Thanks to we have the Saint Seiya opening Pachinko version. Basically is a remake from the first opening of the series with the "improved" graphics of the Pachinko machine. The one who sings is no other than Nobuo Yamada (NoB), the original singer of Pegasus Fantasy. With this, it would be the eight version of Pegasus Fantasy made by Nobuo Yamada :O Some says that this opening is for an inminent remake of the classic series just like Dragon Ball Kai. Time will tell...
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Openig Video Pachinko
Openig Video Pachinko
Por cierto, les agradezco a todos por las felicitaciones y los cumplidos respecto a la nueva apariencia del blog y por la MICROWEB. Ya han pasado mas de 2 meses y sigo contento con el resultado ^^ Porsupuesto, nada de esto habria sido posible sin la ayuda de los muchachos de M3DIO y del intelecto detras de todo: ARZCOMP (cuyos trabajos pueden verse en devianart en el link a la derecha →
By the way, i would like to thank for all the compliment and congratulations that i received because of the blog's new appareance and the MICROWEB. There has been more than 2 months and i'm still happy for the result ^^ of course, nothing of this would have been possible without the help of the M3DIO's boys and the intellect behind everything: ARZCOMP (whose works can be seen in DevianArt in the link at the right →
Enlaces relacionados
· Posible seleccion musical del juego Saint Seiya Pachinko
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