It seems like the fans don't forget The Lost Canvas because these 2 tabs were fans requests but, honestly, another good incentive was the fact that these tabs use the same melody of another sheet that i did ( KIZUNA, otra partitura mas de The Lost Canvas ) so i saved a lot of effort and work :P Anyway there's always a pleasure to finish a tab and play it so let's hit the guitar :D
El track "cloth no hokori" puede escucharse al final de la Ova 23 en la escena de la muerte de El Cid :'( (por alguna razon este tipo de escenas siempre me llaman la atencion XD ) / The track "cloth no hokori" is played at the end of the Ova 23 in the El Cid's death Scene :'( (for some reason this kind of scenes always attract my attention XD )
Mientras que el track "tooi kioku" puede escucharse, por ejemplo, en la escena final de la Ova 1 donde Tenma y Alone se despiden. / While the track "tooi kioku" can be heard, for example, in the final scene of the Ova 1 where Tenma and Alone say goodbye to each other.
El tab de "Cloth no hokori" es para 1 guitarra pero suena mejor con 2 guitarras. Inclusive podrian usar el acompañamiento de la segunda guitarra del tab de "Tooi kioku" ya que, como dije antes, ambas piezas usan el mismo leitmotiv, el mismo tono y "casi" los mismos acordes. Respecto al track "Tooi kioku", me decidi por 2 guitarras no solo para ser fiel a la composicion original sino tambien porque la adaptacion para 1 guitarra se me hizo demasiado complicada (incluso para mi :P ) y mi inspiracion no era tan grande como para trabajar mas de la cuenta ^^
The "Cloth no hokori" tab is for 1 guitar but sounds better with 2 guitars. You can even use the acompaniment of the 2nd guitar from the "Tooi kioku" tab because, as i
said, both pieces share the same Leitmotiv, the same tone and "almost" the same chords. Regarding "Tooi kioku", i decided to do it for 2 guitars not only to be faithful to the original composition but also because the transcription for 1 guitar was too complicated (even for me :P ) and my inspiration wasn't big enough in order to work more than necessary ^^
·Nombre original japones : 聖衣の誇り
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Kurosu no Hokori
·Traduccion japonesa: Cloth's pride / El orgullo de la armadura
·Disco/Album: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Original Soundtrack
·Compositor: Kaoru Wada 和田 薫
·Nº de Track: 33
·Duracion : 1:37
·Nombre original japones : 遠い記憶
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Tooi kioku
·Traduccion japonesa: A far memory / Recuerdo distante
·Disco/Album: Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas - Original Soundtrack
·Compositor: Kaoru Wada 和田 薫
·Nº de Track: 21
·Duracion : 1:13
Solfeo / Solfa
Tooi kioku
d5 e5 f5, e5 f5 g5, f5 g5 a5, c6 b5, a5 g5 f5, g5 f5 e5 d5 c5 a4
d5 e5 f5, e5 f5 g5, f5 g5 a5, c6 b5, c6 b5 a5, a5 b5 a5 g5 a5
d5 e5 f5, e5 f5 g5, f5 g5 a5, c6 b5, a5 g5 f5, g5 f5 e5 d5 c5 a4
d5 e5 f5, e5 f5 g5, f5 g5 a5, c6 b5, a5 g5 f5, g5 f5 e5 d5 c5 d5 (f4)
Cloth no Hokori
d5 c5 a#4 a4 g4 f4, f4 e4 g4 f4 e4 d4 c#4
d4 e4 f4, e4 f4 g4, f4 g4 a4, c5 b4, a4 g4 f4, g4 f4 e4 d4 c4 a3
d4 e4 f4, e4 f4 g4, f4 g4 a4, c5 b4, a4 g4 f4, g4 f4 e4 d4 c4 d4
d5 c5 a#4 a4, d5 c5 a#4 a4 a#4 c5, d5 c5 a#4 a4 g4 f4 d#4, a4 g4 d4 c#4, d4
Tooi kioku
Version facil / Easy version
E |----0-1---0-1-3---1-3-3/5---8--7----5-3-1---3/1-0------------|
B |--3------------------------------------------------3--1------|
G |---------------------------------------------------------2---|
D |-------------------------------------------------------------|
A |-------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-------------------------------------------------------------|
E |----0-1---0-1-1/3---1-3-5--8--7----8-7-5---5-7-5-3--3h5---|
B |--3-------------------------------------------------------|
G |----------------------------------------------------------|
D |----------------------------------------------------------|
A |----------------------------------------------------------|
E |----------------------------------------------------------|
E |----0-1---0-1-1/3---1-3-5---8-7---5-3-1---3/1--0------------|
B |--3-----------------------------------------------3--1------|
G |--------------------------------------------------------2---|
D |------------------------------------------------------------|
A |------------------------------------------------------------|
E |------------------------------------------------------------|
E |----0-1---0-1-1/3---1-3-5---5/8-7---5/3-1---3-1----------------------|
B |--3---------------------------------------------3/5--3--1--3---------|
G |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
D |---------------------------------------------------------------(3)---|
A |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------|
(El tab de la version para 2 guitarras esta en el archivo de texto descargable / the tab of the 2 guitars version is in the downloable text file)
Cloth no Hokori
Version Avanzada / Advanced version
E |---------------------------------------|----0--1--0-1-3--1-3-5--8-7--5-3-1---|
B |--3-1----------------------------------|--3----3------1------6----8------3---|
G |------3---2-0-----------0--------------|-------2------0------5----7------3---|
D |--------------3-----3-2---3---2--0-----|-------0-----------------------------|
A |--0-----------------0---------------4--|-------------------------------------|
E |---------------------------------------|-------------------------------------|
E |--3-1-0-------------|----0--1--0-1-3--1-3-5--8-7--5-3-1--3-1-0-------------|
B |------1--3-1--3--2--|--3----3------1------6----8------3------1--3-1--3-----|
G |------0-------2-----|-------2------0------5----7------3------0-------0-----|
D |------2-------2-----|-------0--------------------------------2-------0--3--|
A |--------------------|------------------------------------------------------|
E |--------------------|------------------------------------------------------|
E |--10--8-6-5----10--8-6-5---6-8--10--8-6-5----3-1------5-3--------------|
B |----------3------------3----------------3-----------4-------3--2---3---|
G |---7------0------------0---------7------0-----------0-------2----------|
D |---8------------8----------------8--------------------------2------1---|
A |----------------8-----------------------------------6------------------|
E |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
*otras versiones en el archivo de texto descargable / other versions in the downloable text file.
Descargas / Downloads
"Cloth no hokori" tiene una version avanzada mas simplificada + version facil. "Tooi kioku" contiene version facil+ el acompañamiento de la 2da guitarra / "Cloth no hokori" has a simplified advanced version + easy version. "Tooi kioku" has the easy version+ the 2guitar acompaniment
Cloth no Hokori

Tooi Kioku

Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file
Enlaces relacionados
· KIZUNA, otra partitura mas de The Lost Canvas
2 comentarios:
podrias hacer un midi de esta?
soy el de la peticion de saint seiya omega ost 09
he tenido una idea de hacer una suit con 4 OST (1 de saint seiya the lost canvas 2 saint seiya clasico y terminar con la de saint seiya omega)
seria mas gratificante el trabajo, ademas ya acabe la descicion de luchar muchas gracias me sirvio de mucho
Buena idea. Voy a analizar si puedo hacerlo. Tengo poco tiempo y si esta demasiado complicada no se si voy a poder :)
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