A small tab from an also small track. The last BGM played in the Tenkai hen movie (Heaven's saga overture). This musical piece shows up 2 times inside the movie... and in the soundtrack too! but with almost imperceptible differences only noticed by those who are looking for them (viola instead of violin, cellos sounds louder, etc). The other track where we can hear it is called "Seiki no kutou" and we also made a post for it ;)
El tab avanzado tiene la tonalidad cambiada para poder tocar los acordes faciles. En este caso use acordes completos pero si se les hace complicado todavia pueden reemplazar el acorde por la nota tonica (si es un Am, toquen un "a" grave en su lugar)
The advanced tab has the pitch changed so we can play it with the easy chords. Here i used the whole chords but if you also find that difficult you can replace the chord for the tonic note (if it's an Am, you should play an deep "a" instead )
·Nombre original japones : いつか、どこかで…
·Nombre japones en Romaji: itsuka , doko ka de ...
·Traduccion japonesa: Someday, somewhere ... / Algún día, en algún lugar ...
·Disco/Album:Tenkai hen Original Soundtrack (OST X)
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Nº de Track: 21
·Duracion : 0:47
Solfeo / Solfa
Tono original / Original tone
a3 d4 f4 a3 a#3, a3 e4 a4 g4 g4 f4 f4, d4 a4 d4 d5 c5 a#4, c4 g4 c4 c5 a#4 a4,
a3 d4 f4 e4 d4 a4 g4, g4 f4 e4, a3 a#3 a3 d4
Version avanzada / Advanced version
(Aumentado en 3 1/2 tonos / 3 1/2 steps up)
E |----------------------------0-----------------0------5-3-1-------------3-1-0---|
B |--------1----------------0-----3-3-1-1--------2----------3--------3--------1---|
G |-----2-------------------1-----------2-----2--2----2-----2-----0--0--0-----0---|
D |--2--2------2--3------2--2-----------2--------2----------0--------0--------2---|
A |-----0---------0---------2-----------0----------------------------2--------3---|
E |---------------1--------------------------------------------------3------------|
E |---------------0------------------------------|
B |--------1--0------3------3-1-0----------------|
G |-----2-------2----3----------1------------2---|
D |--2--2------------3----------2-----2-3-2--2---|
A |-----0------------1----------2------------0---|
E |------------------------------------------0---|
Descargas / Downloads
solfeo tono original + solfeo tono alternativo + tab version facil tono original + tab version facil tono alternativo + Tab version avanzada tono alternativo / solfa original pitch + solfa alternative pitch + tab easy version original pitch + tab easy version alternative pitch + tab advanced version alternative pitch

Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file
Contraseña/Password: http://siguebrillandocosmos.blogspot.com
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· Partituras de los OST de Saint seiya "Made in luxemburgo"
· Seiya vs Shaina, la partitura (del tenkai hen...)
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