Bueno, aca tenemos el preview de lo que sera el disco "character song" del Lienzo Perdido (Lost canvas). 9 canciones que van desde el pop, rock e incluso parece haber un para-para! :P
Well, here we have the preview of the future "character song" CD from The Lost Canvas. 9 songs of pop, rock and maybe even a para-para one! :P
Video original: www.nicovideo.jp/watch/1311668511
viernes, 29 de julio de 2011
martes, 26 de julio de 2011
El juego "Saint Seiya online" estrena web ( y tiene una magnifica cancion de fondo :DDD) 
Sorpresivamente hace unos dias aparecio la pagina web del famoso (y por ahora desconocido) juego online de Saint seiya, el cual esta siendo desarrollado por Sega y Perfect world entertainment. Pues bien, ya la han actualizado y el gran detalle es que esta web tiene como musica de fondo una cancion roquera bastante buena. Lo primero que podriamos pensar es que es un karaoke ya que no hay nisiquiera una guitarra haciendo la melodia y tiene toda la estructura de ser una cancion vocal (verso, coro, solo, etc). Si la cancion ya es buena en su version karaoke, ni me quiero imaginar en su version completa :OOOOO
Surprisingly a few days ago a web site from the famous (and unknown for now) Saint Seiya online game was up. The game is currently being developed by Sega and Perfect World Entertainment. Well, the site was updated and the big detail is that the web has ,as background music, a pretty good rock song. The first thing in our minds could be that this song is a karaoke because there isn't even a guitar doing the melody and it has the structure of a vocal song (verse, chorus, solo, etc.). The song is already good in its karaoke version, so i don't wanna imagine in its full version :OOOOOOO
Surprisingly a few days ago a web site from the famous (and unknown for now) Saint Seiya online game was up. The game is currently being developed by Sega and Perfect World Entertainment. Well, the site was updated and the big detail is that the web has ,as background music, a pretty good rock song. The first thing in our minds could be that this song is a karaoke because there isn't even a guitar doing the melody and it has the structure of a vocal song (verse, chorus, solo, etc.). The song is already good in its karaoke version, so i don't wanna imagine in its full version :OOOOOOO
lunes, 18 de julio de 2011
Una bella partitura del Tenkai Hen
Esta partitura es, en cierta forma, "especial" porque resulta ser la primera contribucion recibida de un fan que es publicada por el blog!! :D Fue hecha por un fan llamado Jorge Cantoriano proveniente de Richgrove, California. Esta partitura corresponde a una breve pieza del soundtrack de la pelicula "Tenkai hen josou overture" o la pelicula de la saga del cielo como la llaman algunos. Esta pieza solo se escucha en 1 escena en la pelicula y despues nunca mas es utilizada. Nisiquiera en las ovas de Hades. Particularmente, esta es uno de los BGMs que mas me gustan de ese Soundtrack :) La partitura es sencilla y muy fiel al track. De hecho es un excelente arreglo para piano. Esperamos que este fan continue con sus colaboraciones :D
This sheet music is, in a way, "special" because is the first contribution received from a fan and published in this blog!! :D It was made by a fan called Jorge Cantoriano from Richgrove, California. This score is from a short piece from the soundtrack of the movie "Tenkai hen josou Overture" or the Heaven movie as some people call it. This piece is played only in the movie and we never ear it again. Neither in the Hades Ovas. Particularly, this is one of the BGMs that i like most :D The sheet music is simple and very faithful to the track. In fact, is an excelent arrangement for piano. We hope that this fan continues with his contribution.
This sheet music is, in a way, "special" because is the first contribution received from a fan and published in this blog!! :D It was made by a fan called Jorge Cantoriano from Richgrove, California. This score is from a short piece from the soundtrack of the movie "Tenkai hen josou Overture" or the Heaven movie as some people call it. This piece is played only in the movie and we never ear it again. Neither in the Hades Ovas. Particularly, this is one of the BGMs that i like most :D The sheet music is simple and very faithful to the track. In fact, is an excelent arrangement for piano. We hope that this fan continues with his contribution.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
viernes, 15 de julio de 2011
Hironobu Kageyama y Nobuo Yamada en la presentacion de las maquinas de Pachinko!!
