I wanted to share with you this acoustic version on guitar of Pegasus Fantasy made by a Saint Seiya fan who had the nick "Alan" from the extinct Saint seiya Zone forum (well, right now the forum version 2 it's online :P http://www.saintseiya-zone.net/upload ). Both the performance and the arrangement have great quality but i don't know if he used 2, 3 or 4 guitars at the same time. Unfortunately there's no tab of this arrengement neither but who knows, maybe Alan'll see the video some day and will be pleased to give us the tabs XD Ahh! don't pay attention to the FX (special effects) at the end of the video ^^
·Nombre Internacional: Pegasus Fantasy
·Nombre original japones : ペガサス幻想
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Pegasasu Gensou (Fuantaji)
·Traduccion japonesa: Pegasus illusion(Fantasy) / Ilusion (Fantasia) de pegaso
·Compositor: Hiroaki Matsuzawa 松澤浩明 / Nobuo Yamada (NoB) 山田 信夫
Contraseña/Password: http://siguebrillandocosmos.blogspot.com
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3 comentarios:
Muy buna rola esta exelente la rola de pagasusu fantasy.
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