Full band makes reference to a sheet music that has all or an acceptable amount of musical instruments played una a piece. Commonly it can be known as orchestral sheet music or "concert band" depending of the piece nature. In this case, the Pandora's box 2nd track movement. A sheet music that was started as a piano transcription but i was adding a note here, another there, and it finished with a lot more instruments along with the piano ^^
Nunca me gusto la idea de hacer videos tutoriales en synthesia de estas partituras full band porque son confusos y ayudan muy poco a los principiantes. A los avanzados los ayuda "un poco" nomas pero pueden resultar muy frustrantes. Sin embargo, ahora veo que son un buen vehiculo para compartir material, sobretodo los midis. Esos si ayudan y bastante ;) Hoy no hay partitura pero si les dejo el archivo midi. Este 2do movimiento no tiene muchos instrumentos pero si hacen una diferencia en cuanto a fidelidad con la pieza original.
I never liked the idea of Full band synthesia video tutorials because they're confusing and help very little to the beginners. It helps the advanced just "a little more" but in general they can result very frustating. However, now i see that they're a good vehicule to share material, midis especially. Those do help and a lot ;) Today there isn't sheet music but i leave you the midi file. This 2nd movement doesn't have a lot of instruments but they make a difference if you want accuracy considering the original piece.
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