It has been a long time since i have published an entry that involves a BGM where someone dies! (double or triple death in this case in fact :P). This BGM from the Original Soundtrack 2 was used very often in the 12 temples saga (Very effectively i must say) but without doubt the scene that identifies this musical piece is the Saga's final sacrifice. It's also one of the most wanted tabs and it had many petitions which i ignored for years XD
viernes, 30 de enero de 2015
Hacia tiempo que no publicaba una entrada que involucrara un BGM donde muere alguien! (doble o triple muerte en este caso,de hecho :P ). Este BGM del Original Sountrack 2 fue profusamente usado en la saga de las 12 casas (y muy acertadamente debo decir) pero sin dudas la escena que identifica a esta pieza musical es la del sacrificio final de Saga. Es tambien uno de los tabs que recibio mas peticiones a lo largo del tiempo, las cuales me encargue de ignorar por años XD
It has been a long time since i have published an entry that involves a BGM where someone dies! (double or triple death in this case in fact :P). This BGM from the Original Soundtrack 2 was used very often in the 12 temples saga (Very effectively i must say) but without doubt the scene that identifies this musical piece is the Saga's final sacrifice. It's also one of the most wanted tabs and it had many petitions which i ignored for years XD

It has been a long time since i have published an entry that involves a BGM where someone dies! (double or triple death in this case in fact :P). This BGM from the Original Soundtrack 2 was used very often in the 12 temples saga (Very effectively i must say) but without doubt the scene that identifies this musical piece is the Saga's final sacrifice. It's also one of the most wanted tabs and it had many petitions which i ignored for years XD
domingo, 18 de enero de 2015
Deprisa caballeros Athenienses!!! 
Si no reconocen esa frase no tuvieron infancia XD Estas inmortales palabras eran dichas en el preview de cada capitulo de la saga de las 12 casas (La mejor saga de todo saint seiya :) por Raul Espinoza y el track "Galaxian Wars" sonaba de fondo. Sin lugar a dudas a todo fan de Saint Seiya se le erizaba la piel al escuchar esta pieza musical :D
If you didn't recognize that phrase you didn't have childhood XD those immortal words were said in every episode preview of the 12 temples saga (the best saga of all Saint Seiya :) by Raul Espinoza and the track "Galaxian wars" was played in the background. Without a doubt every Saint Seiya fan get goosebumps just by hearing this musical piece.
If you didn't recognize that phrase you didn't have childhood XD those immortal words were said in every episode preview of the 12 temples saga (the best saga of all Saint Seiya :) by Raul Espinoza and the track "Galaxian wars" was played in the background. Without a doubt every Saint Seiya fan get goosebumps just by hearing this musical piece.
miércoles, 14 de enero de 2015
Acordes de "Senkoo strings" (vamo' las chicas!!)
No, Saint Seiya Omega no fue olvidado. De hecho, su musica es uno de los aspectos que mas ha perdurado de esta serie. Los openings gozaron de buena aceptacion, incluso entre los haters de omega :P "Flashing Strings", el 4to y ultimo opening, genero en su momento cierta espectativa/controversia ya que la cancion estuvo a cargo de una banda de heavy metal femenino. Pese a todo, este tema cosecho su pequeño sequito de fans asi que para todos ellos (y para los haters tambien, porque no XD )aca estan acordes ;)
No, Saint Seiya Omega wasn't forgotten. In fact, its music is one of the lasting aspects of this series. The openings enjoyed good acceptance, even from the Omega haters :P "Flashing strings", the 4th opening, generated some expectation/controversy because the song was in charge of a heavy metal band integrated by girls. In spite of that, this theme reaped its entourage of fans so for all of them (and for the haters too, why not? XD) here are the chords ;)

No, Saint Seiya Omega wasn't forgotten. In fact, its music is one of the lasting aspects of this series. The openings enjoyed good acceptance, even from the Omega haters :P "Flashing strings", the 4th opening, generated some expectation/controversy because the song was in charge of a heavy metal band integrated by girls. In spite of that, this theme reaped its entourage of fans so for all of them (and for the haters too, why not? XD) here are the chords ;)
sábado, 10 de enero de 2015
Tutoriales OST!
Se que hay muchas personas que no saben leer partituras, tabs o solfeos y que les da mucha pachorra (pereza) aprender tambien. Para todos esos, les dejo un par de videos tutoriales donde un fan se tomo no solo el trabajo de sacar la nota de todos los instrumentos sino tambien de colocar la digitacion en cada uno de ellos (bueno, la mayoria de ellos ^^).
I know there're many people that doesn't know how to read sheet music, tabs or solfa and they are a little lazzy to learn it too. For all of them, i leave a couple of video tutorials where a fan not only took the job of gettting every note of all the instruments but he also put the fingering in every one of them (well, most of them ^^).
Polaris Hilda (2 movimiento)
I know there're many people that doesn't know how to read sheet music, tabs or solfa and they are a little lazzy to learn it too. For all of them, i leave a couple of video tutorials where a fan not only took the job of gettting every note of all the instruments but he also put the fingering in every one of them (well, most of them ^^).
Polaris Hilda (2 movimiento)
sábado, 3 de enero de 2015
El jardin de los dioses
Se hizo esperar pero seguimos con el proyecto de sacar los acordes de todos los openings y endings de Saint Seiya / los caballeros del zodiaco. Cada vez falta menos aunque como siguen saliendo cosas de Saint seiya (proximamente tendremos SOUL OF GOLD), creo que nunca podremos dar por terminado el proyecto :D hoy le toca a KAMI NO SONO ~ del Regno, ending de la saga de Hades - Campos Eliseos. Una de las pocas cosas rescatables de esas nefastas Ovas XD
It made us wait for it but we continue with the project of getting the chords of all Saint Seiya's openings and endings. There's already less time but as we are getting new Saint seiya material (SOUL OF GOLD coming soon) i think we'll never bring to an end the project :D Today is the turn of KAMI NO SONO ~ del Regno, the Hades Saga - chapter Elysion's ending. One of the few redeeming things from that dreadful Ovas XD

It made us wait for it but we continue with the project of getting the chords of all Saint Seiya's openings and endings. There's already less time but as we are getting new Saint seiya material (SOUL OF GOLD coming soon) i think we'll never bring to an end the project :D Today is the turn of KAMI NO SONO ~ del Regno, the Hades Saga - chapter Elysion's ending. One of the few redeeming things from that dreadful Ovas XD
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