"Sad Brothers" es una de las mejores piezas musicales de Saint Seiya. Asi de simple. Es tan extremadamente bella que, al finalizar, muchos tenemos no solo la tentacion sino el deseo de escucharla de nuevo. Eso explica la cantidad de videos en youtube solamente dedicados al track o la cantidad de transcripciones de la misma :O En realidad hasta el momento "solo" habia 2 transcripciones en existencia: La version de Liz Xu Wilson y la version de Toccata538. Hoy les presentamos una tercera version y viene de la mano de Teddy leongshe. Es una version compleja asi que preparen las manos.
"Sad Brothers" is one of the best musical pieces in Saint Seiya. It's that simple. It's so extremely beautiful that we have not only the temptation but the desire of listen it again when it ends. That explains the amount of youtube videos dedicated to the track or the amount of transcriptions from such piece :O In fact, to date, there were "only" 2 transcriptions in stock: the Liz Xu Wilson's version and the Toccata538's version. Today we introduce you a third version and comes by the hand of Teddy leongshe. It's a complex version so keep your hands ready.
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miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2014
martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014
Otro tab luciferiano >:) 
La melodia de esta pieza musical es uno de los Leitmotivs del OST de la 4ta. pelicula de Saint Seiya: "Los caballeros del zodiaco contra Lucifer" y por lo tanto, merecia tener su tab :P Fue usada como ending de dicha pelicula y en ella podemos escuchar la grandiosa voz de kazuko Kawashima :D Esta pieza solo se escucho en la pelicula. Muchos la confundiran con "Last holy wars", que es la que suena en la escena de despedida de los caballeros dorados. Son parecidas pero no son la misma.
The melody of this musical piece is one of the leitmotivs from the 4th saint seiya movie's OST: "Warriors of the final holy battle", therefore it deserved to have a tab :P It was used as the ending in that movie and the marvelous voice that you hear belongs, of course, to Kazuko Kawashima :D This piece was only played in the movie. Many people confuse it with "Last holy wars" which is the one played in the Gold Saints' goodbye scene. They're very similar but not the same.

The melody of this musical piece is one of the leitmotivs from the 4th saint seiya movie's OST: "Warriors of the final holy battle", therefore it deserved to have a tab :P It was used as the ending in that movie and the marvelous voice that you hear belongs, of course, to Kazuko Kawashima :D This piece was only played in the movie. Many people confuse it with "Last holy wars" which is the one played in the Gold Saints' goodbye scene. They're very similar but not the same.
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