Hablando un poco de este BGM, suena mucho en las escenas tranquilas (donde mayormente aparece Sasha ) pero tambien suena en una escena bastante importante de la primera temporada de The Lost Canvas/El lienzo perdido. A que no adivinan cual??! SI! una escena donde muere alguien! :P Se me esta haciendo costumbre sacar partituras de BGMs del Lost Canvas donde alguien muere (Hagan apuestas para la proxima XD). Dicha escena es la escena de la muerte de Albafica, el caballero de Piscis. Una escena mas poetica que emotiva pero, a fin de cuentas, una buena escena =)
Some time ago i published the tab and the solfa (flute notes) of this piece ( →Go to the post ). Well, after a loooooooong while the sheet music for piano is here (yes, you must blame to the laziness ). In fact, the accompaniment got complicated in some parts and my perfectionist spirit had many frustrations so the project was postponed. Basically this score is the best i can do ^^ but i hope you'll like the final outcome.
Speaking of this BGM, it's played a lot in the calm scenes (where sasha appears mostly) but it's also played in a very important scene in the first season of the Lost Canvas. Do you guess which scene is??! YES! A scene where someone dies! :P I'm taking the habit of making Sheet music from the Lost Canvas where someone dies (Make the bets for the next sheet XD). Such scene is the death of Albafica, the Pisces saint. A more poetic than emotional scene but, ultimately, a good scene =)
Datos/Data·Nombre original japones : サーシャの祈り
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Sasha no inori
·Traduccion japonesa: Sasha's prayer / La plegaria de Sasha
·Disco/Album: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Hades Mythology ~ Original Soundtrack
·Compositor: Kaoru Wada 和田 薫
·Nº de Track: 4
·Duracion : 2' 06''
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