Only i can think in releasing a sheet music of an anime weeks after its finalization instead of releasing it when the anime is on air. I deserve a big 0 in publicity and marketing ^_^¿ you'll recognize this musical piece as the theme played in the synopsis of the previous episode . Putting the opening aside (which is just a remake of Soldier Dream), this BGM has become the most representative theme for this anime and "by chance" it's called SOUL OF GOLD, something logical if we think that it carries the OST's leitmotiv.
Este es un tab bastante simple ya que solo lleva la melodia. Me habria gustado dejar un tab mas complejo pero estoy en una situacion donde no tengo ni piano ni guitarra entonces no estoy en condiciones de hacer arreglos complejos con cambio de tono. De hecho, como habran notado, tampoco inclui los acordes por el simple hecho de que no puedo sacarlos!! En el futuro, cuando ya consiga una guitarra, voy a actualizar este post con un tab mas elaborado y sus respectivos archivos (Quien hubiera dicho que era tan dificil conseguir una guitarra en el fin del mundo? :P ).
This is a very simple tab because it only has the melody. I would have like to give you a more complex tab but i'm in a situation where i don't have either a piano nor a guitar so i'm not in condition to do complex arrangements with pitch shift and else. In fact, as you have seen, i didn't include the chords either for the simple reason that i can't get them! In the future, when i can get a guitar, i'll update this post with a more elaborated tab + the respective files (who would think that it was so hard to find a guitar in the end of the world? :P)
·Nombre original japones : ソウルオブゴールド
·Nombre japones en Romaji: Souru obu goorudo
·Traduccion japonesa: Soul of Gold / Alma de oro
·Disco/Album: Sound of Gold I
·Compositor: Toshihiko Sahashi 佐橋 俊彦
·Nº de Track: 02
·Duracion : 01:41
Solfeo / Solfa
c4 d4 d#4 f4 d#4 d4 c4 a#3 c4
c4 g4 f4 g4 g#4 g4, g3 d#4 c4 d4 d#4 d4,
g3 d#4 c4 d4 d#4 f4, d4 d#4 f4 g4, d#4 f4 g4 g#4, f4 g4 g#4 a#4 g#4 g4 f4 g#4 g4,
c4 c4 c4 a#3 c4 g4 f4 g4, c4 c4 c4 a#3 c4 g4 f4 g4,
c4 a#4 c5 c5 a#4 c5 c5, c4 a#4 c5 c5 a#4 c5 c5, a#4 c5 c5,
c4 c4 c4 c4, c4 c4 c4 c4,
c4 d4 d#4 f4 d#4 d4 c4 a#3 c4
c4 g4 f4 g4 g#4 g4, g3 d#4 c4 d4 d#4 d4,
g3 d#4 c4 d4 d#4 f4, d4 d#4 f4 g4, d#4 f4 g4 g#4, f4 g4 g#4 a#4 g#4 g4 f4 g#4 g4,
c4 c4 c4 a#3 c4 g4 f4 g4, c4 c4 c4 a#3 c4 g4 f4 g4,
c4 a#4 c5 c5 a#4 c5 c5, c4 a#4 c5 c5 a#4 c5 c5, a#4 c5 c5,
a#2 c3), a#3 c4
Tab version facil / Easy version Tab
E |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |--------------------------0---0-1-0---------------------------------------0--|
D |----0-1-3-1--0--------------3-----------1---0-1-0------1----0-1-3---0-1-3----|
A |--3------------3-1-3----3-----------------3---------------3------------------|
E |--------------------------------------3--------------3-----------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |------0-1-----0-1-3--1---0----1--0--------------0---0--------------0---0---|
D |--1-3-------3---------------3---------------------3------------------3-----|
A |--------------------------------------3-3-3-1-3----------3-3-3-1-3---------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------|
B |------1-1---1-1--------1-1---1-1-----1-1-----------------------|
G |---3------3---------3------3-------3---------------------------|
D |---------------------------------------------------------------|
A |-3----------------3------------------------3-3-3-3---3-3-3-3---|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------|
E |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |--------------------------0---0-1-0---------------------------------------0--|
D |----0-1-3-1--0--------------3-----------1---0-1-0------1----0-1-3---0-1-3----|
A |--3------------3-1-3----3-----------------3---------------3------------------|
E |--------------------------------------3--------------3-----------------------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
B |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
G |------0-1-----0-1-3--1---0----1--0--------------0---0--------------0---0---|
D |--1-3-------3---------------3---------------------3------------------3-----|
A |--------------------------------------3-3-3-1-3----------3-3-3-1-3---------|
E |---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
E |--------------------------------------------------------|
B |------1-1---1-1--------1-1---1-1-----1-1----------------|
G |---3------3---------3------3-------3--------------------|
D |--------------------------------------------------------|
A |-3----------------3------------------------1-3----1-3---|
E |--------------------------------------------------------|
Descargas / Downloads
solfeo + tab / solfa + tab

Archivo Guitar pro 5 / Guitar pro 5 file
Enlaces relacionados
· Acordes de Soldier Dream (vive tus sueños y llegaras al...Saint Seiya)
· Tabs tabs de soldier Dream
6 comentarios:
Me encanto, muy buen aporte! nwn
gracias :D
Me encanta este tema, ojala lo pudieran poner pronto en partitura para piano.
Y me quedé esperando la versión completa 😢
cogedor barato podrías compartirme las partituras de piano fantasia que tengas disponible. Por favor,,,,
>>gato cosmos dijo...
>>Y me quedé esperando la versión completa 😢
Pronto!! ;)
>>fernanda diaz dijo...
>>Me encanta este tema, ojala lo pudieran poner pronto en partitura >>para piano.
Para piano no creo ya que por el momento deje el piano pero si voy a publicar el tab mas completo con los acordes. De ahi ya se puede tocar en el piano :D
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