The melody of this musical piece is one of the leitmotivs from the 4th saint seiya movie's OST: "Warriors of the final holy battle", therefore it deserved to have a tab :P It was used as the ending in that movie and the marvelous voice that you hear belongs, of course, to Kazuko Kawashima :D This piece was only played in the movie. Many people confuse it with "Last holy wars" which is the one played in the Gold Saints' goodbye scene. They're very similar but not the same.
Otra vez el sensei Yokoyama nos dejo la pieza musical en tono estandar, gracias a lo cual podemos usar los acordes "faciles" (y los tabs salen mas rapido XD). La complejidad de la melodia imposibilito usar acordes completos por lo cual solo pude usar la nota tonica
Once again the Sensei Yokoyama gave us a musical piece in standart pitch and thanks to this we can use the "easy" chords (and the tabs are done faster XD). The complexity of the melody made impossible to use full chords so i only used the tonic note
Nunca esta de mas una aclaracion y en este caso es sobre el nombre del track. La traduccion del nombre original del track seria "EPILOGO: PEAN DE LUZ". En la antigua Grecia, el pean era un canto que se realizaba en honor y dirigido a los dioses. Actualmente podriamos relacionarlo con "cantico" o "alabanza". La palabra "Himno" no estaria errada pero puede prestar a confusion respecto del significado original ;)
A clarification never hurts and in this case is about the track name. The translation of the original track name would be "EPILOGUE: PAEAN OF LIGHT". In the ancient greek the paean was a singing in honor to the gods. Actually we could call it "chant" or "worship". The word Hymn wouldn't be wrong but it can be confusing regarding the original meaning ;)
·Nombre Ingles internacional : Finish: Hymn of light
·Nombre original japones : 終章:光の讃歌
·Nombre japones en Romaji: shuushou : hikari no sanka
·Traduccion japonesa: Epilogue: Paean of light / Epilogo: Pean de luz
·Disco/Album: OST 8
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Nº de Track: 10
·Duracion : 4:49
Solfeo / Solfa
e4 e4 e4 f4, d4 f4 a#4 c5, e4 g4 g4 c5 c5 e5 f5 c5 d5 e5,
e4 g4 d5 c5, b4 b4 a4 e4 f4, f4 a4 e5 d5, c5 c5 b4 b4 a4 a4 g4 g4 f4 e4,
e4 g4 d5 c5, g5 g5 f5 a4 f5 e5, g4 e5 e5 d5 e5 f4, a4 c5 c5 b4 a4 b4 c5,
e4 g4 d5 c5, b4 b4 a4 e4 f4, f4 a4 e5 d5, c5 c5 b4 b4 a4 a4 g4 g4 f4 e4,
e4 g4 d5 c5, g5 g5 f5 a4 f5 e5, g4 e5 e5 d5 e5 f4, a4 c5 c5 b4 a4 b4 c5,
c5 c6 a#5 g#5 g5, c5 c6 a#5 a#5 g#5 g5, c6 g6
Version Avanzada / Advanced version
E |------------------------------------0--1--------0---|
B |----------------------1---------1-1-------1-3-------|
G |--------------------3-------0-0-----------1---------|
D |----2-2--2-3----0-3-------2------------3------------|
A |--3-------------------3-------------------------3---|
E |-----------1----------------------------------------|
E |-------------------------------------0----------------------------|
B |-------3--1----0-0---------------------3----1-1-0-0---------------|
G |-----0--------------2--------------2----------------2-2-0-0-------|
D |--2--------------3-----2---3----3---------------------------3-2---|
A |--3-------0----------------5----5-----------------------------3---|
E |---------------------------------------3------3-------------------|
E |---------------3-3--1----1-0-----0----0---0-1----------------------|
B |-------3--1-----------------------------3----------1--1-0---0--1---|
G |-----0-----------------2-------0-----------------2--------2--------|
D |--2--------------3--------------------------0----------------------|
A |--3-------0--------------3-------0-----------------------------3---|
E |------------------------------------------------------3------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------|
B |-------------3--1----------0--0--------------------------|
G |--------0---------------------------2--------------------|
D |--2--------------------------------------2--3------------|
A |--3--3--3--3----0--0--0--0------------------5--5--5--5---|
E |-------------------------------1--1---1--1---------------|
E |-------------0---------------------------------------------|
B |----------------3----------1--1-0-0------------------------|
G |--------2---------------------------2-2-0-0----------------|
D |--3-----0--0--------------------------------3-2------------|
A |--5--5----------------------------------------3--3--3--3---|
E |----------------3--3--3--3----3---3---3---3----------------|
E |---------------------------3--3----1--------1----0--------|
B |-------------3--1-----------------------------------------|
G |--------0-------------------------------2-------------0---|
D |--2---------------------------3--3---3--3-----------------|
A |--3--3--3--3----0--0--0--0------------------3--3---3--3---|
E |----------------------------------------------------------|
E |--0-------0---0---1--------------------------------------|
B |------------3-----------------1---1--0-----0--1----------|
G |---------------------------2------------2----------------|
D |------------------0--0--0--0-----------------------------|
A |--0--0--0---0---------------------------------3--3--3----|
E |----------------------------------3--3--3--3-------------|
E |-----8--6-----4-----3-------------8-6--6-----4-----3--------------15---|
B |--------------------------------------------------------------13-------|
G |--5-----------------------------5--------------------------------------|
D |-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
A |--------------------3--3--3------------------------3--3--3--------15---|
E |--------6--6--6--6---------------------6--6--6--6----------------------|
Descargas / Downloads
solfeo + version facil + version avanzada + una pequeña simplificacion de la version avanzada/ Solfa + easy version + advanced version + a little simplification of the advanced version

Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file


Escuchar / Listen
(minuto 2:26)
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