Those were the words used by the gold saint Shaka in that classical scene where he executes his technique "Rikudou Rinne" (6 worlds) on Ikki. As we see ikki passes through the 6 worlds we hear in the background a musical piece that makes a perfect leitmotiv for a terrifying and distressing scene. The second movement of the track "Black saints' challenge" is another of the simple but deep compositions from the sensei Seiji Yokoyama, played since the begining until the end of the series and an identifiable piece by any Saint Seiya fan worth his/her salt.
Profusamente utilizada, podemos destacar algunas escenas donde se uso:
Capitulo 12: Despues de una dura batalla, finalmente Ikki vence a Hyoga "atravesandole" el corazon.// Profusely used, we can highlight some scenes where it was played:
Episode 12: After a tough battle, Ikki finally defeats Hyoga by "piercing" his heart.
Capitulo 69: Afrodita le cuenta a Shun como fue vencido su maestro Albiore. // Episode 69: Aphrodite tells Shun about how Albiore was defeated.
Capitulo 113: Poseidon regresa la flecha dorada y esta se clava en el pecho de Seiya // Episode 113: Poseidon send back the golden arrow and it hits in Seiya's chest.
Como pueden ver este tab es muy sencillo. Simplifique los acordes en 5ta a solo 1 nota para no complicarlo. Siempre que puedan usen vibratos , sobretodo si tocan esta pieza musical en un violin o cello :D //As you can see this tab is very simple. I simplified the power chords to 1 single note to make the things easier. Everytime you can you should use vibratos especially if you play this musical piece on a violin or a cello :D
·Nombre Ingles internacional : Black saints challenge
·Nombre original japones : 暗黒[ブラック] 聖闘士[セイント] の挑戦
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Ankoku [Burakku] Seitoushi [Seinto] no chousen
·Traduccion japonesa: Dark [Black] holy warrior [Saint] Challenge / Desafio del Guerrero sagrado [Caballero] Oscuro [Negro]
·Disco/Album: OST 1
·Compositor: Seiji Yokoyama 横山菁児
·Nº de Track: 08
·Duracion : 03:59
Solfeo / Solfa
b4 c#5 d5 f#5 g5 d5 e5 a4 b4 f#4
g4 b4 f#4 g4 f#5 e5 d5 b4 e4 f#4 d5 b4
a4 b5 f#5 e5 d4 e4 f#4 g4 a4 b4 f#4 e4 f#4
E |----------------2---3---0----------------------------------2------------|
B |------0-----2-3-------3---------------0-----------0-------------3---0---|
G |---------------------------------2--------------0--------0--------------|
D |-----------------------------------------4-----------4------------------|
A |---------------------------0--------------------------------------------|
E |--0------3-----------------------------------0----------------3---------|
E |----------------------------------------------------------------|
B |-----------3--0---------0------------------------0--------------|
G |--------------------2---------------------0--2------------------|
D |----2--4------------------4--2----0--2--4-----------4----2--4---|
A |--0-------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-----------------0--------------3-------------------2-----------|
Tutorial en Guitar Pro
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Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file
Escuchar / Listen
(minuto 01:16)
Enlaces relacionados
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2 comentarios:
Genial!! Se puede conseguir la parte de este tema a partir del minuto 2:36? Gracias
por el momento no o al menos yo no he encontrado a nadie que haya hecho siquiera un video con esa parte pero en cuanto tenga alguna partitura, le hago un post o de ultima coloco el enlace por aca :)
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