Pegasus Forever fue la cancion utilizada como opening de las Ovas de Hades, parte Infierno y Campos Elíseos; y significo el regreso de Saint Seiya a su escencia roquera. La cancion en si es pegadiza aunque muchos fans se resistieron a sus encantos al principio. En parte porque querian a Make Up de regreso (algo que en ese momento era muy dificil). Como punto negativo podemos mencionar que esta cancion quedo un poco asociada a la era "Katsumata", es decir, al periodo en donde Saint Seiya perdio muchisima calidad tanto en animacion como en emocion por decirlo de una manera suave XD Un detalle importante es que la letra la hizo el mismisimo creador de Saint Seiya: Masami Kurumada. No seria la primera vez ya que en el disco HITS II tambien le puso letra a la cancion "We're Fearless warriors".
Pegasus Forever was the song used as opening in the Hades Ovas, chaper Inferno and Elysium; and it was the return of Saint Seiya to its rocker essence. The song itself it's catchy althought many fans resisted its charms at first. In part because they wanted the return of Make Up (Something really difficult at that moment). As a negative point, we can mention that this song stays a bit associated with the "Katsumata" era, i.e., the period where Saint Seiya lost a lot of quality not only in the animation but also in emotion (in soft words XD ). An important detail is that the lyrics were written by the Saint Seiya creator: Masami Kurumada. It wouldn't be the first time because in the HITS II album he wrote the lyrics for the song "We're Fearless warriors".
jueves, 30 de junio de 2011
lunes, 27 de junio de 2011
Seiji Yokoyama recibe un reconocimiento en japon...
Bueno, esto paso hace casi 1 mes pero por si alguien no se entero...
Nuestro buen sensei, Seiji Yokoyama, ha conseguido el 10mo lugar en una premiacion de la sociedad de derechos de autores, compositores y editores (JASRAC). Estos "premios" se dan en base a las ventas de musica (regalias) fuera de japon.
Nuestro buen sensei, Seiji Yokoyama, ha conseguido el 10mo lugar en una premiacion de la sociedad de derechos de autores, compositores y editores (JASRAC). Estos "premios" se dan en base a las ventas de musica (regalias) fuera de japon.
Well, this happened almost 1 month ago but in case you didn´t know...
Our Sensei, Seiji Yokoyama, got the 10th place in an award from the Japanese Society for Rights of Authors, Composers and Publishers (JASRAC). These awards are for the music sales (royalties) out of japan.
El Sensei Seiji Yokoyama
viernes, 24 de junio de 2011
Tabs de "Death Messenger" (el canto de la cabeza cortada)
No se como pasó. Esta pieza no me habia gustado la primera vez que la escuche, ni la segunda, ni la tercera. Y cuando la escuche en su respectiva escena en el anime tampoco me gusto. Nisiquiera en este momento puedo decir que "me gusta" pero bueno, pasa siempre: Escuchas una melodia (que hasta podes odiar) y se te queda en la cabeza como si fuera un cuchillo clavado en el craneo. No tuve otra opcion mas que hacer el tab. Ciertamente hasta senti que un poder superior me obligaba XD Ademas van 2 posts seguidos de El lienzo perdido/Lost canvas. Debe ser un embrujo...
En fin, se trata de esa pieza que suena cuando Cube realiza su tecnica sobre Aldebaran de Tauro. Aparte de ser un tab cortito, no es muy complicado. Las notas estan muy ligadas. Tengan eso en cuenta sino cuando la toquen les va a quedar no muy bien. Los que sean avanzados con la guitarra, pueden reemplazar los Slides con Hammers ;)
I don't how it happened. This piece didn't like me the first time i heard, nor the second one and nor the third one. And when i heard it in the anime scene, it didn't like me either. Not even now i can say that "i like it" but well, it always happens: You hear a melody (which you can even hate) and it stays in your head like a knife nailed in the skull. I had no choice but to make the tab. Certainly i even felt that a higher power was forcing me XD Also, there are 2 posts in a row from The Lost Canvas. It must be a spell...
