This musical piece is located at the end of the track "108 evil stars" and we could say that this harp piece doesn't have an "owner". The name of the track doesn't tell us anything and, in the Hades saga, there are 4 characters with musical instruments so the piece can belong to anybody (In case you don't know it the music of the lyras is played in harp XD). So how do we know it's pandora's? The clue comes from the Ova 13. There we can hear this piece for a single time and in the scene Pandora appears! :D of course it's a pitty that they didn't use it more times because is truly beautiful.
Siempre pense que esta pieza debio usarse para la escena donde Thanatos esta tocando su lira puesto que Pandora ya tiene su tema (Pandora's box) e incluso se grabo una version inedita de ese tema que puede escucharse en la Ova 4 de Hades. Una lastima :( Tambien podria habersele dado a Orfeo pero sin duda debemos festejar que los directivos decidieran gastar algo de $$ para crear las piezas musicales que toca Orfeo en las ovas de Hades. Hermosas piezas que son de las favoritas de los fans :D
I always thought that this piece should have been used in the scene where Thanatos is playing his lyra because Pandora already has her theme (Pandora's box) and even an unreleased version of that theme that can be heard in the Hades Ova 4. A real shame :( They could have given it to Orphee so we must celebrate that the executives decided to spend some $$ in the Orphee's musical pieces for the Hades ovas. Beautiful pieces that are the fan's favorites :D
La partitura para piano es practicamente una transcripcion exacta del arpa asi que no habria problemas para los arpistas. La transcripcion para guitarra no es tan simple pero tampoco tan dificil. Tal vez lo mas complicado sera mover rapido los dedos ;) Y respecto al titulo, decidi dejarle el nombre del track porque, sinceramente, no se me ocurrio ningun buen nombre alternativo inventado XDD
The piano sheet music is, practically, an exact trancription from the harp so there will no problems for the harpists. The guitar transcription isn't that simple but is not too difficult neither. "Fast fingers" could be the hardest thing with it ;) and about the title i decided to leave it the name of the track because, sincerely, i didn't think in a proper invented name XDD
·Nombre Ingles internacional : 108 evil stars
·Nombre original japones : 108の魔星
·Nombre japones en Romaji: 108 no ma sei
·Traduccion japonesa: 108 (of) evil stars / 108 (de) estrellas malignas
·Disco/Album: Hades Chapter Image Album ~ king of the underworld ("OST 9")
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Nº de Track: 02
·Duracion : 2:12
Solfeo / Solfa
c5 d5 e5 d5 e5, d5 e5 f#5 g5 f#5 e5 e5 d5 e5 d5 e5 d5 a4,
c5 d5 d5 e5 d5 a4 e5 a4 g4 a4 b4,
e4 f#4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e5 f#5 g5 a5 b5 c6 d6 e6, a5 e5 a5 e5, e5 a4 e5 a4,
c5 d5 e5 d5 e5, d5 e5 f#5 g5 f#5 e5 e5 d5 e5 d5 e5 d5 a4,
c5 d5 d5 e5 d5 a4 e5 a4 g4 a4 b4,
e4 f#4 g4 a4 b4 c5 d5 e5 f#5 g5 a5 b5 c6 d6 e6, a5 e5 a5 e5, e5 a4 e5 a4, e3 a3,
c5 d5 e5 d5 e5, d5 e5 f#5 g5 f#5 e5 e5 d5 e5 d5 e5,
e6 c6, d6 a5, a#5 f5, f5 c5,
c4 d4 e4 d4 e4, d4 e4 f#4 g4 f#4 e4 e4 d4 e4 d4 e4 d4
Version Avanzada / Advanced version
E |------0---0-------0-2-3-2-0--0----0---0----------------0-------0--------------|
B |--1-3---3-------3---------------3---3---3-------1-3--3---3----------------0---|
G |------------------------------------------2----------------2-----2----0-2-----|
D |------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
A |------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |----------------0--------7-8-10-12-----5---5------0---0------|
B |----------0-------7-8-10-----------------5---5---------------|
G |------0-2---5-7-------------------------------------2---2----|
D |--2-4--------------------------------------------------------|
A |-------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-------------------------------------------------------------|
E |--------0---0---------0--2-3-2-0---0---0---0--------------0------0------------|
B |----1-3---3--------3-----1-----------3---3---3------1-3-3---3--------------0--|
G |-----------------------------------------------2--------------2----2---0-2----|
D |-------------------2---------------------3--------------3---------------------|
A |--3-------------------------------------------------3-------------------------|
E |-----------------------------------------------------------------------0------|
E |----------------0--------7-8-10-12----5---5-------0---0------------|
B |----------0-------7-8-10----------------5---5----------------------|
G |------0-2---5-7-------------------------------------2---2----------|
D |--2-4--------------------------------------------------------------|
A |---------------------------------0----------------------------0----|
E |------------------------------------------------------------0------|
E |--------0---0-----------0--2-3-2-0---0---0-----0--12--0-----10-5----6----------|
B |----1-3---3----1---1--3----1-----------3---3----------13-------7------6---6----|
G |--0------------0---0-------0---------------------------------7--------7-----5--|
D |--2------------2---2------------------------------10----------------8----------|
A |--3------------3---3------------------------------------------------------8----|
E |--0------------0---0--------------------------------------------------------8--|
E |-------------------------------------------------------------------0----|
B |-------------------------------------------------------------------1----|
G |--0-------------0---0---------0---------------------0----0--0------0----|
D |--2----0-2-0-2------2---0-2-4---4-2---2--0-2-0--2---2----2--2------2----|
A |--3--3----------3---3-------3-------------------3---3----3--3------3----|
E |--0-------------0---0-------------------------------0----0--0------0----|
(Version facil en el archivo de texto descargable / Easy version in the downloable text file)
Descargas / Downloads
solfeo + tab facil + tab avanzado / Solfa + easy tab + advanced tab


Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file
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4 comentarios:
felicitaciones, excelente blog, gracias por todo tu esfuerzo
Gracias :D Lleva su esfuerzo pero es muy gratificante ;)
Para lira?
>>Para lira?
Lira antigua o esa que parece xilofon?
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