It has been a long time since i have published an entry that involves a BGM where someone dies! (double or triple death in this case in fact :P). This BGM from the Original Soundtrack 2 was used very often in the 12 temples saga (Very effectively i must say) but without doubt the scene that identifies this musical piece is the Saga's final sacrifice. It's also one of the most wanted tabs and it had many petitions which i ignored for years XD
Podemos destacar varias escenas memorables donde se utiliza esta pieza musical: / we can highlight a few memorable scenes where this musical piece is played:
*Capitulo 53: Cassios cae de rodillas (mas no derrotado)despues de recibir un golpe mortal por parte de Aioria-malvado / Episode 53: Cassios falls on his knees (but not defeated) after a mortal blow by evil Aioria.
*Capitulo 67: Hyoga logra igualar el aire frio de Camus y recuerda sus motivos para pelear / Episode 67: Hyoga manages to match the Camus' cold air and remembers the reasons to fight.
*Capitulo 58: Ikki envuelve a shaka con su cosmos y se prepara para "explotar" :'( / Episode 58: Ikki wraps shaka with his cosmo and prepares to "explode" :'(
*Capitulo 62: Milo le explica a Hyoga porque lo salvo y lo deja pasar a la siguiente casa / Episode 62: Milo explais to Hyoga why he saved him and he lets him pass to the next temple.
*Capitulo 107: Ikki le da un golpe mortal a Kaysa cuando este trataba de matarlo bajo la apariencia de Shun (a comerlaa!) / Episode 107: Ikki deals a fatal blow to Kaysa when he tries to kill him under the appearance of Shun (eat that!)
Hay que tener muy en cuenta que este tab esta hecho para una guitarra acustica, por eso solo hay slides. La pieza original tiene una guitarra electrica y muchos bends, algo que no puede reproducirse fielmente en una acustica. Los slides son una buena manera de emular esos los bends. Si usan una electrica simplemente reemplazan los slides con bends y listo ;) por cierto, para hacer el archivo guitar pro tome muchas notas de un midi hecho por un fan llamado "Pancho Star" que hace un tiempo posteo muchos midis de saint seiya. Saludos y agradecimientos para el :D
You must keep in mind that i used slides because this tab was made for an acoustic guitar. The original piece has a electric guitar and a lot of bends, something that can't be reproduced faithfully on an acoustic one. The slides are a good way of emulating those bends. If you use an electric one you simply need to replace the slides with bends and that's it ;) by the way, in order to make the guitar pro file i took a few notes from a midi made by "Pancho Star" which was posted with many other Saint Seiya midis sometime ago. Greetings and thanks to him :D
·Nombre Ingles internacional : Cosmo of Friendship
·Nombre original japones : 友情のコスモ
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Yuujou no Kosumo
·Traduccion japonesa: Cosmo of friendship (Fellowship) / Cosmo de amistad (compañerismo)
·Disco/Album: OST 2
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Nº de Track: 20
·Duracion : 5:15
Solfeo / Solfa
e5 e5 e5 f#5 g5 e5, d5 a4 b4
e6, f#6 a6 g6 g6, e6 d7 c#7 b6
e6 b6 a#6, f#6 g6 g#6 a#6, e6 e7, f#7 a7 g7 g7, b6
d7 e7 d7 g6 a6 g6 a6, e6 a6 b6 c7, g6 a6 e7 e7,
b6 e7 d7, a6 d7 b6 b6, b6 e7 d7, a6 d7 b6, b6
Version Avanzada / Advanced version
E |-----------------------------7---|
B |-----------------------------8---|
G |------------0----------------9---|
D |--2-2-2---4---2----0---------9---|
A |---------------------0-2-----7---|
E |-----------------------------7---|
E |------------------9/10~-8/9--9/7~---7-6~---------------10/12~--14-17-15-15~/7~-|
B |------7-10-8-8~-------------------5------7-8-9-8/10~---------------------------|
G |-7/9~-----------9------------------------------------9-------------------------|
D |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
A |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |--10-10/12\10-----------------------------------------12---10/12~----|
B |---------------8-8/10\8/10~-------10-12-13~---8-9/10-----------------|
G |-------------------------------9-------------------------------------|
D |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
A |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-----12-10~----10----------------12-------------10-------------|
B |--12--------10----12-10/12~---12-----12/15~--10----10/12~--12--|
G |---------------------------------------------------------------|
D |---------------------------------------------------------------|
A |---------------------------------------------------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------|
Tutorial guitar pro
Descargas / Downloads
tab con algun que otro punteo alternativo / tab + alternative frets

Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file
Escuchar / Listen
(minuto 2:02)
Enlaces relacionados
· Disco OST 2 (El CD de Eris que no fue...)
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