lunes, 24 de diciembre de 2012
Feliz navidad con el Piano Fantasia x 2 !!
Recuerdo cuando recien descubria los "otros" discos de Saint Seiya. Esos conteniendo musica que no se escucho dentro de la serie. En ese tiempo yo practicaba el piano y fue grande mi sorpresa al encontrar el disco PIANO FANTASIA. Un disco enteramente en ...piano? :PP Inmerso en una mezcla de ignorancia e inocencia me puse a escuchale pensando "unas lindas y sencillas versiones en piano". Al terminar de escucharlo quede totalmente abrumado por la complejidad y la habilidad necesaria para ejecutar esos temas. Quien se tomaria el arduo trabajo de hacer las partituras para temas tan selectos y quien tendria la habilidad para tocar dichas partituras si las tuviera? Durante años pense que la respuesta era "NADIE". Por fortuna en 2 ocasiones vi que estaba equivocado. Supongo que esta es la tercera ^_^
I remember when i discovered the "other" Saint seiya Albums. Those with music not played inside the series. At that time i was a piano student and had a big surprise when i found the PIANO FANTASIA Album. An entire album with ....piano performances?? :PP i began to listen, immersed in a mix of innocence and ignorance, thinking "some pretty and simple piano versions". when i finished to listen it, i was completely overwhelmed because of the complexity and skill necessary to play such pieces. Who will take the hard work of making the sheet music for such select songs and who will have the skill for playing that sheet music in case of have it? For many years i thought the answer was "no one". Luckily, in 2 ocassions i saw i was wrong. I guess this is the 3rd one ^_^
Canal en youtube / Youtube Channel
Mont Damfina
lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012
El tema de Athena otra vez?? NAAA!!
Para aquellos que no esten tan familiarizados con los soundtracks de Saint seiya, siempre va a ser un calvario tener que encontrar el nombre correcto de tal o cual pieza musical que se escucha en determinada escena. Si yo dijera "El tema de Athena" seguramente varios tendrian una idea de la melodia; pero si dijera "Seven Senses" probablemente muy pocos la identifiquen (a no ser que sean de los fans obsesivos :P). Veamos si las siguientes imagenes les refrescan la memoria.
For those who aren't so familiar with the Saint seiya soundtracks, there'll always be a calvary to find the right name of such and such musical piece played in certain scene. If i say "Athena's theme" many of you will identify the melody for sure but if i say "Seven Senses" probably just a few of you will recognize it (unless you are some obsessive fan :P ). LEt's see if the next images refresh your memory.
Partituras/Sheet Music,
domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012
El tab infernal !!!
Si, si, otro tab :D "Child of dawn" (2do movimiento) de la pelicula de Lucifer. Otra genialidad del sensei Yokoyama que merecio el esfuerzo de 1 transcripcion para guitarra (esfuerzo placentero, claro ;)
Yes, yes, another tab :D "Child of dawn" (2nd movement )from the Lucifer's movie. Another brilliant composition from the Yokoyama Senseiwhich deserved the effort of making the guitar transcripcion (delectable effort of course ;)

Yes, yes, another tab :D "Child of dawn" (2nd movement )from the Lucifer's movie. Another brilliant composition from the Yokoyama Senseiwhich deserved the effort of making the guitar transcripcion (delectable effort of course ;)
domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012
Apertura de la "Asgard movie" en tab
Hoy le toco el turno al track "Opening northern legend", perteneciente al soundtrack de la 2da. pelicula de Saint seiya: La ardiente batalla de los dioses (la de Asgard con Dolbar :P). Es el primer track del disco y tambien es la primer pieza que suena en la pelicula, haciendo honor a su nombre. Melodia sencilla, acompañamiento sencillo, magistral pieza (como la mayoria de las creaciones del sensei Yokoyama ;)
Today is the turn of the track "Opening northern legend". Such track belongs to the 2nd. Saint seiya movie soundtrack: The Heated War of the Gods (The Asgard one with Dolbar :P). Is the first track of the album and also is the first piece played in the movie, living up to its name. Simple melody, simple accompaniment, masterful piece (like most of the Sensei Yokoyama's creations ;)

Today is the turn of the track "Opening northern legend". Such track belongs to the 2nd. Saint seiya movie soundtrack: The Heated War of the Gods (The Asgard one with Dolbar :P). Is the first track of the album and also is the first piece played in the movie, living up to its name. Simple melody, simple accompaniment, masterful piece (like most of the Sensei Yokoyama's creations ;)
Partituras/Sheet Music,
lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012
TIME for piano
Para aquellos que estan en constante busqueda de partituras (anime, musica clasica, rock, pop, lo que sea...) siempre habra piezas musicales consideradas "imposibles" de encontrar ya sea por su dificultad, rareza o no-popularidad. Las versiones piano-jazzistas del disco PIANO FANTASIA, piezas complejas y de muy dificil ejecucion, entran en esta categoria. Al no haber partituras oficiales de dichas versiones lo unico que podriamos esperar que algun fan las hiciera (pagar por hacerlas no es una opcion valida :P ). El inconveniente que tenemos es que hacerlas requeriria una gran destreza en el piano, un muy buen oido y mucha dedicacion/paciencia. Habra algun fan asi? Al parecer si...
