I'm Back and with more sheet music :P These ones belong to someone that we'll call "absolute pitcher" because that's how he appears in his web. This fan make piano versions of openings and endings from animes and japanese sentai series. Very good verssions in fact but not for begginers. From Saint Seiya, he made 5 sheets, including "God warrior Vs. Saint" which is one of the bests BGM From the Asgard Chapter. In his web (which is a "web wall" in fact) are available the sheet music in PDF and midis. Both in direct download (those with "right click - save as" which we don't see anymore ^_^ ). Also he has some videos uploaded in youtube where he plays very good performances of his Sheets. If you ever searched for piano songs from Saint Seiya, i'm sure that you saw some of his videos under the nick of Kuroto2000 ;)
Sitio OFicial / Official Site
http://www.geocities.jp/absolutepitcher/ (mirror)
Descargas de mp3 en HQ / Mp3 downloads in HQ
Canal de Kuroto2000 en youtube / Kuroto2000 youtube channel
Y para rellenar mas esta entrada :P los videos de absolutepitcher tocando las canciones de saints seiya / To fill a little more this entry :P absolutepitcher's videos playing the saint seiya songs
Tutorial en piano de Chikyuugi (Synthesia)
God warrior vs Saint
Tutorial en piano de God warrior vs Saint (Synthesia)
Megami no senshi
Tutorial en piano de Megami no senshi (Synthesia)
Soldier Dream
Tutorial en piano de Soldier Dream (Synthesia)
Pegasus Fantasy
Tutorial en piano de Pegasus Fantasy (Synthesia)
Edicion 2017: Nuestro amigo grabó una version mejorada y mas completa de su transcipcion de Pegasus Fantasy (aunque no compartio partituras de esta version :( ) // 2017 edit: Our friend recorded an improved and more complete version of his Pegasus Fantasy's transcription (but he didn't share any sheet music of this version :( )
Descargas / Downloads
Aca les dejo mirrors mios del Trabajo de absolutepitcher / Here i give you mirrors of my own from the absolutepitcher's work
Aca pueden escuchar y descargar sus videos de saint seiya (extraidas de Youtube)/ Here you can listen and download his videos from Saint Seiya (extracted From youtube)
God Warrior Vs Saint
Megami no Senshi (Pegasus Forever)
Pegasus Fantasy
Soldier Dream
Y para ir terminando la entrada, aca les dejo los mp3 de las canciones Originales en caso de que quieran comparar / to go closing the entry, here you have the mp3 of the original songs if you wish to compare
Contraseña/Password: http://siguebrillandocosmos.blogspot.com
Enlaces relacionados
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6 comentarios:
sos un CAPO la verdad sos un idolo seguí así Tu coleg MaII
Gracias che. Seguimos en la batalla :D
obvio !!!
che q chebere la verdad ehhhhh la batalla continua en el santuario""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""··········
Si, el blog sigue dando batalla pese a que nos cierran servidores y cuentas! Aun queda cosmos...
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comenten CHE!