Some time ago, in the Official Saint Seiya sheet music entry , i brought up the question of ¿why the only official material of Saint seiya (sheet music) are just a few sheets? since Saint seiya has an awesome soundtrack, nobody thought about doing a sheet music book or at least contemplated the idea of getting a profit with it? :P For a long time i thought those few sheets were the only official material that we could find but it happily it looks like i was in a mistake :D
Mientras hacia mi usual busqueda de partituras de saint seiya por la web, me encontre con este pequeño tesoro! Alguien esta vendiendo un book conteniendo una linda cantidad de partituras Saintseyescas :D Segun la info del propietario, este book llamado "Saint Seiya Best Selection" salio a la venta alla por el año 1989.
While i was doing my usual search for Saint Seiya sheet music in the web, i encountered with this little treasure! Someone is selling a book which has a nice collection of saint seiya sheets :D According to the owner this book called "Saint Seiya Best Selection" went on sale around 1989. (25% off!)
En ese año es cuando terminaba la era de saint seiya (el clasico al menos...) asi que podriamos decir que el book salio como uno de esos ultimos intentos por lucrar con saint seiya ( excluyendo los discos, porsupuesto XD ). Recordar que la revista JUMP GOLD SELECTION 3, en donde salio la partitura de Soldier Dream y Blue Dream, salio en abril de 1989 asi que podemos teorizar que este book salio a la venta unos meses despues. En fin, alguien esta interesado en comprarlo? yo no tengo $$ :( si alguien lo compra, que comparta unos escaneos no? ^_^
On that year the Saint Seiya era was coming to an end (At least the classic Saint seiya...) so we can say that the book came out as one of those last attempts to cashing in on saint seiya (Of course, excluding the albums XD). Remember that the JUMP GOLD SELECTION 3 magazine, in which the Soldier Dream and Blue Dream sheet music were published, went on sale on november, 1989 so we can theorize that this sheet music book was sold a few months later. Anyway, is anybody interested in buying it? i don't have any $$ :( If any of you buy it, share the scans ok? ^_^
Segun vemos en el tracklist de la pagina, hay canciones conocidas y otras que "no nos suenan tanto".
As we see in the tracklist from the page, there are known and "unknown" songs.
· Soldier Dream (OP)
· Blue Dream (ED)
· Pegasus Fantasy (OP)
· Forever Blue (ED)
· kokoro no kunsyo
· Nebula Chain
· ikanaru hoshi no shita ni
· Goddess Athena's song
· hoshiyo nagareruna
· prince of ice
· dragon blood
· pheonix legend
· Shun Andromeda
Prince of ice? Shun Andromeda? pheonix? :P "Por suerte" uno de los pocos escaneos que hay es del tracklist.
Prince of ice? Shun Andromeda? pheonix? :P "luckily" one of the few scans is the tracklist.
Lista de canciones
Asi que ahora podemos armar bien el tracklist con nombres mas familiares:
So now we can build a more accurate tracklist with more familiar names:
· Soldier Dream (HITS 3)
· Blue Dream (HITS 3)
· Pegasus Fantasy (HITS 1)
· Blue forever (HITS 1)
· Golden Heart (HITS 2)
· Nebula chain (HITS 2)
· we're fearless warriors (HITS 2)
· Lullaby (HITS 2)
· Stop the fate (HITS 2)
· Diamond Dust (HITS 2)
· Dragon blood (HITS 2)
· You're Phoenix (HITS 2)
· Andromeda Shun, sono tatakai (Ost 4)
El book se titula "Saint Seiya Best Selection" pero sinceramente no creo que haya habido mucho trabajo de seleccion ^_^ Segun vemos estan los 2 primeros openings y endings, algo logico al ser el primer book de partituras (hay que meter canciones conocidas para atraer compradores, tanto fanaticos como no fanaticos ;) Luego tenemos UNA SOLA partitura de BGM y TODAS LAS DEMAS son partituras de las canciones del disco HITS 2. No es que este en contra del disco HITS 2 pero se podrian haber puesto canciones de los otros discos como "Can't say good bye", "Friends in the sky" o "Beautiful child" del HITS 1, asi como tambien "boys be", "best friend" o "stay away" del HITS 3. Incluso "You are my reason to be" de la pelicula de Abel. Cero ganas de armar un buen tracklist, verdad muchachos? ¬¬ A lo mejor se lo estaban guardando para un siguiente book de partituras que nunca llego, o tal vez si llego y tampoco nos enteramos :S Y la partitura del BGM? mmmm el track incluye la pieza dedicada a andromeda Shun, el ultra famoso requiem de Mime y el otro requiem que usa mime para las ilusiones. Como esa partitura tiene 7 hojas, es muy probable que la partitura contenga las 3 piezas o minimo, el Requiem de Mime. Muchos fans habrian comprado el book solo para tener esa partitura!
The title of the book is "Saint Seiya Best Selection" but sincerely there wasn't a lot of work in the Selection ^_^ As we can see, it contains the first 2 openings and endings, something logical for a first book (You must include well-known songs if you want some buyers ;) then we have 1 single BGM sheet music and ALL THE OTHERS are sheets of the songs from the HITS 2 album. I have no problem with that album but they could have put songs from another album such "Can't say good bye", "Friends in the sky" o "Beautiful child" from HITS 1, as well as "boys be", "best friend" o "stay away" from HITS 3. Even "You are my reason to be" from the Abel's movie could have been included. They didn't really care about doing a good tracklist, right guys? ¬¬ Perhaps they were just keeping it for the next sheets book which never came up or maybe it did but we never realized it :S and what about the lonely BGM sheet music? mmmm the track includes the piece dedicated to Andromeda Shun + the ultra famous Mime's requiem and the other requiem played by Mime when he do the illusions. This one has 7 sheets so it's probable it contains the 3 pieces or, minimum, Mime's requiem. A lot of fans would have bought the book only for that sheet!
