More sheet music from "The Lost Canvas". Unfortunatelly this musical piece wasn't edited in any album due to the fact that there wasn't a 2nd soundtrack from "The Lost Canvas", due to the cancelation of the 3rd ovas season from "The Lost Canvas", due to the unsatisfactory sales numbers of the DVDs from "The Lost Canvas". A real Pitty because the music from the 2nd season (the one that we heard at least) was better and more inspired.
El nombre de esta pieza es TALISMAN CAGE. Ustedes pensaran: "pero si no salio en ningun disco, como sabes el nombre?". La respuesta es sencilla: Yo le invente el nombre :P Me parecio el mas acertado ya que es facilmente identificable y ademas en esa escena suena la version mas larga (alargada probablemente) comparada con las otras donde se escucha:
The name of this piece is TALISMAN CAGE. You must think: "but if it wasn't included on any Album, how do you know its name?". The answer is simple: I invented the name :P i thought it was the most fitting name because is easy to identify and, also, in that scene we hear the longest version (stretched probably) compared with the others where is played:
· Sage realiza su tecnica Talisman Cage sobre Thanatos (OVA 17): La mejor escena con este BGM? quizas :D / Sage execute the Talisman Cage technique against Thanatos (OVA 17): The best scene with this BGM? maybe :D
· El Cid corta en 2 al dios(a?) Phantasos (OVA 20): Subestimar a El Cid es muerte segura / El Cid slice the god(des?) Phantasos (OVA): To underestimate El Cid is a certain death ;)
· La "anterior" guerra santa (OVA 25): Hermoso uso de la tecnica de bocetaje /The "previous" Holy war (OVA 25): Beautiful use of the sketch technique.
porsupuesto, hay otras escenas mas donde se utiliza este BGM (5 mas para ser exactos) pero esa busqueda se las dejo a uds. ^^Of course, there are other scenes where this BGM is played (5 more to be exact) but is up to you to search them ^^
Esta pieza musical me gustó desde el primer momento pero solo recientemente sentí la motivación de hacer la partitura. Al no tener un track "limpio" pense que seria muy dificil hacerla pero resulto mas bien sencilla porque solo usa 3 acordes y las voces de los extractos de las ovas no tapan la musica :D La partitura de piano no tiene mayores problemas. Conseguí compactar todo en un tab para guitarra y debo decir que puede ser complicado de tocar debido al uso de tresillos en el acompañamiento. Los pentagramas del tab se ven saturados con muchas notas ligadas dado que tuve que usar especificamente tresillos de corcheas y unirlos. Esto fue necesario para poder "meter" todas las notas juntas ya que las limitaciones del guitar pro no me permitian hacerlo de otra manera. Para aquellos que les parezca medio engorroso, incluí un archivo guitar pro de 2 pistas con la melodia y el acompañamiento por separado. De ahi pueden hacer los cambios necesarios e imprimir el tab que deseen :D
I liked this musical piece since the first moment i heard it but didn't feel like to do the sheet music until now. Due to the problem of not having a clean track i thought that this transcription was going to be very difficult but instead it was actually easy because it uses just 3 chords and the voices in the extracts don't cover up the music :D The piano sheet music hasn't much trouble. I managed to reduce everything in a guitar tab and i must say that it can be difficult to play due to the triplets in the accompaniment. The stave in the tab looks full with tied notes because i had to use specifically triplet quavers and tie them. This was necessary in order to "fit" all the notes in the stave because the guitar pro's limitations didn't allow me to do it in a different way. For those who think that it looks too tangled, i included a guitar pro file of 2 tracks with the melody and the accompaniment separately. From there you can do the necessary changes and print the tab you want :D
Solfeo / Solfa
e5 d#5 c5 b4, c5 b4 f4 e4,
e4 e4 e4 d#4, d#4 d#4 d#4 d4, d4 d4 d4 c4 c4
e5, e5 e5 e5 d#5, d#5 d#5 d#5 d5, d5 d5 d5 c5,c5
e5 d#5 c5 b4, c5 b4 d#4 f4 e4,
e5 d#5 c5 b4, a4 b4 c5 d5 e5
e6 d#6 c6 b5, c6 b5 d#5 f5 e5,
e6 d#6 c6 b5, a5 b5 c6 d6 a#5 f5 d5 e5
a5 a5 a5 a5 b5, b5 b5 b5 c6, c6 c6 c6 d#6 d#6,
a5 a5 a5 a5 b5, b5 b5 b5 c6, c6 c6 c6 d#6 d#6,
e6 e6 e6 e6 e6 e6 e6 e6 a3
Version Avanzada / Advanced version
E |--0---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |----4---0----1-0--------------------------------------------------------------|
G |------5-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
D |-----------------3--2---2-2-2-1---1-1-1-0---0-0-0--------2--2-2-2-1---1-1-1---|
A |-----------0--------0---0-0-0-2---2-2-2-1---1-1-1--3-3---0--0-0-0-2---2-2-2---|
E |---------------------------------------------------5-5------------------------|
E |-----------------------0-----------------------------------------------|
B |-------------------------4---0--------1-0------------------------------|
G |---------------------------5-------------------------------------------|
D |--0---0-0-0---------------------------------1----3---------2-----------|
A |--1---1-1-1--3-3-------0-----0-0-0-2----2-2---2--1---1-1-1-0---0-0-0---|
E |-------------5-5-------------------------------------------------------|
E |--0------------------------------------0-----------0--------------------------|
B |----4---0-----------0---1----3-----------------------4---0--------1-0---------|
G |------5-----------2------------------------------------5----------------------|
D |------------------------------------------------------------------------1-----|
A |--0-----0-0-0-2-----2-2---2--1---1-1-1-0---0-0-0---0-----0-0-0-2----2-2---2---|
E |------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |------------------------0-------------------------------------------------|
B |--------------------------4---0----------0---1----3-----------------------|
G |----------------------------5----------2------------3---------------------|
D |--3---------2-----------------------------------------3---0---2-----------|
A |--1---1-1-1-0---0-0-0---0-----0-0-0-2----2-2---2--1---1-1---1-0---0-0-0---|
E |--------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |------------0---0-0-0-1---1-1-1--4-4------------0---0-0-0-1---1-1-1--4-4---|
G |--2---2-2-2---------------------------2---2-2-2----------------------------|
D |--2---2-2-2-1---1-1-1-2---2-2-2--4-4--2---2-2-2-1---1-1-1-2---2-2-2--4-4---|
A |--0---0-0-0-2---2-2-2-0---0-0-0--2-2--0---0-0-0-2---2-2-2-0---0-0-0--2-2---|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |--0---0-0-0-0---0-0-0------|
B |---------------------------|
G |--2---2-2-2-2---2-2-2------|
D |---------------------------|
A |--0---0-0-0-0---0-0-0--0---|
E |---------------------------|
Version facil en el archivo de texto descargable. / Easy version in the text file.
Descargas / Downloads
Solfeo + tab facil + tab avanzado / Solfa + easy tab + advanced tab

Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file
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1 comentario:
Estoy que me reviento encontrando la OST de la segunda temporada de SS LC y no hay nada, lo único que encontré fue algunos soundtracks subidos por TMS Entertainment como este (creo que es el mismo de este blog :o )
pero busco algunos en especial como cuando el patriarca sage habla con manigoldo de pequeño aca la escena, y bueno, al comienzo sale la OST "Jamil" de la 1ra temporada pero luego sale otra, eso la busco como oro y no hay :(
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