Si ahora mismo pudiera reunir a 400 fans latinoamericanos de Saint seiya de mas de 20 años y les hiciera escuchar esta cancion, estoy completamente seguro de que todos podrian cantarla sin equivocarse en 1 sola palabra. Pero si les preguntara a esos 400 si la cancion les gusta, mas de la mitad diria que no XD Este es solo uno de los tantos sentimientos contradictorios que genera aun hoy dia esta cancion llamada simplemente "Caballeros del Zodiaco" (o "los guardianes del universo"), cancion que sirviera como opening (y ending) de la serie de Saint seiya en latinoamerica desde el año 1993 hasta mas o menos el 2003 cuando se la reemplazo por las versiones latinas de las canciones originales japonesas (Pegasus fantasy, Soldier Dream, Blue Forever y Blue Dream).
miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010
lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010
"Saint no Shi"! Al fin una partitura del Lost Canvas!
Poco a poco van saliendo novedades frescas de Saint seiya en cuanto a partituras :D para todos los fans de Saint seiya - El lienzo perdido (The Lost Canvas) les traigo la partitura de "Saint no shi" (聖闘士の死 ~ Muerte del santo[caballero]). Es una de las pocas composiciones que me gustaron del OST de The lost Canvas. Una triste melodia en piano que, en mi opinion, no supera a "Remember Sadness" (far reaching five old pikes) que fuera La composicion triste en piano mas famosa de la serie clasica de Saint Seiya. De hecho "Saint no shi" es una de las escasas composiciones "tristes" del album lo cual nos habla del potencial emotivo de este soundtrack (proximamente se viene el analisis de este OST :D ), ademas es tambien una de las pocas que se reconoceran a primeras para aquellos que hayan visto las ovas. Es una composicion bastante sencilla de tocar dado que la melodia es simple y el acompañamiento tiene una forma definida y repetitiva. Proximamente el solfeo y el tab de esta cancion :DD
Little by little fresh news about Saint seiya's sheet music are coming out :D For all the Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas' fans, i bring you the sheet music of "Saint no Shi" (聖闘士の死 ~ Saint's Death). Is one of the few compositions i liked from the Lost Canvas' OST. A sad piano melody which, in my opinion, doesn't surpass "Remember Sadness" (far reaching five old pikes), the most famous sad piano composition from the Saint Seiya's clasic series. In fact "Saint no Shi" is one of the little few "Sad" compositions from the album and that "speaks" about the emotional potential of this soundtrack (an analysis of this OST is coming :D), also is one of the few songs that will be recognized by those who saw the ovas. It's a Fairly easy composition to play because the melody is simple and the accompaniment has a repetitive and defined pattern. Soon the solfa ant the tab from this song :DD
Little by little fresh news about Saint seiya's sheet music are coming out :D For all the Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas' fans, i bring you the sheet music of "Saint no Shi" (聖闘士の死 ~ Saint's Death). Is one of the few compositions i liked from the Lost Canvas' OST. A sad piano melody which, in my opinion, doesn't surpass "Remember Sadness" (far reaching five old pikes), the most famous sad piano composition from the Saint Seiya's clasic series. In fact "Saint no Shi" is one of the little few "Sad" compositions from the album and that "speaks" about the emotional potential of this soundtrack (an analysis of this OST is coming :D), also is one of the few songs that will be recognized by those who saw the ovas. It's a Fairly easy composition to play because the melody is simple and the accompaniment has a repetitive and defined pattern. Soon the solfa ant the tab from this song :DD
Partituras/Sheet Music,
miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010
CD Drama de Albafica (The Lost Canvas)
Bueno, no se si llamarlo novedad ya que el CD salio alla por junio. Lo que pasa es que ahora esta disponible para descargar!! :D
Este es un CD drama (es como una radio novela) acerca de Albafica, el caballero de piscis en The Lost Canvas (El lienzo Perdido). Es una historia Gaiden, es decir, una historia paralela que muestra hechos del pasado o explora mas profundamente un personaje. En este caso, se trata de recuerdos de Albafica y su maestro (el anterior caballero de piscis) Lugonis.
Este CD solo se conseguia al canjear todas las tarjetas que vienen en los DVDs y BluRays oficiales de The Lost Canvas (Japon unicamente).
Well, i don't know if i must call it "news" because the CD has already come out in june. The thing is that now is available for downloading!! :D
This is a CD drama (it's like a radio-drama) about Albafica, the pisces gold saint in The Lost Canvas. Is a Gaiden Story, ergo, a Parallel story that shows past events or explore more deeply a Character. In this case, it's about memories of Albafica and his teacher (the previous pisces saint) Lugonis.
