Les dejo los links de descarga individuales de Pegasus Fantasy y Soldier dream, y tambien de los discos enteros en caso de les hayan gustado demasiado esas versiones ^_^¿
This is more a curiosity than anything else. The classic openings from Saint Seiya in "Para para" ( パラパラ ) version. For those who do not know it, "Para para" is something like a group dance quite popular in Japan with a predetermined choreography to the rhythm of the Eurobeat music. A kind of evolution of "Thriller" or "YMCA" :P These versions were released in an album collection called "Para Para Max CD series" sung by Yoko Ishida (石田燿子). Surely you noticed that the songs sounds like they were sliced. It's because the entire album it's a sort of "megamix" so each song continues the last one.
Here you have the individual download links for Pegasus Fantasy and Soldier Dream, and also the whole albums in case you've loved too much those versions ^_^¿
Pegasus Fantasy
Soldier Dream
Descargas / Downloads
Para Para Max CD 1
1 - Shinseiki Evangelion - Zankoku na Tenshi no Teze
2 - Kidosenkan Nadesico - You Get to Burning
3 - Gundam V - Stand up to the Victory
4 - G Gundam - Song of the Victory
5 - Gundam Wing - Just Communication
6 - Saint Seiya - Pegasus Fantasy
7 - Yoroiden Samurai Troopers - Samurai Heart
8 - Sinseiki GPX Cyber Formula - I'll Come
9 - Yu Yu Hakusho - Hohemi no Bakudan
10 - Weiss Kreuz - Velvet Underworld
11 - Shoujo Kakumei Utena - Rinbu Revolution
12 - Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon - Otome no Policy
13 - Nurse Angel Ririka SOS - Ririka SOS
14 - Magic Knight Rayearth - Yuzurenai Negai
15 - Cardcaptor Sakura - Catch You Catch Me
16 - Akazukin Cha Cha - Cha Cha no Omakase
17 - Creme Lemon Angel - Tasgare Lonely
18 - NG Knight Lamune & 40? - Mezase! Ichiban!!
19 - Mahoshoujo Pretty Sammy - Yume Mireba Yume no Yume Janai!
20 - Tenchi Muyo! - Ren Ai no Jikuu
Para Para Max CD 5
1 - Saber Marionette J - Successful Mission
2 - Let's Might Gaine!!
3 - Saint Seiya - Soldier Dream
4 - Soreyuke! Uchuu Senkan Yamamoto Yoko - Tenshi no Kyuusoku
5 - Blue Seed - Carnival Babel
6 - Sailor Moon: Sailor Stars - Motto Suteki ma Asa ga Kuru yo
7 - Shin Shirayuki Hime Densetsu Pretear - White Destiny
8 - Cosmic Baton Girl Comet-san - Twinkle Star
9 - Digimon - Keep On
10 - Yu-Gi-Oh! - Voice
11 - Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shulato - Truth
12 - Mugen no Ryvius - Dis~
13 - Turn A Gundam - Century Color
14 - Vision of Escaflowne - Mystic Eyes
15 - Tenchi Muyo - Ginga de Chokuritsu Houko
16 - Irresponsible Captain Tylor - Just Think of Tomorrow
17 - Mamotte Shugogetten - Saa
18 - Nbaba Love Song
19 - Excellent Change! Kyuukyoku Sentai Kougaman
20 - Sister Princess - Love Destiny
4 comentarios:
Papa aqui no hay nada -_-
Es verdad. Ahi agregue mirrors de descarga en MF :)
Soy el primero que comentó y te doy las gracias, la pagina esta buena y entré buscando musica de Saint Seiya y ahora sí me voy satisfecho. Ademas no conocia un carajo de la musica de Para Para y gracias a ti me he enterado. Todo esta bueno y voy a coleccionar los mix. GRACIAS!!!
De nada :) si, yo se lo que es encontrar links y que esten caidos por eso no me molesta cuando me "reclaman" por links caidos. (igual gracias a eso se que estan caidos :P ). Hay mucha mas musica jpop por descubrir ;)
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