Little by little fresh news about Saint seiya's sheet music are coming out :D For all the Saint Seiya - The Lost Canvas' fans, i bring you the sheet music of "Saint no Shi" (聖闘士の死 ~ Saint's Death). Is one of the few compositions i liked from the Lost Canvas' OST. A sad piano melody which, in my opinion, doesn't surpass "Remember Sadness" (far reaching five old pikes), the most famous sad piano composition from the Saint Seiya's clasic series. In fact "Saint no Shi" is one of the little few "Sad" compositions from the album and that "speaks" about the emotional potential of this soundtrack (an analysis of this OST is coming :D), also is one of the few songs that will be recognized by those who saw the ovas. It's a Fairly easy composition to play because the melody is simple and the accompaniment has a repetitive and defined pattern. Soon the solfa ant the tab from this song :DD
·Nombre original japones : 聖闘士の死
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Saint no Shi
·Traduccion japonesa: Saint's death / Muerte del Santo (caballero)
·Disco/Album: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Hades Mythology ~ Original Soundtrack
·Compositor: Kaoru Wada 和田 薫
·Nº de Track: 30
·Duracion : 3' 18''
Escuchar / Listen (1:38)
Tutorial en piano de Saint no Shi (Synthesia)
Aca les dejo 1 video donde se escucha esa pieza. Es la escena donde Aldebaran/Hasgard realiza su ultimo ataque y muere (spoilers no? :P) / Here is a video where this piece is present. Is the scene where Aldebaran/Hasgard executes his last attack and dies (spoilers anyone? :P)
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2 comentarios:
Buen aporte, la andaba buscando.... se agradece mucho desde Mexico.
Gracias a vos Dorian por visitar el blog :)
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