Era raro que nunca nos llegaran partituras de china siendo que es uno de los paises con mayor densidad poblacional y donde el mercado de saint seiya tiene algunos privilegios (Pegasus Symphony, Saint Seiya online, algunos productos piratas/truchos :P). Grande fue la sorpresa al notar que estas partituras chinas fueron de las primeras en llegar a la red ya que fueron hechas en el año... 2006! y recien ahora las encontramos! :S
It was rare that no sheet music from china came to us despite being one of the most densely-populated countries and where the Saint Seiya's market has some privileges (Pegasus Symphony, Saint Seiya online, some pirated products :P ). The surprise was big when i noticed that this chinese sheet music were one of the firsts in the net because they were made in ... 2006! and i found them until just now! :S
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Perfil TACCH en Popiano
viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015
sábado, 21 de marzo de 2015
Acordes de Itoshiki hibi
Ya me imagino el primer comentario "y...esta cancion cual es??!!" En vista de que ya se nos estan acabando las canciones conocidas de Saint Seiya, este va a ser un comentario recurrente :P Dicha composicion pertenece a la "era" Omega aunque por desgracia no fue incluida en ningun capitulo. Solo la van a poder encontrar en el single "Saint Evolution".
I can imagine the first comment "so... which song is this??!!" Seeing that we're running out of Saint Seiya's known songs, this is going to be a recurrent comment :P Such composition belongs to the Omega "era" but unfortunatelly it wasn't included on any episode. It's only available in the "Saint Evolution" single.
I can imagine the first comment "so... which song is this??!!" Seeing that we're running out of Saint Seiya's known songs, this is going to be a recurrent comment :P Such composition belongs to the Omega "era" but unfortunatelly it wasn't included on any episode. It's only available in the "Saint Evolution" single.
sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015
Acordes de Saint Evolution!
Podemos anunciar oficialmente que ya tenemos los acordes de todos los openings de Saint Seiya! (al menos hasta abril :P). Solo nos faltaba el tercer opening de Saint Seiya Omega, una cancion cuya banda interprete usa mascaras graciosas como sello distintivo, al mas puro estilo "kiss". Mas alla de este detalle que muchos considerarian tonto, su musica es bastante buena y esta cancion es prueba de ello: Energica, rockera y con una melodia pegadiza. Todo eso que nos gusta :D
It can be officially annunced that we have the chords of all the Saint seiya openings! (at least until april :P). The third opening of Saint seiya Omega was the only one left, a song that belongs to a band that wears funny masks as their band distinctive seal like a kind of "kiss" style. Beyond that detail which many will consider silly, their music is pretty good and this song is a proof of that: very energetic, very rocker and with a catchy melody. All the things that we like :D
lunes, 2 de marzo de 2015
El sitio mas peligroso de todos es el cielo...
Esas fueron las palabras de Shaka en esa clasica escena donde ejecuta su tecnica "Rikudou Rinne" (6 Samsara) sobre Ikki. A medida que vemos a ikki transitar por esos 6 infiernos, escuchamos de fondo una pieza musical que es un leitmotiv perfecto de una escena terrorifica y desesperante. El segundo movimiento del track "Black Saints' challenge" es otra de las sencillas pero profundas composiciones de Seiji Yokoyama, utilizada en la serie de principio a fin e identificable por cualquier fan de Saint seiya que se precie de serlo.
Those were the words used by the gold saint Shaka in that classical scene where he executes his technique "Rikudou Rinne" (6 worlds) on Ikki. As we see ikki passes through the 6 worlds we hear in the background a musical piece that makes a perfect leitmotiv for a terrifying and distressing scene. The second movement of the track "Black saints' challenge" is another of the simple but deep compositions from the sensei Seiji Yokoyama, played since the begining until the end of the series and an identifiable piece by any Saint Seiya fan worth his/her salt.

Those were the words used by the gold saint Shaka in that classical scene where he executes his technique "Rikudou Rinne" (6 worlds) on Ikki. As we see ikki passes through the 6 worlds we hear in the background a musical piece that makes a perfect leitmotiv for a terrifying and distressing scene. The second movement of the track "Black saints' challenge" is another of the simple but deep compositions from the sensei Seiji Yokoyama, played since the begining until the end of the series and an identifiable piece by any Saint Seiya fan worth his/her salt.
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