I made this tab billion of years ago but for some reason (laziness probably) i didn't publish it until now. Make no mistake, this tab is from the melody played by Orphee to sleeping the judges. The other peaceful and sweet melody is the "string nocturne". there's always confusion about those two ;)
El tab esta 1 tono arriba para asi tenerlo en forma "completa". Las otras versiones incluidas en el archivo de texto son mas accesible aunque no se si sea justamente versiones faciles :P Este tab esta basado en la partitura que yo hice hace muuucho. En practicamente todos los videos de fans que vi usan la partitura hecha por Toccata538, la cual omite un par de notas (solo 1 par). Si les suena un poco diferente, es por eso ;) Algo en lo que siempre hago incapie es que esta pieza musical es, al dia de hoy, inedita y por lo tanto no tiene un nombre oficial. Muchos fans llaman "death trip serenade" a esta pieza + la tonada dulce y calmada (string nocturne). Esto se debe a que en la Ova 18 orfeo toca ambas melodias juntas. A mi me parece mas correcto tenerlas por separado para asi identificarlas mejor pero claro,esto es algo subjetivo y nadie puede decir que tiene la razon :) Como dato anecdotico les cuento que la persona que toca el arpa es nada mas y nada menos que la hija del infame Tomoharu Katsumata, el director las OVAS de Hades Infierno y Eliseos!! :O [fuente: Mu's corner]
The tab is 1 tone up so we can have it "complete". The other versions included in the text file are more accesible although they aren't exactly easy versions :P this tab is based on the sheet music made by me looong time ago. In almost all the fans' videos is used the sheet music made by Toccata538 which omits a pair of notes (just a pair). If the video sounds a little different is because of that ;) I always highlight that this musical piece is unreleased yet, so it doesn't have an official name. Many fans call "Death trip serenade" to this piece + the other quiet and sweet melody (string nocturne). This is due to the fact that in the Ova 18 Orphee plays both melodies together. To me the right choice is that they must be separate so you can identify them better but, of course, this is something subjective and no one have the absolute reason :) as additional data, i tell you that the person who plays the Harp is none other than the daughter of the Hades Inferno and Elysium ovas director, Tomoharu Katsumata! :O [Source: Mu's corner]
·Nombre Ingles internacional : Death trip Serenade
·Nombre original japones : ストリンガーノクターン
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Sutoringa Nokutan
·Traduccion japonesa: Death trip Serenade / Serenata del Viaje Mortal
·Disco/Album: -
·Compositor: -
·Nº de Track: -
·Duracion : -
E |------------------------------------------------5------------------|
B |--------------------------------------------6-8--------------------|
G |--2-0-------------------------------------5-------------0----------|
D |------3--------------3----------------5-7-----------------7--------|
A |----------0---3-3--------0---3------8---------------0-8------------|
E |--------1---1----------1---1---8-----------------------------------|
E |-----------------5-----------------------------------------------|
B |-------------6-8---8-6-5-----------------------------------------|
G |------0----5-------------7-5----------5--------5--------5--------|
D |--------7--------------------8-7-8------8-7-8----8-7-8----8-7-8--|
A |--0-8------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-----------------------------------------------------------------|
E |------------5-6-5------------------------------5-6-5---------------|
B |----------8-------8--------------------------8-------8-6-5---------|
G |--0-----5----------------0-----------0-----5---------------7-5-----|
D |----7-8--------------------7-8---------7-8---------------------8-7-|
A |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-----------------------6-----------6-------------------------------|
E |------------------------------------------------------------10---|
B |-----------------------------------------------------6---10------|
G |---------------------------------------------------7-------------|
D |--8-7-5-7-----8-7-5-7-----8-7-5-7-------7--------7---------------|
A |------------------------------------8-7-5--5-7-8-----------------|
E |----------------------------------------5------------------------|
Descargas / Downloads
En el archivo de texto hay 5 versiones mas con distintos tonos / In the text file there are 5 more versions with different tunes.

Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file
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