"Sad Brothers" is one of the best musical pieces in Saint Seiya. It's that simple. It's so extremely beautiful that we have not only the temptation but the desire of listen it again when it ends. That explains the amount of youtube videos dedicated to the track or the amount of transcriptions from such piece :O In fact, to date, there were "only" 2 transcriptions in stock: the Liz Xu Wilson's version and the Toccata538's version. Today we introduce you a third version and comes by the hand of Teddy leongshe. It's a complex version so keep your hands ready.
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Si les gustan las piezas para piano, notaran que esta version tiene influencias "Claydermanescas", no solo por el acompañamiento caracteristico del piano sino por el arreglo instrumental que tiene el video. En una parte la melodia pasa a ser tocada por otro instrumento y el piano solo toca el acompañamiento. Esta ausencia de melodia queda patente en el midi (hecho en base a la partitura) pero extrañamente le queda bien, razon por la cual decidi no incluirla. El autor me dijo que tal vez haria otra pieza de saint seiya asi que esten atentos a su canal ;)
If you like the piano pieces you'll notice that this version has some Clayderman's influence, not only because of the characteristic piano accompaniment but for the instrumental arrangement in the video. In one part, the melody is played by another instrument and the piano plays only the accompaniment. This absence of melody is evident on the midi (made from the sheet music) but for some reason it fits well so i decided to not include it. The autor said that maybe he'll do another Saint seiya piece so stay tuned to his channel ;)
·Nombre Ingles internacional : Sad brothers
·Nombre original japones : 哀しき兄弟たち
·Nombre japones en Romaji: kanashiki kyoudai tachi
·Traduccion japonesa: Sad Brothers / Hermanos tristes
·Disco/Album: Original Soundtrack I (OST 1)
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Cantante de Scat/Scat Singer: Kazuko Kawashima 川島和子
·Nº de Track: 09
·Duracion : 4:38
Links directos
Como regla general no pongo links directos a las partituras (hotlinking) pero el autor ya lo hizo en su video asi que creo que no hay problema :D / As general rule, i don't post direct links to the sheet music (hotlinking) but the autor already did that in his video so i think there's no problem :D
PDF--> http://www.teddyleongshe.com/Saint%20Seiya-Sad%20brothers-piano.pdf
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