For those who are in constant search for sheet music (anime, classical music, rock, pop, whatever...) there'll always be musical pieces considered "impossible" to find either because its difficulty, rareness or non-popularity. The piano-jazz versions from the PIANO FANTASIA album, complex and difficult to play, are in this category. Because there aren't official sheet music of such versions the only thing left is to wait that some fan make them (paying for them is not a valid option :P ). The problem is that a great skill in the piano, a very good ear and a lot of dedication/patience is needed. There is a fan like thit? looks like yes...
sitio oficial / official site
For those who are in constant search for sheet music (anime, classical music, rock, pop, whatever...) there'll always be musical pieces considered "impossible" to find either because its difficulty, rareness or non-popularity. The piano-jazz versions from the PIANO FANTASIA album, complex and difficult to play, are in this category. Because there aren't official sheet music of such versions the only thing left is to wait that some fan make them (paying for them is not a valid option :P ). The problem is that a great skill in the piano, a very good ear and a lot of dedication/patience is needed. There is a fan like thit? looks like yes...
sitio oficial / official site
Partituras/Sheet Music,
sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012
Acordes de "You are my reason to be"! (Hay amor ahí eh... ;)
Una pregunta recurrente es "¿vas a terminar de sacar los acordes de los openings y endings que faltan?". Claro que los voy a sacar! solo que se estan tardando un poco :P Ya para calmar las aguas les traigo los acordes del ending de la 3er. pelicula de Saint Seiya, es decir, la de Abel. Costó bastante aunque debo remarcar que me la pidieron hace bastante tiempo. Perdon por la tardanza! tarde pero seguro :S
A recurrent question is "are you going to do the remaining chords of the openings and endings?" Of course i'll do it! It just has a little delay :P to pour oil on troubled waters here you have the chords of this great ending which took a lot of work i must admit (and it was requested to me long time ago. Sorry this took so long! Better late than never :S)
A recurrent question is "are you going to do the remaining chords of the openings and endings?" Of course i'll do it! It just has a little delay :P to pour oil on troubled waters here you have the chords of this great ending which took a lot of work i must admit (and it was requested to me long time ago. Sorry this took so long! Better late than never :S)
sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012
Tabs del abuelo Kido
Tan pronto "volvio" el blog tambien lo hicieron las demoras ^_^¿ Ya en unas semanas espero normalizar los posteos. Definitivamente este es un post para los fans del saint seiya clasico! ya que la pieza de hoy es una de las que solo se escucharon durante la primera mitad de la saga del santuario: ERA OF LEGEND.
The blog is back and the delays too ^_^¿ i hope to normalize the entries in a few weeks. Definitely this is a post for the classic saint seiya fans! because today's piece is one played only in the first half of the sanctuary chapter: ERA OF LEGEND.
