The OST III album went on sale the december 21, 1987. By that time the series was halfway of the most important saga in Saint Seiya: The 12 Temples. More precisely, in the episode where Seiya, Shiryu and Shun came to the Libra Temple and find Hyoga inside the ice coffin. Strategically, it was the best moment to release the album because the series was in its popularity peak. The manga published in the Shounen Jump Magazine, instead, was already in the part where Seiya meets Saga and he reveals himself as the Gemini Saint.
Manga: Seiya vs Saga (en bolas) Anime: los de bronce en la casa de Libra
(Tomo 12) (Capitulo 59)
La musica contentida en este soundtrack, al igual que en los 2 anteriores, resulta bastante heterogenea entre si. Esto no resulta para nada raro si tomamos por cierta la teoria de que la musica de Saint Seiya hasta las 12 casas fue compuesta toda junta y luego se hizo una seleccion por disco. Inclusive en las llamadas "sesiones de grabacion" (recording sesions) podemos ver que las piezas fueron grabadas sin un orden especial. Lo que si es seguro es que era mas rentable lanzar a la venta discos individuales espaciados en el tiempo que un pack de 3 discos (o, de hecho, 4 discos considerando toda la musica que no fue editada sino hasta varios años despues en colecciones especiales pero ese es otro tema...).
Este disco contiene mucha de la musica que sono en las 12 casas aunque tambien se incluyo musica que habia sonado ya desde los primeros capitulos y de la pelicula de Eris. Esta "jugada" de incluir musica no editada de etapas anteriores seria algo recurrente en los siguientes OSTs.
The music in this soundtrack, as in the previous 2, it's quite heterogeneous among itself. This shouldn't seem strange if we accept as true the theory that the Saint seiya music until the 12 temples was composed all together and then they made a selection by album. Even in the "Recording Sessions" we can see that the pieces were recorded without a specific order. It's a fact that it was more profitable to release individual albums separated in time than a set of 3 albums (Or, as a matter of fact, 4 albums considering all the music that wasn't brought out until several years later in special collections but that's another issue... ).
This album has a lot of the music used in the 12 temples saga althought it was included, too, music from the firsts episodes and from the Eris movie. This "Include music from previous stages" move will be something recurrent in the following OSTs.
Que track suena en esta escena?
"Athena's theme" o "Resting of warrior"?
Dos hechos en particular diferencian a este disco de los otros OSTs:
1)Se incluyeron piezas musicales que ya habian sido editadas en otro soundtrack (El OST II para ser mas precisos).
No se confundan, no hablamos de versiones alternativas de determinada pieza. Estamos hablando de colocar exactamente las mismas piezas musicales que ya salieron en el disco anterior!! Muchos considerarian esto una falta de respeto hacia los compradores ya que al comprar el OST III, en parte estarian pagando nuevamente por algo que ya tenian (Eso si hubieran comprado el OST II, claro :P). A varios fans esto les podria parecer algo sin importancia ya que despues de tantas colecciones recopilatorias (Memorial Box, Gold collection, Eternal Edition, etc), los temas y canciones "repetidos" se ven como algo habitual, pero hay que ver este hecho como lo que es: Una verdadera metida de pata por parte de la casa editora, Nippon Columbia.
Veamos los temas que "accidentalmente" se copiaron del OST II al OST III:
2 facts in particular make this album different from the other OSTs
1)Musical pieces from another soundtrack were included (more precisely,From the OST II)
Make no mistake. We're not talking about alternative versions of a particular piece. We are talking about putting the exact same musical pieces from the previous album!! Many people will take this as a lack of respect to the buyers because buying the OST III they'll be paying again, in part, for something that they already had (if they had bought the OST II, of course :P). To Some fans this'll be something minor because after so many collections (Memorial Box, Gold collection, Eternal Edition, etc), the "repeated" themes and songs looks like something usual but we must see this as what it is: A real gaffe by the publishing company, Nippon Columbia.
Let's see which pieces were "accidentally" copied from the OST II to the OST III:
*09 Guidance of constellation
*10 Athena's theme ---> *05 Resting of Warrior
*19 Tranquility
*11 Dilemma - Shadow Is Approching ---> *06 Hoo yoku ten shoo
*12 Night before battle ---> *13 Ares' shadow
En total 5 tracks y casi 8 minutos de "accidente". Sin duda alguien tuvo que ser despedido >:)
5 tracks and almost 8 minutes of "accident" in total. Someone was fired for sure >:)
2)Se incluyo una version karaoke de un BGM.
