Surprisingly a few days ago a web site from the famous (and unknown for now) Saint Seiya online game was up. The game is currently being developed by Sega and Perfect World Entertainment. Well, the site was updated and the big detail is that the web has ,as background music, a pretty good rock song. The first thing in our minds could be that this song is a karaoke because there isn't even a guitar doing the melody and it has the structure of a vocal song (verse, chorus, solo, etc.). The song is already good in its karaoke version, so i don't wanna imagine in its full version :OOOOOOO
Ya se habia generado alboroto por la "supuesta" imagen que masami kurumada habia liberado hace tiempo en su blog. Parece que el proyecto no se congelo, sino que sigue en marcha :D
Long time ago there was already a big commotion because of the "supposed" image that Masami Kurumada released in his blog. Looks like the project wasn't frozen, it's still on :D
Perfect world Entertainment ha realizado tambien un juego online llamado "Battle of the immortals" (Batalla de los inmortales) donde abundan armaduras y poderes sobrenaturales asi que se puede tener una idea de como podria llegar a ser el juego online de Saint Seiya.
Perfect world Entertainment also did an online game called "Battle of the immortals" where we can find a lot of armours and supernatural powers so you can have an idea of how the Saint Seiya online game may looks.
Web Battle of the Immortals:
Descargas / Downloads
Este mp3 es un extracto que hice de la web. No hay disco, ni mp3 ni nombre oficial todavia asi que tendremos que conformarnos con esto :D / This mp3 in an extract that i made from the site. There's no album,downloable mp3 or official name so we must resign ourselves with this :D
Por si estan interesados, un par de Fans del foro Saint seiya yours ever hicieron capturas de los bellos fondos que aparecen en la pagina. / By the way, a couple of fans from the forum Saint seiya yours ever made some captures from the beautiful background images in the site.
*Ripeo de Zombie (algo de photoshop / some photoshop )
*Ripeo de Dragon_lord (Captura normal / normal capture)
*Ripeo de Kaus_Australis
(o descargar todas las imagenes en un rar / or download all the images in 1 rar)
→Saint Seiya online images
Enlaces relacionados
· Epic BGM del Saint seiya online
· Epic trailer ( y epic music ) del saint seiya online
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