Anyway, this piece is played in the scene where Cube executes his technique on Taurus Aldebaran. It's a short and a non complicated tab. The notes are very tied. Keep that in mind when you play it, if not it'll sound "not very good". The advanced guitar players can replace the slides with Hammers ;)
En fin, se trata de esa pieza que suena cuando Cube realiza su tecnica sobre Aldebaran de Tauro. Aparte de ser un tab cortito, no es muy complicado. Las notas estan muy ligadas. Tengan eso en cuenta sino cuando la toquen les va a quedar no muy bien. Los que sean avanzados con la guitarra, pueden reemplazar los Slides con Hammers ;)
I don't how it happened. This piece didn't like me the first time i heard, nor the second one and nor the third one. And when i heard it in the anime scene, it didn't like me either. Not even now i can say that "i like it" but well, it always happens: You hear a melody (which you can even hate) and it stays in your head like a knife nailed in the skull. I had no choice but to make the tab. Certainly i even felt that a higher power was forcing me XD Also, there are 2 posts in a row from The Lost Canvas. It must be a spell...
Anyway, this piece is played in the scene where Cube executes his technique on Taurus Aldebaran. It's a short and a non complicated tab. The notes are very tied. Keep that in mind when you play it, if not it'll sound "not very good". The advanced guitar players can replace the slides with Hammers ;)
martes, 21 de junio de 2011
Nuevamente "Sasha no inori" pero esta vez para piano
Hace tiempo publique los tabs y el solfeo (notas para flauta) de esta pieza ( →ir al post ). Bueno, despues de muuuuuuuucho tiempo llega la partitura para piano (si, la pereza me gano por mucho). En realidad el acompañamiento en algunas partes se complico mucho y mi espiritu perfeccionista me llevo a muchas frustraciones por lo que el proyecto se iba pateando para adelante. Basicamente esta partitura es lo mejor que pude hacer ^^ pero espero que el resultado final sea de su agrado.
Hablando un poco de este BGM, suena mucho en las escenas tranquilas (donde mayormente aparece Sasha ) pero tambien suena en una escena bastante importante de la primera temporada de The Lost Canvas/El lienzo perdido. A que no adivinan cual??! SI! una escena donde muere alguien! :P Se me esta haciendo costumbre sacar partituras de BGMs del Lost Canvas donde alguien muere (Hagan apuestas para la proxima XD). Dicha escena es la escena de la muerte de Albafica, el caballero de Piscis. Una escena mas poetica que emotiva pero, a fin de cuentas, una buena escena =)
Some time ago i published the tab and the solfa (flute notes) of this piece ( →Go to the post ). Well, after a loooooooong while the sheet music for piano is here (yes, you must blame to the laziness ). In fact, the accompaniment got complicated in some parts and my perfectionist spirit had many frustrations so the project was postponed. Basically this score is the best i can do ^^ but i hope you'll like the final outcome.
Speaking of this BGM, it's played a lot in the calm scenes (where sasha appears mostly) but it's also played in a very important scene in the first season of the Lost Canvas. Do you guess which scene is??! YES! A scene where someone dies! :P I'm taking the habit of making Sheet music from the Lost Canvas where someone dies (Make the bets for the next sheet XD). Such scene is the death of Albafica, the Pisces saint. A more poetic than emotional scene but, ultimately, a good scene =)
Hablando un poco de este BGM, suena mucho en las escenas tranquilas (donde mayormente aparece Sasha ) pero tambien suena en una escena bastante importante de la primera temporada de The Lost Canvas/El lienzo perdido. A que no adivinan cual??! SI! una escena donde muere alguien! :P Se me esta haciendo costumbre sacar partituras de BGMs del Lost Canvas donde alguien muere (Hagan apuestas para la proxima XD). Dicha escena es la escena de la muerte de Albafica, el caballero de Piscis. Una escena mas poetica que emotiva pero, a fin de cuentas, una buena escena =)
Some time ago i published the tab and the solfa (flute notes) of this piece ( →Go to the post ). Well, after a loooooooong while the sheet music for piano is here (yes, you must blame to the laziness ). In fact, the accompaniment got complicated in some parts and my perfectionist spirit had many frustrations so the project was postponed. Basically this score is the best i can do ^^ but i hope you'll like the final outcome.