Especificamente estamos hablando del primer movimiento del track "Remember Sadness". Todos los que hayan escuchado dicho track en esa parte, notaran que es una pieza muy conocida pero sin la voz angelical de Kazuko Kawashima (En el track "Cygnus, warrior of ice" puede escucharse la pieza en su version "normal"). De hecho tampoco habian salido versiones karaoke de las canciones vocales de la serie (Nisiquiera de Pegasus Fantasy!!). La inclusion de Karaokes de BGMs recien se haria dentro de la coleccion "Eternal Edition", es decir, 16 años despues @_@
2)It was included a karaoke version from a BGM
specifically, we are talking about the first movement from the track "Remember Sadness". Anyone who has heard such track in that part will notice that is a very known piece but without the Kazuko Kawashima's angelic voice (In the track "Cygnus, warrior of ice" you can hear the piece in its "normal" version). In fact, the karaoke versions from the vocal songs weren't released neither (not even Pegasus Fantasy!!). The inclusion of karaoke versions from BGMs would be done in the "Eternal Edition" collection, i.e., 16 years later @_@
Hyoga y su madre Ikki renace de sus cenizas Mu y los caballeros dorados
"Cygnus, warrior of ice" "Hoo yoku ten shoo" "intense! cosmo"
Episodio 03 Episodio 22 Episodio 43
El disco se compone de 17 temas, 13 de los cuales son BGM y 4 son versiones TV size del opening y ending: Pegasus Fantasy y Blue Forever (las versiones instrumentales son mas extendidas). Estas versiones TV size son basicamente relleno (y esto se veria mas claro en posteriores discos) pero la version instrumental de Pegasus Fantasy por si misma compensa ese relleno. Se podria haber incluido mas BGM como, por ejemplo, lo que "falto" de la pelicula de Eris. Es ilogico pensar que lo estaban reservando para el disco siguiente ( OST IV ) ya que en el mismo OST III hay BGM de la pelicula de Eris. Tambien podrian haber incluido todo el BGM que luego aparecio en la coleccion recopilatoria MEMORIAL BOX pero bueno, parece que no gusto la idea de hacer tracks compuestos de 20 o mas mini piezas diferentes ( Pero si lo harian para la coleccion Eternal Edition bajo el nombre de "Bridge collection" ;)
No podriamos decir que hay un LEITMOTIV en el disco aunque hay 2 tracks con arreglos sinfonicos de Pegasus Fantasy y Blue Forever. Si a esto le sumamos los 4 tracks TV size, tenemos una presencia nada despreciable de dichos temas en el disco.
The album has 17 tracks, 13 are BGM and 4 are Tv size versions of the opening and the ending: Pegasus Fantasy and Blue Forever (the instrumental versions are longer). These Tv size versions are fillers basically (and this will be more clear in the following albums..) but the instrumental version of Pegasus Fantasy by itself compensates the fill. They could have included more BGM such as the music from the Eris movie that was "left behind". It's illogical to think that they were keeping it for the next album (OST IV) because in the OST III itself there are BGMs from the Eris movie. They could also have included the BGM from the MEMORIAL BOX collection (released years later) but looks like the idea of tracks compounded by 20 or more different mini-pieces wasn't very attractive (but it would be attractive for the Eternal Edition collection under the name of "Bridge collection" ;).
We can't say that there is a LEITMOTIV in this album althought 2 tracks are shymponical arrengement of Pegasus Fantasy and Blue Forever. If we add the 4 Tv size tracks, we have a "not inconsiderable" presence of these themes into the album.
"Remember Sadness", una de las piezas mas emotivas de Saint Seiya
Si bien varios consideran al OST III como un disco inferior a los anteriores, el mismo tiene tracks destacables como por ejemplo "Cygnus, warrior of ice"que es practicamente el BGM de Hyoga, "Hoo yoku ten shoo" que suena en la escena de resurrecccion de Ikki o sino "Remember Sadness" (lejos una de las piezas mas famosas de Saint Seiya), que fue usado en la escena de la muerte del dragon negro, okko y la 2da de ikki :P De hecho, el OST III gano un premio alla en japon en el año '89. Uno de los tantos y merecidos reconocimientos al sensei Yokoyama.
