This sheet music is, plain and simple, a rarity. The musical piece is short, was heard only a couple of times in the series and you won't find it in the Saint Seiya's OSTs. In the Eris' movie is played when Ikki is preparing to execute his technique "Phoenix's wing glide" (Hoo yoku ten shoo) against Orion Jaeger (Jaga). Anyway, a sheet music for ultra fans only ;)
Este track tambien se escucha en la escena de la casa de Acuario cuando el color del entorno pasa de violeta a blanco. Una memorable escena que nos dejo expectantes y pensando "ahora se viene algo muy bueno" (y finalmente fue asi, no? --> Camus, si que nos hiciste llorar :') ).
Hay que recordar que esta pieza musical apareció primero en la coleccion "Memorial Box" dentro del track "Un-recorded BGM", una suerte de rejunte de piezas musicales cortas e ineditas que no habian logrado ser seleccionadas para aparecer en los OSTs.
This track was also played in that scene in the Aquarius temple when the temple enviroment colour goes from violet to white. A memorable scene that leave us waiting anxiously and thinking "now it comes something awesome" ( and we weren't disappointed, weren't we? --> Camus, si que nos hiciste llorar :')) ).
Also we must remember that this musical piece was first shown in the "Memorial Box" collection inside the track "Un-recorded BGM", which is something like a compilation of short and unpublished musical pieces that weren't selected for the OSTs.
·Nombre Ingles internacional : Ghost Saint Jaeger
·Nombre original japones : 亡霊聖闘士[ゴーストセイント]ジャガー
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Bourei seitoushi [goosuto seinto] jagā
·Traduccion japonesa: Ghost holy warrior [Ghost saint] Jaguar / Guerrero fantasma sagrado [Caballero fantasma] Jaguar
·Disco/Album: Eternal Edition/Box - CD 03
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Nº de Track: 11
·Duracion : 00:36
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Ghost Saint Jagger [Ghost Saint Jagâ]
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· Camus, si que nos hiciste llorar :')
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