The blog is back and the delays too ^_^¿ i hope to normalize the entries in a few weeks. Definitely this is a post for the classic saint seiya fans! because today's piece is one played only in the first half of the sanctuary chapter: ERA OF LEGEND.
viernes, 27 de julio de 2012
Epic trailer ( y epic music ) del saint seiya online 
Hace unos dias salia a la luz un buen teaser/intro/mini-trailer del juego Saint Seiya online con los caballeros dorados. Ahora ya tenemos el trailer completo y esta tremendo!! Hay que aclarar que es todo CGI y nada de gameplay. Tambien lo bueno de este trailer es que podemos escuchar mas del soundtrack :D
A few days ago a pretty good teaser/intro/minitrailer of the saint seiya online game with the gold saints was released. Now we have the full trailer and it's awesome!! We must clarify that it's all CGI and no gameplay is seen. Also, the good thing about this trailer is that we can hear more from the soundtrack :D
martes, 24 de julio de 2012
Epic BGM del Saint seiya online 
Cada vez que escribo acerca de un videojuego siento como si le estuviera haciendo un chivo (publicidad) "gratis" ya que el material musical que presento es infimo y termino hablando solo del juego, pero bueno... es lo que hay ;_; La web del saint seiya online se actualizo con un pequeño intro de presentacion de los 12 caballeros dorados bastante bueno + un delicioso poster animado.
Every time that i write about a videogame, i feel like i'm doing a "free" publicity because the musical material that i present is almost negligible and i end up talking only about the game, but is what it is ;_; The saint seiya online web was updated with a little, and pretty good, presentation/intro of the 12 gold saints + a delightfull motion poster.
Every time that i write about a videogame, i feel like i'm doing a "free" publicity because the musical material that i present is almost negligible and i end up talking only about the game, but is what it is ;_; The saint seiya online web was updated with a little, and pretty good, presentation/intro of the 12 gold saints + a delightfull motion poster.
sábado, 21 de julio de 2012
el cosmos sigue encendido...
WOW!! un nuevo post en este blog?? sera posible??!! :O Pues si, el cosmos de este blog sigue brillando (cuak) pese a que algunas personas ya lo daban por desaparecido en accion. Porque estuvo tanto tiempo sin actualizarse? podriamos resumirla en 4 cuestiones:
1)Problemas para entrar a la cuenta de blogger (un largo tiempo sin poder loguearme :@@).
2)Vacaciones (aunque a uds. les parezca muy simple, cada entrada necesita de su buena cuota de esfuerzo, asi que merecidas vacaciones :D).
3)Muuuucho trabajo (ya que hay que pagar internet y la comida de cada dia).
4)Estaba en un volcan curando mis heridas y elevando mi cosmos ^_^¿
con algo de suerte volveremos a la ideal cantidad de 1 post cada 3 dias. Aun quedan muchas notas, tabs, partituras, mp3 y novedades musicales de Saint seiya dando vuelta.
Poniendo al dia las cosas, les aviso que la cuenta en youtube pende de 1 hilo ya q me han bajado un par de videos :( Estoy pensando en abrir otra para tener solo los tutoriales y demas cosas que no involucren videos con copyright. Debido a la cancelacion de megaupload, ahora 4shared pide usuario para poder descargar los archivos (o incluso no permite acceder a los archivos). Crear un usuario y publicarlo para que uds. lo usen resulta no operativo asi que tendran que tomarse el trabajo de hacerse un usuario para descargar las cosas de este blog :D. tambien voy a empezar a subir las cosas a otro servidor confiable para no tener que lamentarlo despues.
Se viene una peli 3d de saint seiya (o eso decian), Saint seiya omega esta siendo televisado en japon, el manga next dimension continua saliendo pese a los retrasos, los mangas gaiden del Lost canvas tienen para rato, las ovas del lost canvas aun no han sido oficialmente canceladas (asi que de momento solo estan congeladas). El fin de Saint seiya esta lejos :DD
WOWW!! a new entry in this blog? is it possible? :O well, yea! this blog still have a shining cosmos even when some people think that it was K.I.A. Why wasn't the blog updated? we could summarize in 4 points:
1)Problems for entering the blogger account ( I couldn't log in for a while :@ ).
