In my continuous search for Saint Seiya sheet music/scores, i found a site from an anime music fan called Liz Xu Wilson. This site has a small amount of piano sheets from many well known animes and among those is, of course, Saint seiya (or "the knights of zodiac" as many latinamericans call it, or "the warriors of zodiac" which is the new denomination for "The Lost Canvas" :PP). The Scores are 3 and are: "Remember Sadness", "Mime's Requiem" (Andromeda Shun, That fight) and "Polaris Hilda". From the first 2 pieces there are many scores posted in this blog (including mine, ahem...XD ) but these ones have the particularity of being a kind of "alternative version". In fact, they are very similar to the sheets made by Ichigos (Another site with anime sheets) which are the most used in the amateur videos of Mime and Remember Sadness (at least, in the first videos that came out). Polaris Hilda is the closest sheet music to the original track but the main virtue is that this score has the 2 movement from the track :D each sheet music have sample midis.
Sitio Oficial / Official Site
Mirror Siguebrillandocosmos


Tutorial en piano de Polaris Hilda (Synthesia)
Tutorial en piano de Mime's theme (Synthesia)
Tutorial en piano de Remember Sadness (Synthesia)
Una de las pocas escenas donde se escucha "Polaris Hilda" de fondo / One of the few scenes where "Polaris Hilda" can be Heard in the background.
Enlaces relacionados
· "Remember Sadness" en guitarrita acustica
· Beethoven meets Saint seiya
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· Solfeos de Mime y Orfeo
· Partituras de los OST de Saint seiya "Made in luxemburgo"
· Midis y Partituras de Saint Seiya de Sigue brillando Cosmos
· Inauguramos este blog de saint seiya con partituras de Cogedor Barato (o sea yo :P)
6 comentarios:
Se nota que sos un resentido social sin un puto amigo en el mundo, no te firma nadie ni por lastima jaja. Dejas tus mail rogando que te escriban aunque sean insultos, ya me empezas a dar lastima virgen de la vida. Ademas de aburrir, chau puto no te escribo nunca mas. Capaz si te escriba cuando tenga ganas de insultar y hacer sentir mal a alguien como hago con vos, para algo servis ves?.
Matate, chau
aburre que nadie le preste interes a tus idioteces no? ;) adios y que tengas una buena vida
Buen Aporte amigo..super bien..
Gracias x los links. Los amantes a esta serie y los que tocamos violin como yo, te lo agradeceremos.
gracias a uds. por comentar :)
asd que estupideces comentan muy buena remember sadness pero, no la encuentro para violin de piano ya puedo tocar pero quiero en violin xd
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