This CD was only achieved by exchanging all the cards that came into the Lost Canvas' DVDs and official BluRays (Japan only).
Este es un CD drama (es como una radio novela) acerca de Albafica, el caballero de piscis en The Lost Canvas (El lienzo Perdido). Es una historia Gaiden, es decir, una historia paralela que muestra hechos del pasado o explora mas profundamente un personaje. En este caso, se trata de recuerdos de Albafica y su maestro (el anterior caballero de piscis) Lugonis.
Este CD solo se conseguia al canjear todas las tarjetas que vienen en los DVDs y BluRays oficiales de The Lost Canvas (Japon unicamente).
Well, i don't know if i must call it "news" because the CD has already come out in june. The thing is that now is available for downloading!! :D
This is a CD drama (it's like a radio-drama) about Albafica, the pisces gold saint in The Lost Canvas. Is a Gaiden Story, ergo, a Parallel story that shows past events or explore more deeply a Character. In this case, it's about memories of Albafica and his teacher (the previous pisces saint) Lugonis.
This CD was only achieved by exchanging all the cards that came into the Lost Canvas' DVDs and official BluRays (Japan only).
lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010
Disco "Saint seiya - Hits II" (El imperio contraataca...)
Dado que el disco "Hits" (que, dicho sea de paso, tuvo que cambiarse el nombre de manera extraoficial a "HITS I" por obvias razones ;) gozo de una buena aceptación por parte del publico, que las ventas de este álbum y del OST I fueron buenas, y que la serie iba muy bien en rating así como las ventas de los juguetes de Bandai; una idea empezó a dar vuelta en las cabecitas de los directivos de TOEI ¿porque no lanzar otro disco vocal de saint seiya? Recordar que si bien Saint Seiya goza de una música de fondo magnifica, son las canciones vocales las que se pasan en las radios y las que generan esa sensación de actualidad/moda en los animes (y ventas, por supuesto).
The "Hits" album (which unofficially had to change its name to "Hits I" for obvious reasons ;) had a good acceptance from the public, the sales from that album and the OST1 were good, and the rating of the series was high as well as the sales of the Bandai Toys. So, an idea was turning around the heads of the TOEI's executives: ¿Why not release another Saint Seiya Vocal album ? Remember that although Saint seiya have a magnificent Background music, it's the vocal songs which are broadcasted and generate the sensation of being actual/fashionable in the animes (and $ales of course).
The "Hits" album (which unofficially had to change its name to "Hits I" for obvious reasons ;) had a good acceptance from the public, the sales from that album and the OST1 were good, and the rating of the series was high as well as the sales of the Bandai Toys. So, an idea was turning around the heads of the TOEI's executives: ¿Why not release another Saint Seiya Vocal album ? Remember that although Saint seiya have a magnificent Background music, it's the vocal songs which are broadcasted and generate the sensation of being actual/fashionable in the animes (and $ales of course).
sábado, 11 de septiembre de 2010
Magia pianistica de la mano de Absolutepitcher 
He vuelto y con mas partituras :P Estas pertenecen a alguien que llamaremos "absolute pitcher" dado que asi aparece en su pagina. Este fan realiza versiones pianisticas de openings y endings de animes y series sentai japonesas. Versiones muy buenas de hecho aunque no son para principiantes. De Saint seiya ha hecho 5, incluyendo "God warrior Vs. Saint" que es un BGM de los mejores de la saga de Asgard. En su pagina (que es un muro web mas que nada) estan disponibles tanto partituras en PDF como los midis. Ambas en descarga directa (esas de "click derecho - guardar como" que ya no se encuentran casi ^_^). Tambien tiene unos videos subidos a youtube donde realiza muy buenas ejecuciones de sus partituras. Si alguna vez buscaron canciones en piano de saint seiya, seguro que vieron alguno de sus videos bajo el nick de Kuroto2000 ;)
I'm Back and with more sheet music :P These ones belong to someone that we'll call "absolute pitcher" because that's how he appears in his web. This fan make piano versions of openings and endings from animes and japanese sentai series. Very good verssions in fact but not for begginers. From Saint Seiya, he made 5 sheets, including "God warrior Vs. Saint" which is one of the bests BGM From the Asgard Chapter. In his web (which is a "web wall" in fact) are available the sheet music in PDF and midis. Both in direct download (those with "right click - save as" which we don't see anymore ^_^ ). Also he has some videos uploaded in youtube where he plays very good performances of his Sheets. If you ever searched for piano songs from Saint Seiya, i'm sure that you saw some of his videos under the nick of Kuroto2000 ;)
Sitio OFicial / Official Site (mirror)