Some people consider the OST III as an inferior album compared with the previous albums but we must stress that it has remarkable tracks such as "Cygnus, warrior of ice", practically the Hyoga's BGM; Hoo yoku ten shoo" which is played in the Ikki's resurrection scene; or "Remember Sadness" (By far, one of the most famous pieces from Saint Seiya), played in the Black dragon, Okko and Ikki death Scenes :P In fact, the OST III won an award in japan in 1989. One of the many and deserved recognitions of the Sensei Yokoyama.
·Nombre del disco (en occidente): OST III
·Nombre original japones del disco: TV Original Soundtrack ~ 音楽集 III
·Nombre japones en Romaji: TV Original Soundtrack ~ Ongakushuu III
·Traduccion japonesa: TV Original Soundtrack ~ Musical collection III / Banda Sonora Original para TV ~ Coleccion musical III
· Interpretado por/ Performed by:
-La Orquesta Armonica Andromeda / The Harmonic Andromeda Orchestra
-Make Up
·Compositor / Composer:
1, 3, 10, 15, 16, 17: Hiroaki Matsuzawa 松澤浩明 / Nobuo Yamada (NoB) 山田 信夫
2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16: Seiji Yokoyama 横山 菁児
·Arreglos / Arrangements:
Seiji Yokoyama 横山 菁児 (10, 16)
·Cantante de Scat/Scat Singer:
Kazuko Kawashima 川島和子 (Voz Tracks 4, 5, 8 = Voice Tracks 4, 5, 8)
-Duracion Total: 45' 14''
-Casa Discografica: Nippon Columbia
-Referencia: 32CC-2074
·Fecha de lanzamiento/Release Date: 21/12/1987
·Precio/price: 3300 yens
01- Pegasus Fantasy (TV Size) ~ ペガサス幻想 [ファンタジー] (TV用唄入り)
(Pegasasu Gensou [ Fuantajii ] (TV Size) ) (1:28)
02- Intense! Cosmo ~ 激突する小宇宙 [コスモ] (Gekitotsu suru shouuchuu [ Kosumo ]) (1:55)
03- Blue Forever (Instrumental) ~ 永遠ブルー (インストルメンタル ) ( Eien Buruu(Insutorumentaru) ) (1:40)
04- Athena's Love ~ アテナの愛 (Atena no ai) (2:28)
05- Resting of warrior ~ 戦士の休息 (senshi no kyuusoku) (4:38)
06 - Phoenix Wing Glide - Immortal Bird's Flap ~ 鳳翼天翔~不死鳥のはばたき (Hoo yoku Tenshoo~ fushichou nohabataki ) (3:07)
07- Sanctuary's Shudder ~ 戦慄のサンクチュアリ ( Senritsu no Sankuchuari) (2:37)
08- Cygnus ~ Warrior of Ice ~ キグナス~氷原の戦士 (Cygnus ~ Hyoogen no senshi) (2:28)
09- Direction of Heated Fights ~ 烈闘の彼方へ ( Rettou no kanata he) (2:03)
10- Saint of Hope ~ 希望の聖闘士 [セイント] ( Kibou no seitoushi [Seinto] ) (3:35)
11 - Far Reaching Five Old Peaks ~ 遙かなる五老峰 (Haruka naru goroohou) (3:34)
12 - Remember Sadness ~ 追憶~哀しみ (Tsuioku ~ Kanashi mi) (2:55)
13 - Ares' Shadow ~ アーレスの影 (Aaresu no kage) (3:27)
14 - Enter! Steps of Evil ~ 突入!邪悪の砦 (Totsunyuu ! jaaku no toride) (1:55)
15 - Pegasus Fantasy (Instrumental) ~ ペガサス幻想 [ファンタジー] (インストルメンタル )(Pegasasu Gensou [ Fuantajii ] (Insutorumentaru) ) (2:34)
16 - Launch Shooting Star punch ~ 流星拳を撃て (Ryuuseiken wo ute) (4:49)
17 - Blue Forever (TV Size) ~ 永遠ブルー (TV用唄入り)(Eien Buruu (TV Size) ) (1:10)
*Descarga directa
*Playlist OST III Youtube
Link Playlist OST III youtube
Covers (archivi - Copertine e libretti)
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