It was rare that no sheet music from china came to us despite being one of the most densely-populated countries and where the Saint Seiya's market has some privileges (Pegasus Symphony, Saint Seiya online, some pirated products :P ). The surprise was big when i noticed that this chinese sheet music were one of the firsts in the net because they were made in ... 2006! and i found them until just now! :S
Post original
Perfil TACCH en Popiano
Estas partituras fueron hechas por un usuario Llamado/a TACCH y fueron encontradas en un foro chino de partituras. Es un trabajo muy bueno aunque, si he de agregar algo, hay algunos errores en ciertas partes de alguna de las partituras y son transcripciones del tipo libre, es decir, no suenan tal cual el track. De todas maneras, el nivel requerido para tocarlas va de "medio" a "dificil" asi que no son cualquier cosa. Los nombres en chino en las partituras tenian poco que ver con el track original. Algo bastante comun en partituras de esa epoca donde la musica no era tan accesible como hoy (a "Era of Legend" le pone "El tema de Zeus" XD) asi que le agregue su nombre verdadero en ingles. La mayoria de las partituras y midis fueron sacadas en base a los archivos .mus originales salvo por 4 que no pude abrir ni con OVERTURE, ni con MUSE ni con ningun otro programa musical (el 1, 11, 16 y 18). Si alguien puede, me avisa como :P
These scores were made by an user called TACCH and were found in a chinese forum of sheet music. It's a very good work althought, if i can add a comment, there are some errors in certain parts of the sheets and they're free transcriptions, i.e., they don't sound just like the track. Anyway, the level required to play them goes from "medium" to "difficult" so they're not a simple thing. The chinese names in the scores didn't match with the ones in the original tracks. Something very common in the sheet music from that time where the music wasn't so accesible as it is today ("Era of Legend" is called "Zeus' theme" XD ) so i added its "true" name in english. Most of the sheets and midis here where taken from the original .mus files except for 4 that i wasn't be able to open with OVERTURE or MUSE or any other musical program (1, 11, 16 and 18). IF someone can, please tell me how :P
02-Saint of Hope (OST 3)

03-Seiiki no kutou (OST Tenkai Hen)

04-Mime's Requiem (Andromeda Shun, that fight) (OST 4)

05-Toward Valhalla Temple (OST 6)

06-String Nocturne - Death Trip Serenade

07-Remember Sadness (OST 3)

08-Cygnus, Warrior of Ice (OST 3)

09-Bell of Angelus prayer (OST 8)

10-Blue Dream (HITs 3)

11-Intense! Cosmos (OST 3)

12-Promise in protection star (OST 1)

13-Under the Wood of the World Tree (OST 4)

14 Abel's Theme (OST 5)

15-Era of Legend (OST 1)

16-Athena's theme (OST 3)
Las hojas 3 y 4 tienen una correccion hecha por mi. Generalmente siempre dejo intactas las partituras hechas por otros pero estas no son originales de TACCH y ademas es un error de notas muy grave que arruina este buen arreglo :) // The sheets 3 and 4 have a correction made by me. Generally i always leave untouched the sheet music made by other people but these scores are not originals by TACCH and also they have an tremendous error in some notes that ruins this outstanding arrangement :)

17 Sad Brothers (OST 1)

Chikyuugi (single Hades 12 hen)

Blue Forever/ Soldier Dream (Piano Fantasia)
Descargas / Downloads
Partituras TACCH PNG
Partituras TACCH PNG
Archivo Mus / Mus file
Pack partituras en .mus by TACCH
Pack partituras en .mus by TACCH
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2 comentarios:
podrian subir hana no kusami THE LOST CANVAS
>>Unknown dijo...
>>podrian subir hana no kusami THE LOST CANVAS
pronto voy a publicar una version de hana no kusari para piano ;)
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