2)Vacations (Althought you may think that is simple, each entry/post needs a lot of effort, so a well deserved vacation :D).
3)A loooooooot of work (because the internet and the food won't be paid magically ).
4)I was in a volcano healing my wounds and raising my cosmo ^_^¿
Updating a little, i tell you that the youtube account is hanging by a thread because a few videos were shot down :( i was thinking to open another one only for tutorials and other things that don't have copyright problems. Because of the megaupload shutdown, now for the 4shared downloads you need to log in (sometimes you can't access to the files :S). To create an account for you to use results in something useless in long terms so you'll have to create your own. Eventually i will upload the files in another trustworthy server so you can have more options.
A 3d saint seiya movie is coming (or so they say), Saint Seiya omega is on the japanese TVs, the next dimension manga is still being published despite the delays, The Lost canvas gaiden mangas will be here for a while, the Lost Canvas ovas are not oficially cancelled (they're frozen for the moment...), the saint seiya online game will be up soon (for the chinese people for the moment). The end for Saint Seiya is not even close :DD
1)Problemas para entrar a la cuenta de blogger (un largo tiempo sin poder loguearme :@@).
2)Vacaciones (aunque a uds. les parezca muy simple, cada entrada necesita de su buena cuota de esfuerzo, asi que merecidas vacaciones :D).
3)Muuuucho trabajo (ya que hay que pagar internet y la comida de cada dia).
4)Estaba en un volcan curando mis heridas y elevando mi cosmos ^_^¿
con algo de suerte volveremos a la ideal cantidad de 1 post cada 3 dias. Aun quedan muchas notas, tabs, partituras, mp3 y novedades musicales de Saint seiya dando vuelta.
Poniendo al dia las cosas, les aviso que la cuenta en youtube pende de 1 hilo ya q me han bajado un par de videos :( Estoy pensando en abrir otra para tener solo los tutoriales y demas cosas que no involucren videos con copyright. Debido a la cancelacion de megaupload, ahora 4shared pide usuario para poder descargar los archivos (o incluso no permite acceder a los archivos). Crear un usuario y publicarlo para que uds. lo usen resulta no operativo asi que tendran que tomarse el trabajo de hacerse un usuario para descargar las cosas de este blog :D. tambien voy a empezar a subir las cosas a otro servidor confiable para no tener que lamentarlo despues.
Se viene una peli 3d de saint seiya (o eso decian), Saint seiya omega esta siendo televisado en japon, el manga next dimension continua saliendo pese a los retrasos, los mangas gaiden del Lost canvas tienen para rato, las ovas del lost canvas aun no han sido oficialmente canceladas (asi que de momento solo estan congeladas). El fin de Saint seiya esta lejos :DD
WOWW!! a new entry in this blog? is it possible? :O well, yea! this blog still have a shining cosmos even when some people think that it was K.I.A. Why wasn't the blog updated? we could summarize in 4 points:
1)Problems for entering the blogger account ( I couldn't log in for a while :@ ).
2)Vacations (Althought you may think that is simple, each entry/post needs a lot of effort, so a well deserved vacation :D).
3)A loooooooot of work (because the internet and the food won't be paid magically ).
4)I was in a volcano healing my wounds and raising my cosmo ^_^¿
Updating a little, i tell you that the youtube account is hanging by a thread because a few videos were shot down :( i was thinking to open another one only for tutorials and other things that don't have copyright problems. Because of the megaupload shutdown, now for the 4shared downloads you need to log in (sometimes you can't access to the files :S). To create an account for you to use results in something useless in long terms so you'll have to create your own. Eventually i will upload the files in another trustworthy server so you can have more options.
A 3d saint seiya movie is coming (or so they say), Saint Seiya omega is on the japanese TVs, the next dimension manga is still being published despite the delays, The Lost canvas gaiden mangas will be here for a while, the Lost Canvas ovas are not oficially cancelled (they're frozen for the moment...), the saint seiya online game will be up soon (for the chinese people for the moment). The end for Saint Seiya is not even close :DD
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