Many times one do a good work and even if the work is well done, it always can be improved. In this case i decided to do a "better" version of the Pegasus Forever' sheet music. Closer to the TV Size version and including the organ and the ending. This update only took... 10 years!! but whatever, Saga needed a lot more time in finding the Sagittarius cloth, right? ^_^¿
La gran diferencia con la partitura anterior es que esta incluye el intro con el organo, el solo de guitarra y el outro. Ademas cambie las partes estaticas del acompañamiento por notas rapidas para no cortar la "emocion". Recuerden que esta 1 tono aumentado con respecto al original.
The big difference with the previous Sheet music is that this one includes the intro with the organ, the guitar solo and the outro. I also changed the Static parts of the accompaniment for quick notes so the "excitement" goes without cuts. Remember that the tone is 1 step up regarding the original song.
·Nombre Ingles internacional : 女神の戦士
·Nombre original japones : Pegasus Forever
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Megami no Senshi
·Traduccion japonesa: Goddess' warrior / Guerrero de (la) diosa
·Disco/Album: Saint Seiya Hades Single "Meikai Hen"
·Compositor: Kacky
·Letra: Kurumada Masami ( 車田正美 ) y Matsuo Kenji ( 松尾康治 )
·Banda interprete/Performing band: Marina del Ray
·Nº de Track: 01
·Duracion : 4:15
Piano Tutorial en Synthesia
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