Blue Forever
Las partituras son del tipo voz y acompañamiento, es decir, melodia por un lado y acompañamiento para piano a 2 manos por otro, lo cual es un formato comun para las canciones vocales. Esto significa que obligatoriamente tendrian que cantar las canciones mientras las tocan :P La excepcion es la ultima partitura ya que esta es de un BGM sin voz. Probablemente esa sea la unica partitura para piano solo, lo cual es una lastima porque a muchos nos gustaria simplemente tocar las canciones (y no cantarlas ;)
The sheet music have the "voice and accompaniment" type, i.e., the melody on one side and the accompaniment for 2 hand piano on the other, a very common format for the vocal songs. This means that you necessarily have to sing the songs while you are playing :P the exception is the last sheet music because it's a BGM without voice. Probably it's the only one for solo piano which is a shame as many of us like just to play the songs (and don't sing ;)
Podria haber mas books de partituras de Saint seiya? a priori deberiamos decir que no ya que este book salio a la venta cuando la serie clasica terminaba. Dejando de lado a los fans, un producto sin publicidad es, por lo general, una perdida de dinero asi que es dificil pensar en un segundo book. SIN EMBARGO, hace tiempo hice un "descubrimiento" que podria darnos algo de luz sobre este tema. Alla por el año 98 (no queria delatar mi edad pero bueh... :P ) cuando iniciaba mi busqueda de partituras de Saint seiya, me encontre con un archivo midi de una cancion vocal de saint seiya: STAY AWAY. Para el que no lo sepa, un archivo midi contiene informacion de los instrumentos que suenan en el mismo por lo que uno puede, literalmente, obtener una partitura de el. La cosa es que ese midi tenia la misma configuracion de este book de partituras (3 pentagramas, 1 para voz y 2 para piano) y todas las notas eran correctas e impecables. Un trabajo de primer nivel, ciertamente.
Is there any chance that we could find more Saint seiya song books? a priori we should say "no" because this book went on sale when the series was already ending. Putting aside the fans, a product without publicity is, usually, a waste of money so is difficult to think about a second book. HOWEVER, a few years ago i made a discovery that could give us some light on this subject. Back in 1998 (i didn't want to tell my true age but... :P ) when i was starting my search for Saint Seiya sheet music i stumbled with a midi file of a Saint Seiya vocal song: STAY AWAY. For those who don't know it, a midi file contains the musical instruments' information so we can, literally, get a sheet music from it. The thing is that this midi had the same configuration of this sheet music book (3 staff , 1 for voice and 2 for the piano) and all the notes were accurate and flawless. A first class work indeed.
Stay away para piano (no editado)
Un trabajo tan bueno como ese en cuanto a partituras de saint seiya hechas por fanaticos no se veria sino recien hasta hace unos años donde la difusion y masificacion de este anime (y por consiguiente, su musica) lograria que personas con amplios conocimientos musicales se interesasen en hacer partituras "saintseyescas". Esto me llevo a preguntarme lo siguiente: Seria posible que el creador de ese midi hubiese copiado las notas de STAY AWAY desde otro book de partituras de saint seiya? Muchas cosas concuerdan, ademas la cancion es una de esas "desconocidas". Aquellos que hacen partituras por lo general prefieren hacer las mas conocidas, no? Son cosas que lo dejan a uno pensando :) A pesar de todo la teoria mas logica es que un fan con mucha habilidad hizo la partitura (midi) porque le gusto esa cancion y fin del tema XD Quizas algun dia la verdad salga a la luz ^_^
Such good work on Saint seiya sheet music wouldn't be seen until recent years where the spreading and massification of this anime (and its music as a result) achieved that people with extensive knowledge got interest in doing "seiyan" sheets. It led me to think one thing: Would it be possible that the midi file creator just copied the notes of STAY AWAY from another Saint seiya Sheet music book? A lot of things match also it's an "unknown" song. Those who make sheet music usually prefer to do the most popular song, right? These kind of things leave you thinking :) In spite of everything the most logical theory is that a very skilled fan made the sheet music (midi) just because it liked to him. End of story XD Maybe some day the truth will come to light ^_^
Enlaces relacionados
· Las partituras oficiales de Saint Seiya
· Disco "Saint seiya - Hits II" (El imperio contraataca...)
5 comentarios:
Ese concierto del 2002 esta bien dificil ya que no salio editado en ningun DVD que yo sepa. Yo por mi parte no tengo material del concierto y tampoco encontre nada :(
buenas disculpe tendria un correo o algo usted es para una propuesta acerca de este tema espero su respuesta mi correo
No es aqui donde tenias la de nebula chain el fandub en español?
>>Unknown dijo...
>>No es aqui donde tenias la de nebula chain el fandub en español?
No. Hice el post sobre Nebula Chain pero nunca lo publique al parecer :P voy a revisarlo y a publicarlo finalmente. ahi incluyo el fandub en español hecho por Dark Shingo.
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