And that's how the prologue of the Hades - Elysion chapter began. In the background you can hear the violin from the track "Bell of angelus prayer", one of the best from the OST 8 album.
miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2015
A millones de planetas y billones de agujeros negros...
Y asi empezaba el prologo de las ovas de Hades - Campos Eliseos y de fondo sonaba el violin introductorio del track "Bell of angelus prayer", uno de los mejores del disco OST 8.
And that's how the prologue of the Hades - Elysion chapter began. In the background you can hear the violin from the track "Bell of angelus prayer", one of the best from the OST 8 album.

And that's how the prologue of the Hades - Elysion chapter began. In the background you can hear the violin from the track "Bell of angelus prayer", one of the best from the OST 8 album.
miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2015
Pegasus Forever para piano (Version 2)
Muchas veces uno hace un trabajo y si bien el trabajo esta bien hecho, siempre puede mejorarse. En este caso decidi hacer una "mejor" version de la partitura de Pegasus Forever. Mas cercana a la version TV Size, incluyendo el organo y el final. Esta actualizacion solo me tomo... 10 años!! pero bueno, Saga tardo mas tiempo en encontrar la armadura de Sagitario, no? ^_^¿
Many times one do a good work and even if the work is well done, it always can be improved. In this case i decided to do a "better" version of the Pegasus Forever' sheet music. Closer to the TV Size version and including the organ and the ending. This update only took... 10 years!! but whatever, Saga needed a lot more time in finding the Sagittarius cloth, right? ^_^¿
Many times one do a good work and even if the work is well done, it always can be improved. In this case i decided to do a "better" version of the Pegasus Forever' sheet music. Closer to the TV Size version and including the organ and the ending. This update only took... 10 years!! but whatever, Saga needed a lot more time in finding the Sagittarius cloth, right? ^_^¿
lunes, 9 de febrero de 2015
Partitura del caballero fantasma...
Esta partitura es, lisa y llanamente, una rareza. La pieza musical es corta, se escucho solo en 1 par de escenas en la serie y no la van a encontrar en los OSTs de Saint Seiya. En la pelicula de Eris suena cuando ikki se prepara para ejecutar su tecnica "las alas ascendentes del fenix" (Hoo yoku ten shoo) contra Jaeger (Jaga) de Orion. En fin, una partitura para ultra fanaticos solamente ;)
This sheet music is, plain and simple, a rarity. The musical piece is short, was heard only a couple of times in the series and you won't find it in the Saint Seiya's OSTs. In the Eris' movie is played when Ikki is preparing to execute his technique "Phoenix's wing glide" (Hoo yoku ten shoo) against Orion Jaeger (Jaga). Anyway, a sheet music for ultra fans only ;)

This sheet music is, plain and simple, a rarity. The musical piece is short, was heard only a couple of times in the series and you won't find it in the Saint Seiya's OSTs. In the Eris' movie is played when Ikki is preparing to execute his technique "Phoenix's wing glide" (Hoo yoku ten shoo) against Orion Jaeger (Jaga). Anyway, a sheet music for ultra fans only ;)
Partituras/Sheet Music,
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