I'm Back and with more sheet music :P These ones belong to someone that we'll call "absolute pitcher" because that's how he appears in his web. This fan make piano versions of openings and endings from animes and japanese sentai series. Very good verssions in fact but not for begginers. From Saint Seiya, he made 5 sheets, including "God warrior Vs. Saint" which is one of the bests BGM From the Asgard Chapter. In his web (which is a "web wall" in fact) are available the sheet music in PDF and midis. Both in direct download (those with "right click - save as" which we don't see anymore ^_^ ). Also he has some videos uploaded in youtube where he plays very good performances of his Sheets. If you ever searched for piano songs from Saint Seiya, i'm sure that you saw some of his videos under the nick of Kuroto2000 ;)
Sitio OFicial / Official Site (mirror)
Partituras/Sheet Music,
viernes, 10 de septiembre de 2010
Saint seiya en orquesta
Si ya es dificil tratar de encontrar a alguien que toque (correctamente) una cancion de saint seiya, imaginense una orquesta!! Cualquiera diria que eso jamas pasaria..... pero pasó :D La Orquesta sinfonica de Nayarit (Mexico) realizo un especial tocando varias canciones de animes, entre las cuales estaba "Resting of warrior ~ Senshi no kyūsoku" perteneciente al OST III de la discografia de Saint Seiya (Tambien seria "Athena's Theme" del OST II ya que son exactamente iguales ¬¬). Una gran composicion del "sensei" Seiji Yokoyama (横山 菁児). Esperemos que mas orquestas sigan este ejemplo :D
If it's already difficult to find someone that plays (correctly) a saint seiya's song, Imagine an orchestra!!! Anyone would say that this will never happen..... But it did :D The Nayarit symphonic orchestra (Mexico) Made a Special performance playing various anime songs, among them was "Resting of warrior ~ Senshi no kyūsoku" belonging to the OST III from the Saint Seiya discography (It would also be "Athena's theme" From the OST II because they are exactly the same ¬¬). A Great composition from the "sensei" Seiji Yokoyama (横山 菁児). Hopefully more orchestras will follow this example :D
If it's already difficult to find someone that plays (correctly) a saint seiya's song, Imagine an orchestra!!! Anyone would say that this will never happen..... But it did :D The Nayarit symphonic orchestra (Mexico) Made a Special performance playing various anime songs, among them was "Resting of warrior ~ Senshi no kyūsoku" belonging to the OST III from the Saint Seiya discography (It would also be "Athena's theme" From the OST II because they are exactly the same ¬¬). A Great composition from the "sensei" Seiji Yokoyama (横山 菁児). Hopefully more orchestras will follow this example :D
martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010
Shining! bronze Cloth, una partitura de Saint seiya medio desconocida (OST VII)
Bastante tiempo sin postear eh? :( seguramente las excusas estan de mas asi que vayamos a lo que nos interesa ;) Esta partitura probablemente sea algo desconocida ya que la pasaron muy poquitas veces en la serie y en la saga de Hades sono 1 par de veces nomas. Justamente fue cuando la escuche al final de la ova 14 (donde seiya y shun corren al palacio de la justicia) que me gusto y decidi sacarla en el piano :D
Long time without posting ah? :( surely the excuses don't matter here so let's go to our topic interest ;) This Score is, probably, unknown to many of you because it was heard just a few times in the series and a couple in the Hades Chapter. Casually, i heard it at the end of the ova 14 (Seiya and Shun are running to the justice palace) and i liked so y decided to take it in the piano :D
(la escena culpable de esta partitura XD / And the scene responsible for this score XD )
Long time without posting ah? :( surely the excuses don't matter here so let's go to our topic interest ;) This Score is, probably, unknown to many of you because it was heard just a few times in the series and a couple in the Hades Chapter. Casually, i heard it at the end of the ova 14 (Seiya and Shun are running to the justice palace) and i liked so y decided to take it in the piano :D
(la escena culpable de esta partitura XD / And the scene responsible for this score XD )
Partituras/Sheet Music,
miércoles, 1 de septiembre de 2010
Acordes de "Cadena de Flores" ("Single ~The Lost Canvas")
Siguiendo con las novedades (?) aca les dejo los acordes de la cancion conocida como "Cadena de flores" ( 花の鎖 = Hana no kusari) que es el (Primer) ending de las Ovas de "The Lost Canvas". La Afinacion es estandar
Continuing with the news (?) Here It is the chords of the song "Chain of Flowers (花 の 鎖 = Hana no kusari) which is the (first) ending from " The Lost Canvas" Ovas. The tuning is standard

Continuing with the news (?) Here It is the chords of the song "Chain of Flowers (花 の 鎖 = Hana no kusari) which is the (first) ending from " The Lost Canvas" Ovas. The tuning is standard
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