Speaking of this BGM, it's played a lot in the calm scenes (where sasha appears mostly) but it's also played in a very important scene in the first season of the Lost Canvas. Do you guess which scene is??! YES! A scene where someone dies! :P I'm taking the habit of making Sheet music from the Lost Canvas where someone dies (Make the bets for the next sheet XD). Such scene is the death of Albafica, the Pisces saint. A more poetic than emotional scene but, ultimately, a good scene =)
Partituras/Sheet Music,
jueves, 16 de junio de 2011
Disco OST 3 ( La mitad de la musica que faltaba + relleno + repetidos = OST 3)
El disco OST III salio a la venta el 21 de diciembre de 1987. Para ese momento la serie se encontraba practicamente a la mitad de la saga mas importante de Saint Seiya/Los caballeros del zodiaco: Las 12 casas. Mas precisamente, en el capitulo donde Seiya, Shiryu y Shun llegan a la casa de Libra y encuentran a Hyoga en el ataud de hielo. Estrategicamente, fue el mejor momento para lanzar el disco ya que la serie estaba en su apogeo de popularidad. El manga serializado en la revista Shounen Jump, en cambio, iba ya por la parte donde Seiya se encuentra con Saga y este se revela como el caballero de Geminis.
The OST III album went on sale the december 21, 1987. By that time the series was halfway of the most important saga in Saint Seiya: The 12 Temples. More precisely, in the episode where Seiya, Shiryu and Shun came to the Libra Temple and find Hyoga inside the ice coffin. Strategically, it was the best moment to release the album because the series was in its popularity peak. The manga published in the Shounen Jump Magazine, instead, was already in the part where Seiya meets Saga and he reveals himself as the Gemini Saint.
The OST III album went on sale the december 21, 1987. By that time the series was halfway of the most important saga in Saint Seiya: The 12 Temples. More precisely, in the episode where Seiya, Shiryu and Shun came to the Libra Temple and find Hyoga inside the ice coffin. Strategically, it was the best moment to release the album because the series was in its popularity peak. The manga published in the Shounen Jump Magazine, instead, was already in the part where Seiya meets Saga and he reveals himself as the Gemini Saint.
Manga: Seiya vs Saga (en bolas) Anime: los de bronce en la casa de Libra
(Tomo 12) (Capitulo 59)
miércoles, 8 de junio de 2011
Version acustica fantastica de Pegasus Fantasy
Queria compartir con ustedes esta version acustica en guitarra de Pegasus Fantasy hecha por un fan de Saint Seiya cuyo nick era simplemente "Alan" del desaparecido foro Saint seiya zone (va, ahora esta la version 2 del foro :P ). Tanto la ejecucion como el arreglo tienen gran calidad aunque hasta el dia de hoy desconozco si la hizo con 2, 3 o 4 guitarras al mismo tiempo. Por desgracia tampoco hay tabs de este arreglo pero quien sabe, quizas Alan vea el video algun dia y nos quiera pasar las tabs XD Ahh! hagan caso omiso de los FX (efectos especiales) al final del video ^^
I wanted to share with you this acoustic version on guitar of Pegasus Fantasy made by a Saint Seiya fan who had the nick "Alan" from the extinct Saint seiya Zone forum (well, right now the forum version 2 it's online :P ). Both the performance and the arrangement have great quality but i don't know if he used 2, 3 or 4 guitars at the same time. Unfortunately there's no tab of this arrengement neither but who knows, maybe Alan'll see the video some day and will be pleased to give us the tabs XD Ahh! don't pay attention to the FX (special effects) at the end of the video ^^
I wanted to share with you this acoustic version on guitar of Pegasus Fantasy made by a Saint Seiya fan who had the nick "Alan" from the extinct Saint seiya Zone forum (well, right now the forum version 2 it's online :P ). Both the performance and the arrangement have great quality but i don't know if he used 2, 3 or 4 guitars at the same time. Unfortunately there's no tab of this arrengement neither but who knows, maybe Alan'll see the video some day and will be pleased to give us the tabs XD Ahh! don't pay attention to the FX (special effects) at the end of the video ^^
lunes, 6 de junio de 2011
Saint seiya para bailar (or whatever...)
