6 g5 g#5 f5 d#5 f5 g#5 a#5 f5
Descargas / Downloads
Intro HD SS online 12golds (formato f4v)
Intro HD SS online 12golds (formato MKV)
Mirror con los 2 videos en mediafire (gracias al usuario jorgegeminis)
Musica extraida del video / music extracted from the video
Musica Extraida del poster animado (version larga "loop") / Music extracted from the animated poster (long version "loop")
Y, como siempre, para rellenar un poco y que no se note que estoy choreando con este post XD les dejo unas cuantas imagenes que aparecieron en la web del Saint seiya online desde el ultimo post que le hice (Mencion especial al Forero "aldebaran" que posteo la mayoria de estas contribuciones en los distintos foros latinos y a los muchachos del foro chino all4seiya que nos tiran novedades tambien) / And, as always, to fill a bit the post and dissimulate that i'm wasting your time XD here you have some images from the Saint seiya online web that were released since the last post (a special thanks to the user "Aldebaran" who posted many of this material in the forums and the boys from the chinese forum all4seiya who give us updates too)
Posters de personajes / Character posters
Constelaciones / Constellations
Fondos / Backgrounds
Diseños de las armaduras / cloths designs
Armadura de Athena tamaño real / Athena's cloth real size
►Todas las imagenes /all the images
►Todas las imagenes /all the images
Enlaces relacionados
· El juego "Saint Seiya online" estrena web ( y tiene una magnifica cancion de fondo :DDD)
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