Un gran trabajo, ideal para tocar saint seiya con los amigos :D
In this occasion i bring to you Sheet music made by Dias de Carvalho Romaniga, a fan from luxemburg who made a tremendous job making arrangements of each OST disc (background music) from Saint Seiya. In fact not all the songs from the OST are there because it is a selection between 4 or 5 songs per OST. As a bonus there are also the sheet music of the 2 first openings and endings of the series. The sheets are "orchestral type" (for various instruments) but easily can be played in individual instruments, even in the piano because the chords are into the sheets.
A great job, ideal for playing Saint Seiya with friends :D
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Enlaces relacionados
· Disco OST 1 (La magia comienza...)
· Disco OST 2 (El CD de Eris que no fue...)
· Disco OST 3 ( La mitad de la musica que faltaba + relleno + repetidos = OST 3)
· Disco "Saint Seiya - Hits" (El primero de la trilogía)
2 comentarios:
lo que he esperado por siempre!!!!!!!!!!
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