Siguen las presentaciones de las maquinas de Pachinko de Saint Seiya. En este caso tenemos a las 2 leyendas vivientes juntas en 1 sola presentacion!! Nobuo Yamada (NoB) (山田 信夫) canta la mitica Pegasus Fantasy con los arreglos instrumentales hechos para el pachinko y Hironobu Kageyama ( 影山ヒロノブ) hace lo suyo tambien con Soldier Dream pero cantando la cancion completa. Porsupuesto cantaron en vivo (Nada de playback) e hicieron gala de su gran carisma aunque pareciera que fue una presentacion privada porque no se escucha a mucha gente ahi.
The presentations of the Saint Seiya's Pachinko machines continues. This time we have the 2 living legends together in 1 presentation!! Nobuo Yamada (NoB) (山田 信夫) sings the mythical Pegasus Fantasy with the instrumental arrangements made for the Pachinko and Hironobu Kageyama ( 影山ヒロノブ) does his thing with Soldier Dream but singing the whole song. Of Course, they sung live (no playback) with their personal charisma althought it looks like it was a private presentation because you can't hear many people there.
The presentations of the Saint Seiya's Pachinko machines continues. This time we have the 2 living legends together in 1 presentation!! Nobuo Yamada (NoB) (山田 信夫) sings the mythical Pegasus Fantasy with the instrumental arrangements made for the Pachinko and Hironobu Kageyama ( 影山ヒロノブ) does his thing with Soldier Dream but singing the whole song. Of Course, they sung live (no playback) with their personal charisma althought it looks like it was a private presentation because you can't hear many people there.
miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011
Nueva version de Pegasus Fantasy (del Pachinko)
Gracias a www.cavzodiaco.com.br tenemos disponible el opening de Saint Seiya version Pachinko. Basicamente es un remake del primer opening de la serie con los graficos "mejorados" de los que hace lujo la maquina pachinko. El que canta no es otro que Nobuo Yamada (NoB), el cantante original de Pegasus Fantasy. Con esta ya seria la octava version de Pegasus Fantasy hecha por Nobuo Yamada :O Algunos se aventuran a decir que este opening pertenece a un inminente remake como Dragon ball Kai. El tiempo lo dira...
Thanks to www.cavzodiaco.com.br we have the Saint Seiya opening Pachinko version. Basically is a remake from the first opening of the series with the "improved" graphics of the Pachinko machine. The one who sings is no other than Nobuo Yamada (NoB), the original singer of Pegasus Fantasy. With this, it would be the eight version of Pegasus Fantasy made by Nobuo Yamada :O Some says that this opening is for an inminent remake of the classic series just like Dragon Ball Kai. Time will tell...
Thanks to www.cavzodiaco.com.br we have the Saint Seiya opening Pachinko version. Basically is a remake from the first opening of the series with the "improved" graphics of the Pachinko machine. The one who sings is no other than Nobuo Yamada (NoB), the original singer of Pegasus Fantasy. With this, it would be the eight version of Pegasus Fantasy made by Nobuo Yamada :O Some says that this opening is for an inminent remake of the classic series just like Dragon Ball Kai. Time will tell...
Cover del proximo disco de "El lienzo perdido"
Esta noticia tiene ya como 1 semana JA! cuando va a ser el dia en que ponga una noticia actualizada? :P esta es la imagen que se usara como Tapa del proximo disco de EL lienzo perdido alla en japon. Se puede distinguir el caracteristico trazo de Shiori Teshirogi (La dibujante y guionista del Lost Canvas) en el. Para los interesados, esta disponible la compra online por amazon AQUI (pero hay sorpresa para los que compren en japon →ver ). Para todos los demas ya sean pobres, tacaños, curiosos o simplemente adictos a las descargas, habra que esperar un poco para los mp3s, los cuales estaran disponibles para descarga en este blog apenas salgan ;)
This news has, at least, 1 week old HA! will the day arrive that i post an updated new? :P This is the image that will be used as cover for the next album of The Lost Canvas in Japan. One can distinguish the characteristic draw from Shiori Teshirogi (the writer and drawer of the Lost Canvas) on it. For the stakeholders, it's available the online purchase in Amazon HERE (but there's a surprise for those who buy it in japan →ver ). For the rest of us either poor, stingy, curious or simply download junkies, it'll be necessary to wait a bit for the mp3s which will be available for downloading in this blog as soon as it'll be released.