Esto es mas una curiosidad que otra cosa. Los openings clasicos de Saint seiya en version "Para para" ( パラパラ ). Para el que no lo sepa, el "Para para" es algo asi como un baile grupal bastante popular en Japon, con coreografias predeterminadas al ritmo de la musica Eurobeat. Una suerte de evolucion de Thriller o YMCA :P Estas versiones salieron en la coleccion de discos llamada "Para Para Max CD series" y las canta Yoko Ishida (石田燿子). Seguramente notaran que las canciones parecen cortadas. Lo que pasa es que el disco entero es una especie de "enganchado" de modo que cada cancion continua a la anterior.
Les dejo los links de descarga individuales de Pegasus Fantasy y Soldier dream, y tambien de los discos enteros en caso de les hayan gustado demasiado esas versiones ^_^¿
This is more a curiosity than anything else. The classic openings from Saint Seiya in "Para para" ( パラパラ ) version. For those who do not know it, "Para para" is something like a group dance quite popular in Japan with a predetermined choreography to the rhythm of the Eurobeat music. A kind of evolution of "Thriller" or "YMCA" :P These versions were released in an album collection called "Para Para Max CD series" sung by Yoko Ishida (石田燿子). Surely you noticed that the songs sounds like they were sliced. It's because the entire album it's a sort of "megamix" so each song continues the last one.
Here you have the individual download links for Pegasus Fantasy and Soldier Dream, and also the whole albums in case you've loved too much those versions ^_^¿
Les dejo los links de descarga individuales de Pegasus Fantasy y Soldier dream, y tambien de los discos enteros en caso de les hayan gustado demasiado esas versiones ^_^¿
This is more a curiosity than anything else. The classic openings from Saint Seiya in "Para para" ( パラパラ ) version. For those who do not know it, "Para para" is something like a group dance quite popular in Japan with a predetermined choreography to the rhythm of the Eurobeat music. A kind of evolution of "Thriller" or "YMCA" :P These versions were released in an album collection called "Para Para Max CD series" sung by Yoko Ishida (石田燿子). Surely you noticed that the songs sounds like they were sliced. It's because the entire album it's a sort of "megamix" so each song continues the last one.
Here you have the individual download links for Pegasus Fantasy and Soldier Dream, and also the whole albums in case you've loved too much those versions ^_^¿
sábado, 4 de junio de 2011
Tabs del Ending de Hades santuario (kimi to onaji aozora)
Este tab resulto un poco mas facil que el de Chikyuugi aunque tambien tuvo su dificultad. Al parecer las canciones cantadas por mujeres son mas complejas vocalmente hablando :P Recordar que este tab es el de la version "Tv Size" y que la misma es diferente a la version full que viene en el single. Vocalmente no estoy seguro de que haya diferencias pero les aviso por las dudas.
This tab was a little easier than the one for Chikyuugi even when it was difficult too. Looks like the songs sung by women are very complex, vocally speaking :P Remember that this tab is from the "Tv Size" and is different than the "full version" that comes with the single. Vocally i'm not sure about diferences between them but i warn you just in case...

This tab was a little easier than the one for Chikyuugi even when it was difficult too. Looks like the songs sung by women are very complex, vocally speaking :P Remember that this tab is from the "Tv Size" and is different than the "full version" that comes with the single. Vocally i'm not sure about diferences between them but i warn you just in case...
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