The Saint seiya fan doesn't live by anime music alone but also on videogame music! In this case the music belongs to the playstation 2 game "Saint Seiya: The Hades". This musical piece has no name (because there are only mp3 extracted from the game) but it has received the unofficial name of "Inner Cosmos"
El tab no es complicado para nada e incluso el autor deja el tab del acompañamiento de modo que pueden grabar el backtone con eso y tocarlo junto con el punteo de la melodia principal. El autor es Daniel Guerra Caballero y en su canal de youtube tiene mas videos con tabs. Deberian darle un vistazo.
The tab is not complicated at all and the autor even give us the accompaniment tab so you can record it as a backtone and play it along with the main melody tab. The author is Daniel Guerra Caballero and in his youtube channel you can find more videos with tabs. You should take a look.
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· Orfeo en la "play" 2
2 comentarios:
Caray, a casi un año de haberse publicado el post, pero recién lo veo. Gracias por difundir :)
Jaja No hay problema. Excelente trabajo :D
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