This news has, at least, 1 week old HA! will the day arrive that i post an updated new? :P This is the image that will be used as cover for the next album of The Lost Canvas in Japan. One can distinguish the characteristic draw from Shiori Teshirogi (the writer and drawer of the Lost Canvas) on it. For the stakeholders, it's available the online purchase in Amazon HERE (but there's a surprise for those who buy it in japan →ver ). For the rest of us either poor, stingy, curious or simply download junkies, it'll be necessary to wait a bit for the mp3s which will be available for downloading in this blog as soon as it'll be released.
domingo, 10 de julio de 2011
Acordes del ending que no fue ending (A.K.A. "My Dear")
Cada vez falta menos para tener la coleccion completa de acordes de openings y endings de Saint Seiya. De hecho, la de openings ya esta completa (y bueno, eran 3 canciones nomas XD ). Solo nos quedan un par de endings. "My Dear" es el ending de las ovas de Hades, parte Infierno. Una cancion soft con tintes nostalgico-triste que fue bien recibida por los fans, no asi su animacion en las ovas ya que, lo que se vio como ending, no fue mas que los creditos en un fondo negro con un recuadrito mostrando escenas de la Ova. Una cosa bastante lejana de lo que los fans conocen como "ending". Incluso hubiese sido valido una imagen fija de fondo pero ni eso. Esta es otra de las razones por la cual el apellido "KATSUMATA" es bien recordado por los fanaticos de Saint Seiya y no justamente para decirle gracias. Afortunadamente Masami Kurumada (que tambien le puso la letra a esta cancion) lograria producir 2 videoclips y meterlos como extras en los DVDs de las ovas de Hades infierno. Uno de ellos es de My Dear con Yumi Matsuzawa en rol protagonico. Aun sin tener nada que ver con Saint Seiya, este videoclip hubiera quedado mejor como ending pero bueno, que se le va a hacer...
Soon we'll have the complete collection of chords of openings and endings from Saint Seiya. In fact, we have all the openings (well, there were only 3 songs XD ). Just a couple of endings left. "My Dear" is the ending from the Hades Ovas, Inferno Chapter. A soft song with a slight touch of nostalgic sadness that had a good reception from the fans, but not its animation in the ovas because it was just the credits in a black screen with some scenes from the Ova in a little box. It would have been better a still image as a background but it wasn't even that. This is one of the many reasons of why the last name "KATSUMATA" is well known by the Saint Seiya fans and not exactly to give him the thanks. Fortunately, Masami Kurumada (who also made the lyrics for this song) managed to produce 2 videoclips and put them into the DVDs of the Hades Inferno Ovas as extras. One of the clips was from My Dear with Yumi Matsuzawa in the leading rol. Even when it has nothing to do with Saint Seiya, this videoclip would be a better choice as an ending but well, what can one do...
Soon we'll have the complete collection of chords of openings and endings from Saint Seiya. In fact, we have all the openings (well, there were only 3 songs XD ). Just a couple of endings left. "My Dear" is the ending from the Hades Ovas, Inferno Chapter. A soft song with a slight touch of nostalgic sadness that had a good reception from the fans, but not its animation in the ovas because it was just the credits in a black screen with some scenes from the Ova in a little box. It would have been better a still image as a background but it wasn't even that. This is one of the many reasons of why the last name "KATSUMATA" is well known by the Saint Seiya fans and not exactly to give him the thanks. Fortunately, Masami Kurumada (who also made the lyrics for this song) managed to produce 2 videoclips and put them into the DVDs of the Hades Inferno Ovas as extras. One of the clips was from My Dear with Yumi Matsuzawa in the leading rol. Even when it has nothing to do with Saint Seiya, this videoclip would be a better choice as an ending but well, what can one do...
miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011
Version piano de "inside a Dream"
Es bueno ver que las partituras de Saint Seiya siguen apareciendo por la web. El dia de hoy tenemos la partitura de una pieza muy bien conocida por los fanaticos. Pertenece al soundtrack de la peli de Eris aunque como no salio un disco de tal pelicula, fue editada como musica de fondo de la serie. En dicha pieza se destaca magnificamente la voz de Kazuko Kawashima, inconfundible e indispensable en el universo musical de Saint Seiya. Esta pieza fue usada en muchas escenas importantes como cuando Camus de acuario manda hacia las profundidades al barco donde esta la madre de Hyoga, o cuando shaka le quita los sentidos a Ikki o el Flashback de la muerte de Aldebaran de Tauro, por mencionar unas cuantas.
El transcriptor es Liz Xu Wilson, alguien que anteriormente ya tuvo un post en este blog (→ir al post). La partitura en si es "sencilla" aunque tiene un par de arreglos en el acompañamiento que pueden dar algo problemita pero nada del otro mundo. Esta partitura no es 100% fiel al tempo de la original asi que se debe tomar como una version propia del transcriptor, la cual personalmente debo decir que me gusto :D
Today we have a sheet music from a piece very well known by the fans. It belongs to the Eris movie Soundtrack but since this movie didn't have an album, the piece was edited as BGM from the series. In such piece we can notice the impressive voice of Kazuko Kawashima, an unmistakable and essential element in the Saint Seiya's musical universe. This piece was played in many important scenes like when Aquarius Camus send to the depths the ship where Hyogas' mother was "resting", or when shaka removes the the ikki's sense, or in the flashback of the Aldebaran's death.
The transcriber is Liz Xu Wilson, someone who already has a post in this blog (→Go to the post). The Sheet music is "simple" althought it has a few arrangements in the accompaniment that can bring a little trouble but is nothing special. This Score isn't 100% faithful to the original piece in the tempo so you must take it as a "transcriber's own version" which, personally, i liked :D
Sitio Oficial / Official Site
El transcriptor es Liz Xu Wilson, alguien que anteriormente ya tuvo un post en este blog (→ir al post). La partitura en si es "sencilla" aunque tiene un par de arreglos en el acompañamiento que pueden dar algo problemita pero nada del otro mundo. Esta partitura no es 100% fiel al tempo de la original asi que se debe tomar como una version propia del transcriptor, la cual personalmente debo decir que me gusto :D
Today we have a sheet music from a piece very well known by the fans. It belongs to the Eris movie Soundtrack but since this movie didn't have an album, the piece was edited as BGM from the series. In such piece we can notice the impressive voice of Kazuko Kawashima, an unmistakable and essential element in the Saint Seiya's musical universe. This piece was played in many important scenes like when Aquarius Camus send to the depths the ship where Hyogas' mother was "resting", or when shaka removes the the ikki's sense, or in the flashback of the Aldebaran's death.
The transcriber is Liz Xu Wilson, someone who already has a post in this blog (→Go to the post). The Sheet music is "simple" althought it has a few arrangements in the accompaniment that can bring a little trouble but is nothing special. This Score isn't 100% faithful to the original piece in the tempo so you must take it as a "transcriber's own version" which, personally, i liked :D
Sitio Oficial / Official Site
Partituras/Sheet Music,
viernes, 1 de julio de 2011
Posible seleccion musical del juego Saint Seiya Pachinko
Gracias a Ragen Blue Universe nos enteramos del presunto BGM o musica de fondo que tendra el juego Pachinko de Saint Seiya. Podemos ver a simple vista que el tracklist incluye musica del OST 1 al 4, es decir, musica de la saga del santuario, de la pelicula de Eris y de la pelicula de Asgard.
Thanks to Ragen Blue universe we have the supposed BGM (background music) from the Saint Seiya Pachinko game. We can see with the naked eye that the tracklist includes music from the OST 1 to 4, i.e., music from the sanctuary chapter, the Eris' movie and the Asgard Movie.
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